Posted by DougOut on 5/9/2017 9:28:00 PM (view original):
Whoever it is, they got to clean up the intelligence agencies.
Obama used them to illegally spy on Republicans and sway the election. A lot of dirty Dems need to go to jail.
Draining the swamp starts with cleaning the barn. Out with the old Obama politicos and in with Fresh patriots.
Find the criminals in the intelligence agencies working for the criminals in the democrat party.
Put them all in jail.
This is exactly it. Trump supporters want the Swamp Drained.
This is a part of that. The FBI has become a political arm of the government. Needs change.
On top of this... these idiot media people keep expecting this to be politics as usual... Comey's firing was a corporate firing, not a political firing. Thats because Trump was elected as a businessman to CHANGE how the political system works. The media is too dumb to see it from their bubbles.... the people that voted for Trump get it because they live this EVERY SINGLE DAY. Produce, or get canned.