Posted by bad_luck on 4/21/2017 2:42:00 PM (view original):
When you hear someone say black lives matter, what do you think they mean?
The biggest problem with the BLM movement is the total lack of rationality and consistency. They treat every case where a black person dies at the hands of police equally. And they're not all equal. Some are killed by black cops. Some are killed by white cops, with black police chiefs saying it was justifiable. Some of them just plain deserved it. When a black man dies at the hands of a black cop and those cops get targeted too, then it just becomes an excuse to further an anti-police agenda - it's no longer about race at that point.
There are some pretty serious cases of cops unjustly gunning down black men (Walter Scott, Eric Garner, etc.), and those cases should be protested and brought to light. But when you lump that in with a case where a black guy points a loaded gun at, or attacks a cop and gets shot for his efforts, you lose all credibility. Case and point - Michael Brown, the one who started the recent movement. There is video footage of him committing a violent crime shortly before being killed, and there were witnesses saying he jumped the cop and tried to get his gun. But of course all you hear from his family is what an angel he was and how he didn't deserve it, and then they burn down a city. Do you think that's going to get people to take your cause seriously?