Posted by bad_luck on 3/22/2017 7:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 3/22/2017 7:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 3/22/2017 7:03:00 PM (view original):
About everything. Even you, the biggest Trump Knob Gobbler west of David Duke, have to admit that these first 60+ days haven't gone well.
Flynn was forced out over the Russia stuff, the ACA repeal is going to fail, his approval rating is in the 30's, the Muslim ban was a clusterfuck, Mexico isn't paying for the wall, the wall won't get built, he's under FBI investigation...this is a dumpster fire.
If he simply gets gorsuch on the supreme court he has done more than you'll ever know. Had Hillary put a liberal in that seat I would have been miserable for the next 30 years. Most of that other stuff is just noise. I do think he gets repeal and replace accomplished. You'll see.
He's a populist, why would he want to repeal and replace now that the ACA is so popular?
I don;t think the Senate should confirm Gorsuch now that we're in the last year of Trump's presidency.
WTH makes you think the ACA is "so popular"?
People who aren't effected by it hate it, and people who are effected by it hate it. That's the word from real-life people who actually know, not some journalist making sheit up and passing it off as "news". Get out of your basement and talk to people and you'll find out just how "popular" it is.