Posted by bad_luck on 3/10/2017 5:18:00 PM (view original):
"The people who stand to lose the most in tax credits under the House Republican health plan tended to support Donald J. Trump over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, according to a new Upshot analysis.
Over all, voters who would be eligible for a tax credit that would be at least $1,000 smaller than the subsidy they’re eligible for under Obamacare supported Mr. Trump over Hillary Clinton by a seven-point margin.
The voters hit the hardest — eligible for at least $5,000 less in tax credits under the Republican plan — supported Mr. Trump by a margin of 59 percent to 36 percent."
BTW, I read the full article. Basically, this falls under "Fake News" because this is the New York Times matching two disparate surveys to create a narrative that may or may not be factually true. They didn't actually check to see that the two data sets correlated beyond the demographics or that the data sets actually intersected at some point. In essence, their process was "Some old people might pay more depending on how much Obamacare they were using" and correlated that with "Lots of old people voted for Trump" and built a ******, faux-journalism "story".
And dumbasses like Bad_Luck quoted it because it supported their view, even when it's complete garbage.
Because he's a dumbass.