Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

Little boy having another temper tantrum.
2/28/2017 11:42 AM
  1. The draft proposal for the Trump Adminisylum's plan to fight ISIS included input from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, whose combat experience most recently includes all-out war with the boys in marketing over whether Exxon should keep using a tiger mascot.
  2. Pres. ******* Trump reportedly signed off on his press secretary checking staffers' phones to see if they were leaking **** to the press and on Friday's decision to block some members of the press from a briefing, which they were able to find out about later thanks to staffers leaking **** to the press.
  3. Republicans are facing growing opposition to ObamaCare repeal from Republican governors, because once you give government benefits to Republican governors, it's hard to end their dependence on big government.
  4. The newly efficient, private-sector-style Congress is already almost done investigating Pres. ******* Trump's Russia ties, as indicated by the fact that congressional leaders have already figured out the investigation's conclusions.
  5. Pres. ******* Trump said on Monday that nobody knew health care was complicated, adding that he is in touch with everyday Americans.
  6. The State Dept. Tweeted congratulations to an Oscar-winning Iranian and then deleted the Tweet and claimed it was given the wrong envelope.
  7. While the Justice Dept. of Attorney General Jeff Sessions is being rightly assailed for dropping the DOJ's long-standing legal battle against Texas' 2011 voter-ID law as intentionally discriminatory, the amazing ******* news about this was that Sessions is so far standing by the claim that the law is discriminatory in effect. So, like, that's good, right? Yay!
2/28/2017 11:47 AM
Trump Budget To Do for America What He Did for His Businesses: Bankrupt It
In a major speech by a major ******* Tuesday night, Pres. ******* Trump will address a joint session of Congress to lay out details of the preliminary budget proposals he made on Monday, which would put America on the same path he has taken his businesses: Down a trailer-park shithole.

******* Trump's plan calls for cutting $54 billion from agencies such as the State Department and the Environmental Protection Agency. Congressional Republicans Monday night said they were unhappy that the plan does not call for cutting Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security benefits, which they are hoping to present as a fun surprise to Trump's voters.

However, military analysts say that cutting funds from the EPA will make it easier to defend America, since there would be less American land worth defending after more rivers and marshlands and nice places are Trumped into piles of toxic corporate detritus and vile, poisonous ****.

Additionally, gutting America's diplomatic efforts would be made up for by spending $54 billion above current legal spending caps on the military, which will need the extra weaponry to handle the consequences of gutting diplomatic efforts.

News that ******* Trump plans to cut domestic spending in order to expand the military came on the same day as reports of a new, draft plan for fighting ISIS that calls for increasing the number of American soldiers dying in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East. Historians will recall that spending trillions of dollars on military bullshit in the Middle East instead of on our own country is exactly what ******* Trump campaigned on not doing back in 2016.

******* Trump's plan to spend more money on guns also came on the same day that the U.S. military began another wave of cutbacks in services to America's men and women in uniform due to ******* Trump's hiring freeze. The plan to emulate Pres. George W. Bush's career arc in the Middle East also also came on the same day yet another Bush fatality was buried.

Air National Guard veteran Annie Muller served in Iraq--right next to burn pits spewing clouds of chemicals even more toxic and dangerous than the new Trump budget. Muller died one week ago of pancreatic cancer that she blamed on exposure to the burn pits.

Muller is survived by three children and a president dedicated to making their lives even shittier. She was 36 years old.
2/28/2017 11:50 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/28/2017 9:08:00 AM (view original):
Meh. All I see in the news is Trump's "War on the Media". Sounds like an egotistical bastard attacking some self-centered dipshits. Not sure anything else is happening in the world. I've had to start watching the local news to get something besides the WotM.
Admit that you're a closet Trump fan.
2/28/2017 11:58 AM
It is a crowded closet for Mike.
2/28/2017 12:02 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 2/28/2017 11:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/28/2017 9:08:00 AM (view original):
Meh. All I see in the news is Trump's "War on the Media". Sounds like an egotistical bastard attacking some self-centered dipshits. Not sure anything else is happening in the world. I've had to start watching the local news to get something besides the WotM.
Admit that you're a closet Trump fan.
That would be untrue. I'm at the point where I run from political discussions because I no longer have a "side". I generally say "I just wish he'd get the **** off twitter" and walk away when I run across the moys of the world.
2/28/2017 12:24 PM
There's more than one?
2/28/2017 12:47 PM
Way more than I thought there would be.
2/28/2017 12:50 PM
We the people!!! #TrumpNation
2/28/2017 1:14 PM
not something I would brag about
2/28/2017 2:42 PM
Posted by RCBracco on 2/28/2017 11:42:00 AM (view original):
Little boy having another temper tantrum.
Dumbass ******* Bracco thinks it's humor when he posts it, yet hatred when others post it. Continuing to whine and cry when he gets back what he tries to give-out shows just what a true Liberal he is. Truths, rules, regulations and boundaries are for other people, but not him. Are we sure he was a Bernie fan, because every day he acts more and more like Clinton.
2/28/2017 3:38 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 2/28/2017 2:42:00 PM (view original):
not something I would brag about
2/28/2017 3:45 PM
2/28/2017 3:50 PM
Posted by all3 on 2/28/2017 3:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by RCBracco on 2/28/2017 11:42:00 AM (view original):
Little boy having another temper tantrum.
Dumbass ******* Bracco thinks it's humor when he posts it, yet hatred when others post it. Continuing to whine and cry when he gets back what he tries to give-out shows just what a true Liberal he is. Truths, rules, regulations and boundaries are for other people, but not him. Are we sure he was a Bernie fan, because every day he acts more and more like Clinton.
Looks like I really know how to push the little boys buttons.
2/28/2017 4:13 PM
Actually, I'm kinda amused whenever the media takes stupid things and tries to build a story/narrative around it. It's steadily eroded their credibility, and the mainstream media and Hollywood (and Bracco) are oblivious to just how petty and ridiculous they look when they harp on meaningless issues. Trump is doing (and will do more) dumb or ill-advised things. Rather than racing to post about trivial screwups, they'd be better served (as we all would be) if they waited until he did something that was actually important to our lives.

Bad policy making = news
Trump's tweets = not news

Bad budgetary choices = news
Conway/Slicer getting trivial stuff wrong = not news
2/28/2017 4:20 PM
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Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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