Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

2/2/2017 1:53 PM

Democrats declared war on America and free speech yesterday. They also attacked women and gays. Dressed in the garb of their heroes, the Isis terrorists, a small part of the militant arm of the Democrat party attacked an educational institution and tried to burn down the library. The anti-education democrats, who have attacked education for over half a century in their effort to make Americans stupid and weak like they are, also hate free speech. The target of their attack was a gay man trying to make a speech. The homophobic democrats were unsuccessful and only managed to attack unarmed women who were alone.

The violent anti-gay anti-woman rights terrorist democrats, stirred up recently by the anti-American democrat leadership in Washington DC, were wearing their masks while trying to subjugate people like they have subjugated the people of color trapped and enslaved in their party...too afraid to speak out. The terrorist democrats have not been this angry since Republicans took their slaves away from them.

Take extreme caution if you go out in public. Should you see crazy masked Demo-Nazis marching around, go the other way and immediately call the police. Keep your doors locked at all times until the crisis passes and the war is over.

BEWARE LIES from democrats on the web. People who lie about the news or make bets and don't keep them.

2/2/2017 2:21 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 2/2/2017 11:17:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 2/2/2017 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Guess that means Bracco is no true American. Obviously he and others are planning on whining about their loss for 4 years, figuring they'll win the next election. They're not realizing how many more people they are turning away by continuing their whining. Ironically, they're making Trump even more popular. Thanks dumb@ss.

I applaud Trump for doing many of the things he promised to do before elected. Keeping promises is in itself much more than I could have expected from Clinton.
I love how you say, "making Trump even more popular," as he hovers around a 40% approval rating.

He is not popular. He is not becoming more popular.

On the plus side, Trump probably learned yesterday who Fredrick Douglass is (and that Douglass isn't still alive).

During January 17, 1993 pre-Inaugural tour of Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home, shown live by C-SPAN, Al Gore asks of busts of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Marquis de Lafayette: "Who are these people?" Also along on the tour: wife Tipper as well as Bill and Hillary Clinton.
2/2/2017 3:03 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 2/2/2017 11:17:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 2/2/2017 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Guess that means Bracco is no true American. Obviously he and others are planning on whining about their loss for 4 years, figuring they'll win the next election. They're not realizing how many more people they are turning away by continuing their whining. Ironically, they're making Trump even more popular. Thanks dumb@ss.

I applaud Trump for doing many of the things he promised to do before elected. Keeping promises is in itself much more than I could have expected from Clinton.
I love how you say, "making Trump even more popular," as he hovers around a 40% approval rating.

He is not popular. He is not becoming more popular.

On the plus side, Trump probably learned yesterday who Fredrick Douglass is (and that Douglass isn't still alive).

If you can't understand that things like Berkeley ARE making more people support Trump, then you're as dumb and blind as . . . well, as you've always been. Seriously, how could any rational person think things like that are actually good for them?
2/2/2017 4:20 PM
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Trying to explain anything to all3 makes YOU dumber. Good luck with that.
2/2/2017 4:39 PM

Thursday, February 02, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

2/2/2017 5:51 PM
Posted by DougOut on 2/2/2017 5:51:00 PM (view original):

Thursday, February 02, 2017

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

2/2/2017 6:55 PM
Posted by all3 on 2/2/2017 4:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/2/2017 11:17:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 2/2/2017 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Guess that means Bracco is no true American. Obviously he and others are planning on whining about their loss for 4 years, figuring they'll win the next election. They're not realizing how many more people they are turning away by continuing their whining. Ironically, they're making Trump even more popular. Thanks dumb@ss.

I applaud Trump for doing many of the things he promised to do before elected. Keeping promises is in itself much more than I could have expected from Clinton.
I love how you say, "making Trump even more popular," as he hovers around a 40% approval rating.

He is not popular. He is not becoming more popular.

On the plus side, Trump probably learned yesterday who Fredrick Douglass is (and that Douglass isn't still alive).

If you can't understand that things like Berkeley ARE making more people support Trump, then you're as dumb and blind as . . . well, as you've always been. Seriously, how could any rational person think things like that are actually good for them?
Trump won the election because 83% of the counties in the US were sick and tired of watching the other 17% throw a fit and/or riot every time they disagree with something. They wanted a person with a backbone to stand up to that crap. They got their man in Trump.
2/3/2017 9:04 AM
It's funny how you guys think Trump is doing a bad job. So far despite all the hubbub Trump has held true to his promises....

Temporarily banned immigration from terrorist infested countries until Congress can figure out how to vet better

Deregulated the finance and energy sectors

Repealed Obamacare's mandate

put a hiring freeze on government jobs

Authorized the building of a southern border wall

Will get all of his nominees for his cabinet confirmed

Is bringing jobs (good paying) jobs back to the USA such as Ford, GM, Carrier, Alibaba to create 1 million jobs, the pipelines for 40k jobs, the just announced Japan/US deal to create 700,000 jobs.....

Removed obstacles to build the Dakota and XL pipelines.

Named a supreme court nominee of his 'approved' list and Gorsuch will get the nod without a filibuster.

That's a hell of a lot of promises kept for an administration that's got no clue ;)

2/3/2017 9:15 AM
2/3/2017 10:11 AM
Posted by MikeT23 on 2/2/2017 4:39:00 PM (view original):
Trying to explain anything to all3 makes YOU dumber. Good luck with that.
Thanks as always for you ultra informative and enlightening post.
Still can't imagine how pathetic your life must be that the best, and apparently only, thing you have to do is hate and name-call on a sports site's Forum pages.
You obviously need more help than any President, or anyone else, can ever give you.
2/3/2017 10:35 AM
Posted by moy23 on 2/3/2017 9:04:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 2/2/2017 4:20:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 2/2/2017 11:17:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 2/2/2017 10:02:00 AM (view original):
Guess that means Bracco is no true American. Obviously he and others are planning on whining about their loss for 4 years, figuring they'll win the next election. They're not realizing how many more people they are turning away by continuing their whining. Ironically, they're making Trump even more popular. Thanks dumb@ss.

I applaud Trump for doing many of the things he promised to do before elected. Keeping promises is in itself much more than I could have expected from Clinton.
I love how you say, "making Trump even more popular," as he hovers around a 40% approval rating.

He is not popular. He is not becoming more popular.

On the plus side, Trump probably learned yesterday who Fredrick Douglass is (and that Douglass isn't still alive).

If you can't understand that things like Berkeley ARE making more people support Trump, then you're as dumb and blind as . . . well, as you've always been. Seriously, how could any rational person think things like that are actually good for them?
Trump won the election because 83% of the counties in the US were sick and tired of watching the other 17% throw a fit and/or riot every time they disagree with something. They wanted a person with a backbone to stand up to that crap. They got their man in Trump.

He won because the electoral college system is quirky and a bunch of people on the left had sour grapes about Sanders.

Clinton got more votes than Trump.
2/3/2017 11:20 AM
Posted by moy23 on 2/3/2017 9:17:00 AM (view original):
It's funny how you guys think Trump is doing a bad job. So far despite all the hubbub Trump has held true to his promises....

Temporarily banned immigration from terrorist infested countries until Congress can figure out how to vet better

Deregulated the finance and energy sectors

Repealed Obamacare's mandate

put a hiring freeze on government jobs

Authorized the building of a southern border wall

Will get all of his nominees for his cabinet confirmed

Is bringing jobs (good paying) jobs back to the USA such as Ford, GM, Carrier, Alibaba to create 1 million jobs, the pipelines for 40k jobs, the just announced Japan/US deal to create 700,000 jobs.....

Removed obstacles to build the Dakota and XL pipelines.

Named a supreme court nominee of his 'approved' list and Gorsuch will get the nod without a filibuster.

That's a hell of a lot of promises kept for an administration that's got no clue ;)

"Repealed Obamacare's mandate" - he didn't do that yet (and probably won't).

"Authorized the building of a southern border wall" - This wall will never be built.

"Deregulated the finance and energy sectors" - He installed the Exxon CEO as Sec of State, then repealed the law forcing energy companies to disclose payments to foreign governments, and now he plans to lift Russian sanctions. This is a huge corruption problem for everyone.

And he already reversed on his promise to leverage prescription drug prices.

He's a failure. Well, more specifically, he's a failure to people that don't own Exxon or prescription drug companies.
2/3/2017 11:25 AM
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Trump: Worst President Ever? Topic

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