TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

(CNN) —

A member of the Nebraska Democratic Party said he was “glad” House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot at a congressional baseball game practice and wished the Louisiana Republican was dead.

In the expletive-laced recording, Phil Montag, then the volunteer co-chairman of the Nebraska Democratic Party’s technology committee, blamed Scalise for seeking to take away people’s health care coverage through the Republican bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

“This motherf***er, like, his whole job is like to get people [to] convince Republicans to f***ing kick people off f***ing health care,” Montag can be heard saying in the recording in reference to Scalise.

When he made the remarks, Montag was speaking to Chelsey Gentry-Tipton, the chairwoman of the state Democratic Party’s Black Caucus, and her friend, Destin Madison, according to the Omaha World-Herald and Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb.

It’s unclear how the conversation began, but the recording on YouTube starts with Madison asking, “So what is it you want to do?”

Gentry-Tipton responds to Montag’s complaints by saying, “We know all of this.” Madison later is audible telling Montag that he has been recording him and plans to release the audio of their conversation.

“I hate this motherf***er. I’m f***ing glad he got shot. I’m glad he got shot,” Montag says on the tape.

“So then say something. So then say something,” Gentry-Tipton responds.

“I’m not going to f***ing say that in public,” Montag replies.

“You don’t have to say that in public. Then say something, say something,” Gentry-Tipton says again as Madison asks, “Well then, what are you saying it to us for? What are you telling us for?”

“I wish he was f***ing dead,” Montag then says of Scalise.

“Why are you telling us, but not telling anyone else?” Madison asks.

“I’m trying to f***ing – because I’m trying to f***ing figure out (inaudible)” Montag says.

Gentry-Tipton has come under fire for remarking on Facebook earlier this month that she thought it was “so funny” to watch congressmen “crying on live tv” about the trauma they experienced in the shootings at the Republican congressional baseball practice, according to the World-Herald. In the same chain, the World-Herald reported she wrote, “The very people that push pro NRA legislation in efforts to pad their pockets with complete disregard for human life. Yeah, having a hard time feeling bad for them.”

The comments prompted the state Democratic Party leadership to call for Gentry-Tipton’s resignation as Black Caucus chairwoman, but she refused to do so, saying in a statement on Facebook that her posts were taken out of context by party officials and that she would not resign “at this point,” the World-Herald reported.

1/15/2021 9:31 AM
Comparing the president of the United States’ comments to a state party caucus chairperson.

1/15/2021 9:46 AM

An army of lawyers descended on the Wisconsin city of Kenosha on Tuesday to prey on the family of Jacob Blake and fan the flames of mob violence.

Sure enough, a few hours later, two people were shot dead in another night of rioting, arson and destruction, spurred on by politicians, lawyers and other faithless opportunists.

Another Democrat-run American city suffering at the hands of the violent BLM-Antifa wing of the Democratic Party, which has been deputized to influence the outcome of the November election.

After two nights of mayhem, the predatory attorneys, led by George Floyd lawyer Ben Crump, staged a press conference designed to maximize anger about Sunday’s police shooting of Blake, who reportedly was wanted on warrants for domestic violence and sexual assault, and appeared on video to be resisting arrest.

Biden was no better, leaping to judgment Monday in a grievance-mongering statement: “We are at an inflection point. We must dismantle systemic racism.”

It wasn’t until Wednesday, after the violence turned deadly, that Biden gingerly followed Jackson’s example: “Violence that endangers lives, violence that guts businesses … is wrong.”

1/15/2021 9:51 AM
1/15/2021 9:57 AM

© Getty Images

After two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies were shot in their heads last Saturday night, a small group of protesters gathered at the hospital where the two deputies were being treated (they are expected to survive). According to an eyewitness, some protesters were chanting “death to the police, kill the police, and they were using all types of curse words and derogatory terms about the police.”

The suspect in the shootings has not been arrested and his motives are unknown. But the ugly scene outside the hospital is a good reason to examine extreme leftwing hate speech and incitement to violence. In fact, according to a just-released report, this type of rhetoric is rapidly spreading on extreme left social media.

The report, titled “Network-Enabled Anarchy,” was prepared by the independent Network Contagion Research Institute, which tracks hate speech across social media, in collaboration with the Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience at Rutgers University. The report is a follow up to an earlier NCRI study of the “boogaloos,” an extreme rightwing movement bent on starting a second Civil War. Boogaloos, according to charges brought against several of them by federal prosecutors, plotted to firebomb a U.S. Forest Service facility and killed a security officer at a federal courthouse.

1/15/2021 9:58 AM
1/15/2021 9:58 AM
1/15/2021 10:01 AM
1/15/2021 10:12 AM

PITTSBURGH (AP) — Joe Biden is mounting a more aggressive offense against President Donald Trump with a rare public appearance Monday where he will say that a second term for Trump will mean more violence in America’s streets — not less.

Watch Biden’s remarks in the video player above.

“Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?” Biden plans to say in a speech from Pittsburgh. “We need justice in America. And we need safety in America. We are facing multiple crises – crises that, under Donald Trump, keep multiplying.”

The speech was made as Biden steps up his travel after largely remaining in his home in Wilmington, Delaware.

1/15/2021 10:24 AM


I watch the Democrats accuse the president and conservatives for inciting violence and divisiveness every day. But it’s the exact opposite that’s truly happening. There are literally thousands of videos showing Democrat supporters and leftist extremist groups instigating and committing unprovoked and despicable violence against innocent people of all ages.

What have these innocent people done to provoke attacks from those acting like degenerates? Well they have done awful things such as wear a MAGA hat or Trump shirt in public, wear a police uniform while on duty, visit a college campus to give a speech or they stand their ground while they exercise their right to free speech.

If we had an unbiased national press, words like anarchy, assault, and lawlessness would be used to describe these horrible acts. The incessant violence is being carried out by cowards. They hide their identity and attack in groups like wolves attacking prey. What really bothers me is these cowards are proud of their hateful acts. There is nothing more un-American than attacking innocent and defenseless people.

How many times have the Democrats, or their lap-dog media pundits, rebuked ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the countless LGBT and Pro-Choice groups or college campus groups for irrefutable acts of violence? Not one time. In fact, I contend they protect these people who act like wild animals and savages.

This Thursday last, President Trump gave a speech to more than 19,000 energetic supporters inside the Target Center in Minneapolis. While the huge crowd of citizens watched the president deliver a classic rally speech like only Trump can, they had no idea that evil awaited them outside in the streets.

Hundreds of masked and hooded antagonists had gathered outside. News outlets later called them “peaceful protesters,” but they were not there to protest. These hoodlums were there to attack.

When the people exited the venue, these cowards unleashed their leftist rage on anyone they could corner.

They proceeded to commit some of the most disgusting and heinous acts I have seen. They threw human urine and feces on people, burned MAGA hats, accosted reporters, called cops “pigs” while yelling “save a life, kill a cop” and physically attacked innocent people.

If that’s what the national media calls “peaceful” protesters, I would hate to know what they call violent protestors.

As the vicious crowd began their brutal assault, one video captured the disturbing scene where three communist flags were being waved above the crowd. How disturbing is that?

On another video a group of masked ANTIFA cowards can be heard yelling, “there’s a Nazi over there, get him” before they chased down a man walking alone. The group of at least five assailants slapped, kicked, pushed and punched the man before he ran away bloodied and terrified.

In another act of true classlessness, one Trump supporter was being interviewed on camera when a protestor spit directly in his face. The man exhibited strong emotional control, something these protesters will never have, and simply whipped off the spit and continued to explain why he supports President Trump and loves America.

How did the national media report these disturbing assaults? Multiple news outlets used the same headline: “Protesters Square Off After Trump Rally.” But there was no such “square off,” it was a planned assault from the beginning.

The Democrats neither rebuked nor condemed this violence, which indicates they condone such vile acts. This is more evidence of the ongoing Leftist violence, and not one Democrat has publicly denounced the barbarity.

Why won’t Democrats publicly denounce their supporters’ brutality? I?believe the Democrats are getting exactly what they want. They want violence and chaos to divide the American people.

1/15/2021 10:35 AM

Trump incites fascist violence in Georgia

1/15/2021 10:42 AM
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1/15/2021 10:56 AM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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