Some of us bring this stuff up because we find it disorienting and cognitively disturbing as wondering whether we are living in Alice’s wonderland and need reassurance that we are not alone.
let me direct your attention to yesterday’s news of the attempted kidnapping and murder of the
Michigan governor by a very large group of bugaboo and other right wing miltia.
since it wasn’t auntifa - it has never been yeti -
trump fails to say a ******* thing about such a major major momentous thing but the piece of **** - apologies to all pieces of **** and the fly - lashes out at the here but for the grace of god governor fact he bashed her several times.
he is a very very evil man.
and piece of ****.
if his Covid went downhill and he dies I say good riddance.
what he has done to this country can never ever be forgiven or forgotten and I pray that he ends up in jail and dies in jail.