TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

There is climate change but I am not sure what percentage is due to man vs. natural Earth, etc. China is one of the biggest polluters on Earth but I think in the US we are trying to be better about it via recycling, energy efficient appliances, solar power and electric cars. My issues with the Liberals is that they do not like to debate they always go to the emotional side and call me racist, white supremacist, insensitive, etc. Impossible to have a logical argument when you start throwing emo darts.

1/4/2018 2:02 PM
Posted by DougOut on 1/4/2018 1:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 1/4/2018 1:04:00 PM (view original):
Right wingers grasping at straws to blame liberals for everything. NEWSFLASH No liberals blame Trump for Climate Change!

Thinking humans of all stripes will blame the "fools" who ignored the obvious factual evidence because it didn't fit their political narrative.
Your OWN Grandchild will blame YOU for not believing the facts and attempting to mitigate a serious problem.
The taxpayers will blame the Repugs. when they are having to foot the bill for the relocation (and water resistant construction) of multiple military bases, and abandonment of seaside communities.

The region of No. Arizona (Colorado Plateau Region) just completed the driest quarter in recorded HISTORY on 12/31/2017.
Still no snow anywhere in sight in Flagstaff (one of the 10 snowiest cities in the U.S.--historically). The state just completed our 3rd straight warmest year record in a row!!
Non-acceptors of the FACT of climate change are self absorbed fools stealing from their Grandchildren.
Just like the Republican party stealing from their Grandchildren to give tax breaks to their benefactors!

The evil doers masquerading as middle class friendly Repugs. will pay the price quite soon!
Sheep are stupid. Not all humans are. SOME will wake up and realize they're being sheared.
When that occurs they wont stand for it. The shaky "governing alliance" now in place (out of necessity) between the fruit-cake WH and the traditional Repugs. still in Congress will bust into full fledged civil war delivering the Gov't in FULL measure to the Dumbocrats!!

That's when things really go bad!!
Don't you folks read history books?

BTW. Happy New Year!! We better enjoy every one we got left!
I'm a big believer in climate change. The next big Ice Age is coming. These warm spells only last about 20,000 years.
Laugh all you want Dougie. Once in a great while I find you amusing. But then a wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse............

For the purposes of tolerance, I'll chock this one up to a poor attempt at a joke.
You can explain your flippancy and unconcern to your own Grand Children.

On this point I find you booring.......... not amusing.
The facts are clearly in and there IS a word for those who choose to ignore reality.

Rather than name call, I'll just point out that voices shown to be foolish are just ignored by those that know better.
Ask anyone.......... see IF you get an answer.
1/4/2018 2:04 PM
Obama was criticized by many publicly. Many of his own party were disillusioned that he was not lefty enough and it wasn't hard to find articles/opinion pieces that said as much. Especially when it came to health care reform(lack of single payer option), drone attacks, being in bed with big business(the numbers don't lie that big biz killed it during Obama's tenure), lack of lobbyist reform, the stimulus didn't go far enough, lack of infrastructure can go on and on.

The big difference between the two is that Obama wasn't an inarticulate tool that couldn't put two sentences together, like Trump is. Look at all the things coming out about Trump...he didn't want to be president...he saw it as a way to make more money, and that's all that he cares about. Enriching him and his family and friends. Trump is a blowhard who makes everything about himself. That's his problem.
1/4/2018 2:06 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 2:02:00 PM (view original):
There is climate change but I am not sure what percentage is due to man vs. natural Earth, etc. China is one of the biggest polluters on Earth but I think in the US we are trying to be better about it via recycling, energy efficient appliances, solar power and electric cars. My issues with the Liberals is that they do not like to debate they always go to the emotional side and call me racist, white supremacist, insensitive, etc. Impossible to have a logical argument when you start throwing emo darts.

China is quickly moving to the head of the class in using clean/renewable energy.
1/4/2018 2:14 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 1:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 12:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 1/4/2018 11:24:00 AM (view original):
Trump-haters were expecting record lows over the summer?
Pretty sure last week, coupled with next week, will close greatly close that 3-1 gap being touted last page, and we still have the 2 coldest months of Winter remaining ahead.
Again, just another thing for those haters to try to criticize Trump about, that makes them look like raving loons.
I have no idea why you are attributing people concerned with global warming to "Trump haters". The global warming crew has been around way before Trump was in office. People criticizing Trump do so because it's obvious he has no clue as to the difference between weather and climate.

When you are seeing record highs and record lows in the same year, I think one can start to rightfully look to abnormal disruptions in the natural order of things.
BHO was beyond reproach but he made many mistake in his eight years. At least in my opinion he did. Why do you think he was not criticized publicly? Double standard?
Hey Boris. Hope the league's draft gets going quickly!!

Obama was NOT beyond reproach and said so himself many times. Nor was he perfect and certainly he made mistakes. All do.
Your bias becomes zeal when you make claims such as "he was not criticized publicly". It makes you look silly!
You never heard of Fox News!? For 8 freaking years they made it into an art form. Beat up on him repeatedly for nothing other than ratings!! And they weren't the only one! Get real!

On the other hand......... can anyone even Imagine the current POTUS even acknowledging a misstatement??? Much less a mistake, or an error, or an actual transgression??? (Like an unwanted sexual advance?? ha ha)

As the "yorkers" say Fawgettt About It!!!
The absolute pinnacle of arrogance and perceived superiority!! Humility is an H and Donald didn't get that far in the dictionary...........not enough attention span,,,,,,,,, and it wasn't on the TV Monitor OR Fox News!

I am glad he inherited such an economic "mess" didn't he call it? How about giving some credit for the economy where it is DUE???
Just where was the economy in Jan. of 2009?
1/4/2018 2:16 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 1/4/2018 2:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 1/4/2018 1:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 1/4/2018 1:04:00 PM (view original):
Right wingers grasping at straws to blame liberals for everything. NEWSFLASH No liberals blame Trump for Climate Change!

Thinking humans of all stripes will blame the "fools" who ignored the obvious factual evidence because it didn't fit their political narrative.
Your OWN Grandchild will blame YOU for not believing the facts and attempting to mitigate a serious problem.
The taxpayers will blame the Repugs. when they are having to foot the bill for the relocation (and water resistant construction) of multiple military bases, and abandonment of seaside communities.

The region of No. Arizona (Colorado Plateau Region) just completed the driest quarter in recorded HISTORY on 12/31/2017.
Still no snow anywhere in sight in Flagstaff (one of the 10 snowiest cities in the U.S.--historically). The state just completed our 3rd straight warmest year record in a row!!
Non-acceptors of the FACT of climate change are self absorbed fools stealing from their Grandchildren.
Just like the Republican party stealing from their Grandchildren to give tax breaks to their benefactors!

The evil doers masquerading as middle class friendly Repugs. will pay the price quite soon!
Sheep are stupid. Not all humans are. SOME will wake up and realize they're being sheared.
When that occurs they wont stand for it. The shaky "governing alliance" now in place (out of necessity) between the fruit-cake WH and the traditional Repugs. still in Congress will bust into full fledged civil war delivering the Gov't in FULL measure to the Dumbocrats!!

That's when things really go bad!!
Don't you folks read history books?

BTW. Happy New Year!! We better enjoy every one we got left!
I'm a big believer in climate change. The next big Ice Age is coming. These warm spells only last about 20,000 years.
Laugh all you want Dougie. Once in a great while I find you amusing. But then a wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse............

For the purposes of tolerance, I'll chock this one up to a poor attempt at a joke.
You can explain your flippancy and unconcern to your own Grand Children.

On this point I find you booring.......... not amusing.
The facts are clearly in and there IS a word for those who choose to ignore reality.

Rather than name call, I'll just point out that voices shown to be foolish are just ignored by those that know better.
Ask anyone.......... see IF you get an answer.
I reserve the following space to answer your accusations. You can run but you can't hide.
1/4/2018 3:07 PM

Your post is above. You say you're not laughing. Neither am I.

You seem to think the coming Ice Age is a joke. I'm willing to learn new things and consider new and better science, but unless the universe has flipped, what we were taught in school in the 1960's about evolution and the Big Bang and ice ages...still hold true today.

Not all scientists work for the weather channel. Some dig up bones and others decipher ancient texts and even more relate to us historical writings from the not too distant past in dialects not much changed since the fall of Rome. Linguistic scientists who reach back from Latin and Greek into linear tablets.

These are the scientists we all relate to and depend on to be non-political putting craft and truth over money. So there is no flippancy. This is science.

And I find it hard to believe you were not taught in our public system of education, that Ice Eras far exceed warm periods.

NOW....if that has changed and you can provide me with material discovered since my graduation, I would be more than willing to listen.

BUT HERE'S WHERE YOU RUB ME WRONG: You tell us 97% but you can't back it up. We're not in the Stone Age pal. I can make a poll on anything and get 97% my way if I want to. The 97% NUMBER YOU GUYS KEEP REPEATING AD NAUSIM allows me to know it's false. You can't get 97% agreement on anything including Family Feud. YOU INSULT US when you propose 97% of "SCIENTISTS" agree on ANYTHING! And then you insult us even more by NEVER changing the percentage. Why not 98%. HELL! Just make it 99%. FAKE NEWS FAKE POLLS.


I have looked at these generated weather models. They don't make any sense. I defy any of you to post and make sense of any one of them.I don't know which one you are using.

I doubt any of you has attempted to look at one or question the authority that insists you back down because you're too stupid to understand.

I understand lawyers make lawyer talk to protect their profession. I understand all too well institutions of governmental bureaucracy will maim and murder for self preservation. I understand the LEFTIST need to attack and mislabel everything in an effort to keep control.

What I don't understand is why a profession that is based solely on science has to be politicized. Except I do.

The left has to politicize everything and every institution to maintain control. And you're making a mess of it.

I don't expect you to know, heed, learn, care or change. You people are on autopilot. Self destruct. There's something in you.

There is no moral compass. There is a mantra of mush attempting to imitate and replicate. Ever-changing and never-ending.

Usually wrong and never accepting. I'm not laughing. This isn't a joke. The Ice age is coming. Just like AL GORE and global warming...You're not gonna see it.

1/4/2018 4:46 PM (edited)
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 2:06:00 PM (view original):
Obama was criticized by many publicly. Many of his own party were disillusioned that he was not lefty enough and it wasn't hard to find articles/opinion pieces that said as much. Especially when it came to health care reform(lack of single payer option), drone attacks, being in bed with big business(the numbers don't lie that big biz killed it during Obama's tenure), lack of lobbyist reform, the stimulus didn't go far enough, lack of infrastructure can go on and on.

The big difference between the two is that Obama wasn't an inarticulate tool that couldn't put two sentences together, like Trump is. Look at all the things coming out about Trump...he didn't want to be president...he saw it as a way to make more money, and that's all that he cares about. Enriching him and his family and friends. Trump is a blowhard who makes everything about himself. That's his problem.
  • ACA is a mess
  • Our foreign relations are terrible. We gave money to Iran, Palestine, Pakistan, Iraq, etc. who used it to fund terror attacks and terror groups
  • TPP was terrible. Even Sanders agreed.
  • He kept interest rates artificially low to prop up the stock market. Under his leadership GDP never went above 3% in any quarter.
  • BLM rose on his watch. Race relations suffered and the nation became too PC.
  • We never had worse relations with Israel, our only ME ally than we did under his watch.
  • ISIS happened on his watch.
  • Benghazi happened on his watch.
BHO was a divider. I saw VERY FEW negative stories about him in liberal rags like the Boston Globe, NYT, Wash Post. Or TV stations like MSNBC and CNN.

So far under Trump the economy has thrived, I feel better about our national security, I like that he told the UN nations to F off and share in paying for the programs and he moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He told Pakistan to stop playing us for fools with their dirty regime. He put North Korea in their place. He may not be as eloquent as BHO in terms of reading from a prompter but his actions speak louder than words. In my opinion he has done what he said he would do when he ran and illegal immigration is down significantly.

We can agree to disagree civilly. But I think the Media is very biased vs. the right and that makes me, a moderate, lean right.
1/4/2018 3:10 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 1/4/2018 2:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 1:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 12:41:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 1/4/2018 11:24:00 AM (view original):
Trump-haters were expecting record lows over the summer?
Pretty sure last week, coupled with next week, will close greatly close that 3-1 gap being touted last page, and we still have the 2 coldest months of Winter remaining ahead.
Again, just another thing for those haters to try to criticize Trump about, that makes them look like raving loons.
I have no idea why you are attributing people concerned with global warming to "Trump haters". The global warming crew has been around way before Trump was in office. People criticizing Trump do so because it's obvious he has no clue as to the difference between weather and climate.

When you are seeing record highs and record lows in the same year, I think one can start to rightfully look to abnormal disruptions in the natural order of things.
BHO was beyond reproach but he made many mistake in his eight years. At least in my opinion he did. Why do you think he was not criticized publicly? Double standard?
Hey Boris. Hope the league's draft gets going quickly!!

Obama was NOT beyond reproach and said so himself many times. Nor was he perfect and certainly he made mistakes. All do.
Your bias becomes zeal when you make claims such as "he was not criticized publicly". It makes you look silly!
You never heard of Fox News!? For 8 freaking years they made it into an art form. Beat up on him repeatedly for nothing other than ratings!! And they weren't the only one! Get real!

On the other hand......... can anyone even Imagine the current POTUS even acknowledging a misstatement??? Much less a mistake, or an error, or an actual transgression??? (Like an unwanted sexual advance?? ha ha)

As the "yorkers" say Fawgettt About It!!!
The absolute pinnacle of arrogance and perceived superiority!! Humility is an H and Donald didn't get that far in the dictionary...........not enough attention span,,,,,,,,, and it wasn't on the TV Monitor OR Fox News!

I am glad he inherited such an economic "mess" didn't he call it? How about giving some credit for the economy where it is DUE???
Just where was the economy in Jan. of 2009?
Forget Fox News. Was he criticized ever on college campuses, places like MSNBC, CNN, NYT, Boston Globe? Please share some links.
1/4/2018 3:11 PM
I won't bother. You said media bias. I say Fox News. Enough said. Never before have we had a network as an arm of a political party.
Left wing media bias my ***. Where's the "left-wing" talk radio. THAT medium is dominated by (far) right-wing (corporate-owned!) by a margin of at least 10-15 to one! It's been that way for (basically) ever. I worked in media! I've watched the media for years........ it has NEVER been dominated by the left. Neither have many college campuses. BUT, in the last twenty years I've SEEN right-wing media dominate our national political discourse. Intentionally spin to one side, in the case of the Murdochs! IF there is any media bias it is most definitely RIGHT wing.

Take it from somebody who's watched far longer! A year extra longer as of yesterday!
1/4/2018 3:22 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 3:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 2:06:00 PM (view original):
Obama was criticized by many publicly. Many of his own party were disillusioned that he was not lefty enough and it wasn't hard to find articles/opinion pieces that said as much. Especially when it came to health care reform(lack of single payer option), drone attacks, being in bed with big business(the numbers don't lie that big biz killed it during Obama's tenure), lack of lobbyist reform, the stimulus didn't go far enough, lack of infrastructure can go on and on.

The big difference between the two is that Obama wasn't an inarticulate tool that couldn't put two sentences together, like Trump is. Look at all the things coming out about Trump...he didn't want to be president...he saw it as a way to make more money, and that's all that he cares about. Enriching him and his family and friends. Trump is a blowhard who makes everything about himself. That's his problem.
  • ACA is a mess
  • Our foreign relations are terrible. We gave money to Iran, Palestine, Pakistan, Iraq, etc. who used it to fund terror attacks and terror groups
  • TPP was terrible. Even Sanders agreed.
  • He kept interest rates artificially low to prop up the stock market. Under his leadership GDP never went above 3% in any quarter.
  • BLM rose on his watch. Race relations suffered and the nation became too PC.
  • We never had worse relations with Israel, our only ME ally than we did under his watch.
  • ISIS happened on his watch.
  • Benghazi happened on his watch.
BHO was a divider. I saw VERY FEW negative stories about him in liberal rags like the Boston Globe, NYT, Wash Post. Or TV stations like MSNBC and CNN.

So far under Trump the economy has thrived, I feel better about our national security, I like that he told the UN nations to F off and share in paying for the programs and he moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He told Pakistan to stop playing us for fools with their dirty regime. He put North Korea in their place. He may not be as eloquent as BHO in terms of reading from a prompter but his actions speak louder than words. In my opinion he has done what he said he would do when he ran and illegal immigration is down significantly.

We can agree to disagree civilly. But I think the Media is very biased vs. the right and that makes me, a moderate, lean right.
That's not logical. Why should the way the media leans or is biased have any bearing on your views? If you know they are biased, don't pay any attention to them. It would be logical for you to make up your own mind regardless of what anyone else thinks or says, or prints.
1/4/2018 4:18 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 1/4/2018 3:22:00 PM (view original):
I won't bother. You said media bias. I say Fox News. Enough said. Never before have we had a network as an arm of a political party.
Left wing media bias my ***. Where's the "left-wing" talk radio. THAT medium is dominated by (far) right-wing (corporate-owned!) by a margin of at least 10-15 to one! It's been that way for (basically) ever. I worked in media! I've watched the media for years........ it has NEVER been dominated by the left. Neither have many college campuses. BUT, in the last twenty years I've SEEN right-wing media dominate our national political discourse. Intentionally spin to one side, in the case of the Murdochs! IF there is any media bias it is most definitely RIGHT wing.

Take it from somebody who's watched far longer! A year extra longer as of yesterday!
I don't listen to talk radio:


All left wing
1/4/2018 4:27 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 1/4/2018 4:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 1/4/2018 3:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by The Taint on 1/4/2018 2:06:00 PM (view original):
Obama was criticized by many publicly. Many of his own party were disillusioned that he was not lefty enough and it wasn't hard to find articles/opinion pieces that said as much. Especially when it came to health care reform(lack of single payer option), drone attacks, being in bed with big business(the numbers don't lie that big biz killed it during Obama's tenure), lack of lobbyist reform, the stimulus didn't go far enough, lack of infrastructure can go on and on.

The big difference between the two is that Obama wasn't an inarticulate tool that couldn't put two sentences together, like Trump is. Look at all the things coming out about Trump...he didn't want to be president...he saw it as a way to make more money, and that's all that he cares about. Enriching him and his family and friends. Trump is a blowhard who makes everything about himself. That's his problem.
  • ACA is a mess
  • Our foreign relations are terrible. We gave money to Iran, Palestine, Pakistan, Iraq, etc. who used it to fund terror attacks and terror groups
  • TPP was terrible. Even Sanders agreed.
  • He kept interest rates artificially low to prop up the stock market. Under his leadership GDP never went above 3% in any quarter.
  • BLM rose on his watch. Race relations suffered and the nation became too PC.
  • We never had worse relations with Israel, our only ME ally than we did under his watch.
  • ISIS happened on his watch.
  • Benghazi happened on his watch.
BHO was a divider. I saw VERY FEW negative stories about him in liberal rags like the Boston Globe, NYT, Wash Post. Or TV stations like MSNBC and CNN.

So far under Trump the economy has thrived, I feel better about our national security, I like that he told the UN nations to F off and share in paying for the programs and he moved the embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He told Pakistan to stop playing us for fools with their dirty regime. He put North Korea in their place. He may not be as eloquent as BHO in terms of reading from a prompter but his actions speak louder than words. In my opinion he has done what he said he would do when he ran and illegal immigration is down significantly.

We can agree to disagree civilly. But I think the Media is very biased vs. the right and that makes me, a moderate, lean right.
That's not logical. Why should the way the media leans or is biased have any bearing on your views? If you know they are biased, don't pay any attention to them. It would be logical for you to make up your own mind regardless of what anyone else thinks or says, or prints.
Don't tell me how to think. When idiot reporters on Yahoo! constantly try to brain wash the readers into thinking their beliefs are the right ones I will for spite go against them.
1/4/2018 4:28 PM
1/4/2018 4:29 PM
Posted by RCBracco on 1/4/2018 4:29:00 PM (view original):
LOL - Bracco. I love laughing at your expense. Silly old fool.
1/4/2018 4:30 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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