Peru is the worst disaster for Covid.
If they had the population of the USA they would have about 2.1 million deaths.
They have lost about 1 out of 165 people in that country.

That is flabbergasting.
12/16/2021 2:05 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 12/16/2021 1:16:00 PM (view original):
Covid News Update

Mature Reader Discretion Advised

In the past 60 days the rate in the USA has gone from 1 out of 500 to 1 out of 412.

There is currently a daily average of 1,327 deaths each day and that number is about to explode again.
I read that and pooped my drawers. better hide in the shell. stay indoors (no fresh air for this kid)

I find the whole drama kind of boring, You want to believe the end is now here? Fine.. but nobody knows that day.. and I also don;'t believe those numbers..

Anyhow this goes nowhere.. except in the circle jerk.. Waste of time

U R ok though Jetson..
12/16/2021 2:05 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 12/16/2021 8:34:00 AM (view original):
Yea, well, St. Joseph's Hospital is now FULL. 1000's of rooms, all filled. No rooms available for folks like George E. who has to wait 2 weeks (HOPEFULLY!!) for a hospital bed to open up so's HE can have his triple bypass open heart surgery...........IF he lives long enough to GET the surgery.

FACTS are tough nuts to crack. The FACT is that in Arizona our Hospitals are FULL of folks with the Covid -19 (Delta variety) so much so that NO ONE can get any other necessary medical treatment. (requiring Hospitalization)

Covid - 19 is NOT a hoax. It is NOT some political campaign to prepare you for the mark of the beast.
What exactly the "mark" of the beast not known to us.
It MIGHT be your Gov't ID ## (Soc. Sec. # in the US) but I doubt it.
If so, we's ALL in trouble.

I tell you this BC pal. I won't knowingly take ANY mark of the beast.
In fact, I'll join you on the world's streets battling that 1 world Gov't over trying to make me take it.
I'll carry my pistol. Think it'll be enough?
There will be no battle against the one world government. People will buy into it hook line and sinker
12/16/2021 2:06 PM
Im keeping it real.
12/16/2021 2:07 PM
On the Child Tax Credit and Build Back Better

This month is the last check unless there is renewal.
I know that the plan originally was a 10 year extension or 5 year renewal.
It doesnt look like 5 years is possible.

Maybe after a voting rights carve out ( lets hope )
they will return to the table on build back better and pass something and that could include Imo a 1 year renewal maybe 2.

In any event as important as that is real money to really fight climate change must be the top priority and they should not compromise down any of that even if it means no money for the other goals including child credit.
12/16/2021 4:57 PM


You should read an article discussing the new report from Colombia University.
They are saying that Omicron might be wholly or mostly resistant to the shots including the booster.

Some are saying this is like the flu but data is not complete yet to draw that conclusion ( not from article - based on my reading ).

MOST ALARMING! - the report days that the mutation could be just one or two steps away ( new mutations )
from being pan resistant to current antibodies.

If that happens AND the evolution is also lethal we got
big trouble everywhere.
Then you have a Michael Crichton movie.
12/16/2021 9:07 PM
The best rock and roll album i’ve heard in the past 3 years by a recent artist is Juillet by the group Attendant Ana. A french group this album is their second.
It needs a good stereo system to fo it real justice although it is also a good headphone album.

It has a very crunchy 60s psychedelic guitar sound but garage as well and if you like jimi hendrix sound this might be up your alley. It is a full sonic but condensed sound and is actually unique.
I recommend this album esp if you like the above types of music.

It will most probably make my 500.

12/17/2021 6:53 PM
On Covid and About Schmidt

I provide information and updates because I believe it is better to have knowledge and facts and well based postulations about what may be coming.

I dont have fear and it is not about fear.
It is the unknown that causes fear.

The more you know the more you can know what to expect and how to live with it and be smart.

There is constantly new information about mutations and medicines and vaccines.

My posts are for the smart people who want to live free and face reality without blinders.

In my humble opinion life should be lived with hope but not blind faith.
Hope requires action and faith is a passive voice reliant upon good fortune or divine providence.

So i have compassion for those in our society choosing to exercise an intended diminished capacity and mocking people who abhor living with their heads in the sand or up their ***. I have some compassion for them but I also condemn those people.

It is not about fear. It is about respect for life.
12/18/2021 11:35 AM (edited)
Covid News

It is being forecast that there will be a staggering 1 million new cases each day in the very near future from the 2 variants.
It is still unclear how severe the new variant is to the the fully vaccinated and the unvaccinated targets.

In any event hospitals will be swamped everywhere and people with other illnesses will die because of lack of hospital beds.

It is fair to conclude that over 4 the next months the very vast majority of unvaccinated adults who are not shut ins will get one of the 2 variants.
You know what they say about things catching up.
12/20/2021 1:50 PM (edited)
Fun Fact about Bing Crosby and White Christmas

Bing Crosby first recorded it in 1942. Back then the masters were on wax and due to such high demand the wax master wore out and he had to ho back in the studio to re- record it in 1947. He later recorded it again in 1955 and that one is the most popular.

May your days be merry and bright.
12/20/2021 2:15 PM
Interesting Christmas Songs - Part Two

I bet you didn’t know that Frank Sinatra co- write the lyrics of this song. It wasn’t a fake credit like Elvis got in his very early days.
Sinatra co- wrote lyrics on 7 songs and two of them have very poignant and outstanding lyrics - I’m a Fool to Want You which i think is in a top 10 list of all songs he ever sang and This Love of Mine which is also a great song. Sinatra wrote all of the lyrics if that song in 1941 while singing with the Tommy Dorsey Band.
12/20/2021 3:54 PM (edited)

Between December 30 and Jan 10 will be one of the most important times in the health history of the country since the 1918 - 1920 killer influenza and the creation of the polio vaccine and sugar cubes and the initial period of Covid - 19.

Between December 30 and January 10 we will get an idea as to how serious the new variant is.
It has a truly staggering transmissibility. Two weeks ago it was .003% of the covid here. Last week it was 3% and now it is already 73% of the covid.

The forecast is 1 million fresh cases every day and it is very very fair to expect the very vast number of unvaccinated people to get it.

If it as lethal as original covid and delta there could be 10 thousand deaths per day and collateral death caused by no hospital beds because of the unvaccinated taking away their chance to get hospital care.

We will know for sure if this country will have over 2 million dead by May 1.
12/20/2021 9:46 PM
In conjunction with the above Kavanaugh is being asked to fast track appeals from the Biden mandates for large companies. He will present it to the entire supreme court to see if it will be heard or if it will stay in the federal court appeals process.

Obviously a lot will ride on whether the conservatives allow for this vital executive action.
12/20/2021 9:50 PM
I dont think BBB is dead.
If will be way scaled back and I will be happy if it has everything to fight climate change and the the child tax credit money.

The rest can wait.
Something like that will happen and that will be just fantastic.
12/21/2021 11:16 AM
Washington Post has an article that says Manchin made his offer of 1.8 trillion - it had the climate money and Obamacare expansion money and universal pre -k for 10 years.

It excluded the child tax credit and new medicare benefits.
Not that off the mark.

Maybe the dems will have to decide between the pre - k or the child checks because there wont be both or maybe child checks for one year.
12/21/2021 3:33 PM
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