Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

Posted by Lennybruce26 on 6/18/2024 6:34:00 PM (view original):
And while I am at it I truly do consider the vast majority of the MAGA politicians and the vast majority of the MAGA base to be inferior in terms of intellect and normalcy and of the Judeo - Christian values they are constantly shoving in people’s faces and understand so so little. They are the worst of the worst in every calibration of being a good American since the days of Joseph and Charley McCarthy.

Behold the Monster You Created

Say what you will about us on the Right, but we are willing to call out or own when they start embarrassing themselves or misrepresenting the rest of us. We keep blowhards like Majorie Taylor-Greene at arm's length. We've long since tired of hearing Hannity turn every other conversation into a banal trumpeting of his martial arts skills. The door hit George Santos on the way out.

But aside from a few noble voices, the Left refuses to do any such thing within its own camp.

My gut feeling is that your traditional liberal (the sophomoric yard signs and the Tesla, yes, but also the secure corporate job in the quiet, bourgeois neighborhood) feels uneasy with the crazed mobs spilling into the streets every time they don't get their way. That sort of thing used to happen five neighborhoods away. Then four neighborhoods away. Then three neighborhoods away.

And that sort of unhinged rioting used to happen once in a generation. Then once every few years. Then once every few weeks.

Yet the suburban traditional liberal continues to vote Democrat because of abortion. Or some nonsense about the rich paying their "fair share." Or climate change. Or any number of manufactured grievances designed not so much to solve a tangible problem than to make a certain class of educated voters feel righteous about themselves.

They cast their votes on the Machiavellian calculation that the mob was useful as a lever from which to derive unconditional surrenders from congressional Republicans (never a difficult feat to begin with). They calculated that such antics would never be allowed to fester uncontrolled so long as the victims were conservatives who deserved it. They calculated that, once the mob had served its usefulness, it would disperse, much as the German elitists and corporate leaders once thought they could do with their own street thugs.

Well, my friends. You miscalculated.

You supported the LBGTQ agenda without question when it was being shoved in the noses of uppity Christians. But you have since discovered that what "love is love" really means is that mediocre males are allowed to dominate women's sports (and invade their locker rooms) and that you are expected to applaud along.

You supported Obamacare because it felt virtuous, and all the democrat socialists of Scandinavia were doing it, and you didn't want to side with Paul Ryan pushing a wheelchaired grandmother off a cliff (in reality, it's more likely a wheelchaired grandmother pushing Paul Ryan off a cliff). But you have since discovered the laws of economics don't care a fig about your feelings and that a sharp increase in medical costs coupled with a sharp decrease in available doctors isn't the utopia they sold you.

You supported open borders and sanctuary cities to entrench a permanent Democrat voting base. But you have since discovered that perhaps millions upon millions of illegals weren't necessary to secure swing states in which a few thousand votes would suffice. The hordes now overrunning the cities and suburbs are less interested in voting than in joining robbery gangs, dealing drugs, demanding entitlements, and depressing wage rates. Your kids' schools have been appropriated for shelters, and the illegal aliens elsewhere in public encampments are demanding free legal representation and "culturally appropriate" food.

You supported drug legalization on the farce that you cared about boosting tax revenues when in reality you just wanted to enjoy your daily edible because apparently your life in the first world, middle-upper class, most privileged society in recorded history is just too unbearable without cannabis to ease your omnipotent suffering. But you have since discovered that they never intended legalization to end with cannabis, and your once-beautiful city is now a feces-covered open-air fentanyl market.

You supported "green energy," not because you really believed the end-is-nigh sidewalk prophets outside the Davos fleshpots but because it was trendy and hip and got you accolades at your neighborhood's fair trade coffee shop. But you have since discovered that 8th-century technology cannot power your 21st-century needs and also that the nations who pollute worse than we do aren't making the same sacrifices (nor, you may have noticed, do those Davos elites).

You supported the draconian COVID mask mandates and travel restrictions because Science Is Real©, and the only opposition came from flyover state knuckle draggers who think the earth is flat. Though the jackboot government dictates had an eerie test-run-for-next-time feeling, you were more worried that your friends would ostracize you as a "denier" if you didn't follow in the hallowed footsteps of Saint Fauci. But you have since discovered that your collective Chicken Little freakout set back our schools, our economy, and pretty much all societal progress for at least two years and that the face diaper police lied to us about almost everything.

You supported the movement to defund the police, not because of any evidence whatsoever of systemic racism in policing, but because your life is a spiritual sewer and, to fill the void, you need a cause to cling to. So long as the chaos occurred only on the inner city streets of the minorities you claim to support, you were content to posture along. But you have since discovered that there are few takers in the world of would-be police applicants to play your willing scapegoat. The sharp decline in police retention nationwide has resulted in the George Floyds of the world getting ever more comfortable branching out into once-safe neighborhoods to engage in their "underprivileged" behavior.

Let us also not forget that you supported the Occupy takeovers of yester-decade. You supported the state rotunda takeovers by unionized thugs. You supported the BLM riots. You supported the CHAZ in Seattle and similar secessionist movements in other cities. You supported the attacks on churches and pregnancy centers after the Dobbs ruling. You supported the Stalinist show trial against Brett Kavanaugh, as well as the mob that tried to storm the Supreme Court to prevent his swearing-in.

You supported the attack by James Hodgkinson against Republican congressmen playing baseball. You supported the attack on Rand Paul by his neighbor. You supported the campus attacks against conservative speakers and activists. You supported every random street attack against anyone wearing a MAGA hat.

You supported every act of violence, censorship, social coercion, government repression, and outright insurrection so long as it was seen as beneficial to advancing your agenda and, more importantly, as long as it never affected you personally. These shock troops are disciples of the secular religion that you — yes, you, traditional liberals — have propagated for decades. With your winks and nods, you have taught them that trampling other people's rights in pursuit of your cause du jour is both permissible and preferable.

And the entire time, you told us that "this is what democracy looks like."

You are who Lenin accurately referred to as "useful idiots." But I'm not so sure that you still support what democracy "looks like," now that it "looks like" it has reached your front yard. When they scream that they want to burn the entire country to the ground, they mean exactly that. The monster that you constructed, animated, fed, riled up, and let roam free to dispatch your political enemies is now peering through your bay window, staring at you with a ravenous look in its eyes that evinces neither "solidary" nor "inclusion" with you.

Frankenstein's monster always comes home to his castle.

6/18/2024 6:38 PM
if there is one man i know does not give one damn about jesus it is trump

catholics and evangelicals and other such zionist desperados

tryin to turn back the clock

hookin their wagon to the whirlwind

you freaky jesus believers

be american patriots

vote biden make it stop
6/19/2024 1:28 AM
The first debate ( can it be a debate when 1 party is in full hatred mode and will lie like he is getting paid per lie ? ) has some new rules.

1. Mute mikes when it is not your turn
2. No studio audience
3. Nobody is there except the candidates and the moderators. No guests.

I think these rules will inure to Biden’s benefit.
It will make Trumpler’s threats and implied violence more sinister because there will be no screaming idiots to give approval and comfort to Trumpler.

Missing a pack of rabid crazies might be disorienting for Trumpler.
And there might be many legal traps for Trumpler. He could violate the gag order or defame someone or give prosecutors evidence in one of his criminal cases or to the plaintiffs in one of his civil cases.

I can see him saying that he can’t answer on advice of counsel or some variation of that. It might be Christmas day for lawyers opposing him across his legal matters

Trumpler is gagged. Biden has Gaga..
6/19/2024 8:00 AM (edited)
Posted by DougOut on 6/18/2024 6:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 6/18/2024 6:34:00 PM (view original):
And while I am at it I truly do consider the vast majority of the MAGA politicians and the vast majority of the MAGA base to be inferior in terms of intellect and normalcy and of the Judeo - Christian values they are constantly shoving in people’s faces and understand so so little. They are the worst of the worst in every calibration of being a good American since the days of Joseph and Charley McCarthy.

Behold the Monster You Created

Say what you will about us on the Right, but we are willing to call out or own when they start embarrassing themselves or misrepresenting the rest of us. We keep blowhards like Majorie Taylor-Greene at arm's length. We've long since tired of hearing Hannity turn every other conversation into a banal trumpeting of his martial arts skills. The door hit George Santos on the way out.

But aside from a few noble voices, the Left refuses to do any such thing within its own camp.

My gut feeling is that your traditional liberal (the sophomoric yard signs and the Tesla, yes, but also the secure corporate job in the quiet, bourgeois neighborhood) feels uneasy with the crazed mobs spilling into the streets every time they don't get their way. That sort of thing used to happen five neighborhoods away. Then four neighborhoods away. Then three neighborhoods away.

And that sort of unhinged rioting used to happen once in a generation. Then once every few years. Then once every few weeks.

Yet the suburban traditional liberal continues to vote Democrat because of abortion. Or some nonsense about the rich paying their "fair share." Or climate change. Or any number of manufactured grievances designed not so much to solve a tangible problem than to make a certain class of educated voters feel righteous about themselves.

They cast their votes on the Machiavellian calculation that the mob was useful as a lever from which to derive unconditional surrenders from congressional Republicans (never a difficult feat to begin with). They calculated that such antics would never be allowed to fester uncontrolled so long as the victims were conservatives who deserved it. They calculated that, once the mob had served its usefulness, it would disperse, much as the German elitists and corporate leaders once thought they could do with their own street thugs.

Well, my friends. You miscalculated.

You supported the LBGTQ agenda without question when it was being shoved in the noses of uppity Christians. But you have since discovered that what "love is love" really means is that mediocre males are allowed to dominate women's sports (and invade their locker rooms) and that you are expected to applaud along.

You supported Obamacare because it felt virtuous, and all the democrat socialists of Scandinavia were doing it, and you didn't want to side with Paul Ryan pushing a wheelchaired grandmother off a cliff (in reality, it's more likely a wheelchaired grandmother pushing Paul Ryan off a cliff). But you have since discovered the laws of economics don't care a fig about your feelings and that a sharp increase in medical costs coupled with a sharp decrease in available doctors isn't the utopia they sold you.

You supported open borders and sanctuary cities to entrench a permanent Democrat voting base. But you have since discovered that perhaps millions upon millions of illegals weren't necessary to secure swing states in which a few thousand votes would suffice. The hordes now overrunning the cities and suburbs are less interested in voting than in joining robbery gangs, dealing drugs, demanding entitlements, and depressing wage rates. Your kids' schools have been appropriated for shelters, and the illegal aliens elsewhere in public encampments are demanding free legal representation and "culturally appropriate" food.

You supported drug legalization on the farce that you cared about boosting tax revenues when in reality you just wanted to enjoy your daily edible because apparently your life in the first world, middle-upper class, most privileged society in recorded history is just too unbearable without cannabis to ease your omnipotent suffering. But you have since discovered that they never intended legalization to end with cannabis, and your once-beautiful city is now a feces-covered open-air fentanyl market.

You supported "green energy," not because you really believed the end-is-nigh sidewalk prophets outside the Davos fleshpots but because it was trendy and hip and got you accolades at your neighborhood's fair trade coffee shop. But you have since discovered that 8th-century technology cannot power your 21st-century needs and also that the nations who pollute worse than we do aren't making the same sacrifices (nor, you may have noticed, do those Davos elites).

You supported the draconian COVID mask mandates and travel restrictions because Science Is Real©, and the only opposition came from flyover state knuckle draggers who think the earth is flat. Though the jackboot government dictates had an eerie test-run-for-next-time feeling, you were more worried that your friends would ostracize you as a "denier" if you didn't follow in the hallowed footsteps of Saint Fauci. But you have since discovered that your collective Chicken Little freakout set back our schools, our economy, and pretty much all societal progress for at least two years and that the face diaper police lied to us about almost everything.

You supported the movement to defund the police, not because of any evidence whatsoever of systemic racism in policing, but because your life is a spiritual sewer and, to fill the void, you need a cause to cling to. So long as the chaos occurred only on the inner city streets of the minorities you claim to support, you were content to posture along. But you have since discovered that there are few takers in the world of would-be police applicants to play your willing scapegoat. The sharp decline in police retention nationwide has resulted in the George Floyds of the world getting ever more comfortable branching out into once-safe neighborhoods to engage in their "underprivileged" behavior.

Let us also not forget that you supported the Occupy takeovers of yester-decade. You supported the state rotunda takeovers by unionized thugs. You supported the BLM riots. You supported the CHAZ in Seattle and similar secessionist movements in other cities. You supported the attacks on churches and pregnancy centers after the Dobbs ruling. You supported the Stalinist show trial against Brett Kavanaugh, as well as the mob that tried to storm the Supreme Court to prevent his swearing-in.

You supported the attack by James Hodgkinson against Republican congressmen playing baseball. You supported the attack on Rand Paul by his neighbor. You supported the campus attacks against conservative speakers and activists. You supported every random street attack against anyone wearing a MAGA hat.

You supported every act of violence, censorship, social coercion, government repression, and outright insurrection so long as it was seen as beneficial to advancing your agenda and, more importantly, as long as it never affected you personally. These shock troops are disciples of the secular religion that you — yes, you, traditional liberals — have propagated for decades. With your winks and nods, you have taught them that trampling other people's rights in pursuit of your cause du jour is both permissible and preferable.

And the entire time, you told us that "this is what democracy looks like."

You are who Lenin accurately referred to as "useful idiots." But I'm not so sure that you still support what democracy "looks like," now that it "looks like" it has reached your front yard. When they scream that they want to burn the entire country to the ground, they mean exactly that. The monster that you constructed, animated, fed, riled up, and let roam free to dispatch your political enemies is now peering through your bay window, staring at you with a ravenous look in its eyes that evinces neither "solidary" nor "inclusion" with you.

Frankenstein's monster always comes home to his castle.

This is cute. But I ain't buying it as Dougout's work!!
REEKS of plagiarism!
Which right wing propagandist wrote this Dougy??
Don't you think you should credit the Author of this "spin"?

Or are (like most/all of MAGA land) you just another "Jesus" USING Liar?
Remember the parable about Jesus and the "moneychangers" (MATHEW 21).
Jesus would do the same thing to the Republicans today as He did to the moneychangers back then (at the time of the parable.)
Folks like Dougie are blind AND stupid (AND they walk with evil!!)
6/19/2024 9:00 AM
Based upon things I have read as well as some of her decisions and oral argument demeanor ( I’ve heard a few ) I think that Amy Coney Barrett is going to be the next Kennedy. She has heart and is an adult unlike Thomas and Kavenaugh. They seem like juvenile delinquents on the bench.

Barrett is not going to be a liberal but I think she is a pragmatist and not an idiotic originalist who treats the constitution like it was written by God instead of men.
6/19/2024 12:12 PM
Posted by laramiebob on 6/19/2024 9:00:00 AM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 6/18/2024 6:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 6/18/2024 6:34:00 PM (view original):
And while I am at it I truly do consider the vast majority of the MAGA politicians and the vast majority of the MAGA base to be inferior in terms of intellect and normalcy and of the Judeo - Christian values they are constantly shoving in people’s faces and understand so so little. They are the worst of the worst in every calibration of being a good American since the days of Joseph and Charley McCarthy.

Behold the Monster You Created

Say what you will about us on the Right, but we are willing to call out or own when they start embarrassing themselves or misrepresenting the rest of us. We keep blowhards like Majorie Taylor-Greene at arm's length. We've long since tired of hearing Hannity turn every other conversation into a banal trumpeting of his martial arts skills. The door hit George Santos on the way out.

But aside from a few noble voices, the Left refuses to do any such thing within its own camp.

My gut feeling is that your traditional liberal (the sophomoric yard signs and the Tesla, yes, but also the secure corporate job in the quiet, bourgeois neighborhood) feels uneasy with the crazed mobs spilling into the streets every time they don't get their way. That sort of thing used to happen five neighborhoods away. Then four neighborhoods away. Then three neighborhoods away.

And that sort of unhinged rioting used to happen once in a generation. Then once every few years. Then once every few weeks.

Yet the suburban traditional liberal continues to vote Democrat because of abortion. Or some nonsense about the rich paying their "fair share." Or climate change. Or any number of manufactured grievances designed not so much to solve a tangible problem than to make a certain class of educated voters feel righteous about themselves.

They cast their votes on the Machiavellian calculation that the mob was useful as a lever from which to derive unconditional surrenders from congressional Republicans (never a difficult feat to begin with). They calculated that such antics would never be allowed to fester uncontrolled so long as the victims were conservatives who deserved it. They calculated that, once the mob had served its usefulness, it would disperse, much as the German elitists and corporate leaders once thought they could do with their own street thugs.

Well, my friends. You miscalculated.

You supported the LBGTQ agenda without question when it was being shoved in the noses of uppity Christians. But you have since discovered that what "love is love" really means is that mediocre males are allowed to dominate women's sports (and invade their locker rooms) and that you are expected to applaud along.

You supported Obamacare because it felt virtuous, and all the democrat socialists of Scandinavia were doing it, and you didn't want to side with Paul Ryan pushing a wheelchaired grandmother off a cliff (in reality, it's more likely a wheelchaired grandmother pushing Paul Ryan off a cliff). But you have since discovered the laws of economics don't care a fig about your feelings and that a sharp increase in medical costs coupled with a sharp decrease in available doctors isn't the utopia they sold you.

You supported open borders and sanctuary cities to entrench a permanent Democrat voting base. But you have since discovered that perhaps millions upon millions of illegals weren't necessary to secure swing states in which a few thousand votes would suffice. The hordes now overrunning the cities and suburbs are less interested in voting than in joining robbery gangs, dealing drugs, demanding entitlements, and depressing wage rates. Your kids' schools have been appropriated for shelters, and the illegal aliens elsewhere in public encampments are demanding free legal representation and "culturally appropriate" food.

You supported drug legalization on the farce that you cared about boosting tax revenues when in reality you just wanted to enjoy your daily edible because apparently your life in the first world, middle-upper class, most privileged society in recorded history is just too unbearable without cannabis to ease your omnipotent suffering. But you have since discovered that they never intended legalization to end with cannabis, and your once-beautiful city is now a feces-covered open-air fentanyl market.

You supported "green energy," not because you really believed the end-is-nigh sidewalk prophets outside the Davos fleshpots but because it was trendy and hip and got you accolades at your neighborhood's fair trade coffee shop. But you have since discovered that 8th-century technology cannot power your 21st-century needs and also that the nations who pollute worse than we do aren't making the same sacrifices (nor, you may have noticed, do those Davos elites).

You supported the draconian COVID mask mandates and travel restrictions because Science Is Real©, and the only opposition came from flyover state knuckle draggers who think the earth is flat. Though the jackboot government dictates had an eerie test-run-for-next-time feeling, you were more worried that your friends would ostracize you as a "denier" if you didn't follow in the hallowed footsteps of Saint Fauci. But you have since discovered that your collective Chicken Little freakout set back our schools, our economy, and pretty much all societal progress for at least two years and that the face diaper police lied to us about almost everything.

You supported the movement to defund the police, not because of any evidence whatsoever of systemic racism in policing, but because your life is a spiritual sewer and, to fill the void, you need a cause to cling to. So long as the chaos occurred only on the inner city streets of the minorities you claim to support, you were content to posture along. But you have since discovered that there are few takers in the world of would-be police applicants to play your willing scapegoat. The sharp decline in police retention nationwide has resulted in the George Floyds of the world getting ever more comfortable branching out into once-safe neighborhoods to engage in their "underprivileged" behavior.

Let us also not forget that you supported the Occupy takeovers of yester-decade. You supported the state rotunda takeovers by unionized thugs. You supported the BLM riots. You supported the CHAZ in Seattle and similar secessionist movements in other cities. You supported the attacks on churches and pregnancy centers after the Dobbs ruling. You supported the Stalinist show trial against Brett Kavanaugh, as well as the mob that tried to storm the Supreme Court to prevent his swearing-in.

You supported the attack by James Hodgkinson against Republican congressmen playing baseball. You supported the attack on Rand Paul by his neighbor. You supported the campus attacks against conservative speakers and activists. You supported every random street attack against anyone wearing a MAGA hat.

You supported every act of violence, censorship, social coercion, government repression, and outright insurrection so long as it was seen as beneficial to advancing your agenda and, more importantly, as long as it never affected you personally. These shock troops are disciples of the secular religion that you — yes, you, traditional liberals — have propagated for decades. With your winks and nods, you have taught them that trampling other people's rights in pursuit of your cause du jour is both permissible and preferable.

And the entire time, you told us that "this is what democracy looks like."

You are who Lenin accurately referred to as "useful idiots." But I'm not so sure that you still support what democracy "looks like," now that it "looks like" it has reached your front yard. When they scream that they want to burn the entire country to the ground, they mean exactly that. The monster that you constructed, animated, fed, riled up, and let roam free to dispatch your political enemies is now peering through your bay window, staring at you with a ravenous look in its eyes that evinces neither "solidary" nor "inclusion" with you.

Frankenstein's monster always comes home to his castle.

This is cute. But I ain't buying it as Dougout's work!!
REEKS of plagiarism!
Which right wing propagandist wrote this Dougy??
Don't you think you should credit the Author of this "spin"?

Or are (like most/all of MAGA land) you just another "Jesus" USING Liar?
Remember the parable about Jesus and the "moneychangers" (MATHEW 21).
Jesus would do the same thing to the Republicans today as He did to the moneychangers back then (at the time of the parable.)
Folks like Dougie are blind AND stupid (AND they walk with evil!!)
Hi laramiebob.

The above is an opinion piece from PJ Media. Try this: Click on the blue highlight below the picture (Behold the Monster You Created) and the article will magically appear. I'm surprised such a smart and sophisticated gentleman as yourself didn't know this. Everybody else does. It's called cut and paste. If you click on my posts you will find hundreds of them. for plagiarism. That's what got JOE BIDEN kicked out of the 1988 Democratic Presidential race. You should look it up.

So there's the difference. I CUT AND PASTE news articles, opinion and satire along with some original memes. JOE BIDEN got kicked out of a Presidential race for plagiarism.

Glad I could help you. Again.
6/19/2024 3:10 PM
I just knew you didn't think it up!
I don't clik on things so your "citation" was wholly inadequate.

Besides I knew you couldn't think that deeply.
6/19/2024 3:34 PM
interesting bit of news from Louisiana where legislation was passes that the 10 Commandments need to be displayed in public schools.
This from people voting for Trumpler and indoctrinating their children into their decision making.
This is an example of people that are civically inferior to people who actually understand democracy and freedom from having the state push their failed religious views on innocent children against their will.

We secularists are the ones protecting the country from these idiots.
the first commandment is offensive. some religions have more then one god and the whole father and son is 2 gods no matter what strangled explanation someone has...
and most important the rights of atheists and agnostics ( they are different ) is Sacred.

these people who wont respect the religios or non religious views of others is part of the reason that the country gets dumbed down day after day,

But Ill make a deal...if you guys will support a ban on assault weapons and bump stocks and support legislation to fight climate change and not excoriate scientists and medical scientists who spend their lives saving your lives i will let you have your precious 10 commandments which you do not follow..

But lets be real - even the most simple kindergardner knows not to murder or steal...not to covet their neighbors spouse maybe not...on that one there are lots of American communities where that is encouraged but i digress.

but there should be a few hundred more commandments like people should use common sense and not being hateful or a bully and to respect the rights of others to ther own faith etc,

this stuff about the 10 commandments comes from ignorance and low intellect about our form of government and fear. so fearful of losing more and more of each generation to independent thinking when it comes to religion...boy do they fear that.
6/19/2024 3:35 PM
The ten commandments are an absolutely appalling guide to morality. Christopher Hitchens, among many others, ripped them apart for their utter stupidity, depravity, and immorality.

Not to mention...which version? In the OT alone there are multiple versions. The version I was taught as a Catholic in Sunday School is different than the version most often seen in protestant denominations...

The 10C are dumb, offensive, and have no place in schools, courtrooms, businesses, or civic buildings.
6/19/2024 4:14 PM

Thousands of years ago, God gave mankind his 10 Commandments which became the basis for law and Western Civilization. Unfortunately, it's been a long time since they were updated to be more suitable for modern audiences! NOT OK!

Thankfully, woke scholars have done just that! Here are the newly updated "woke" 11 Commandments.

1) Thou shalt have no other Gods before the all-powerful State (duh!)

2) Thou shalt not make for yourself any graven image (unless it's a giant bronze BLM raised fist you bow down to every morning)

3) Thou shalt not take the name of your Lord God in vain (unless you're reminding everyone that Jesus was actually a Socialist revolutionary)

4) Remember Pride Month, and keep it holy

5) Honor your father and your mother (unless they are evil MAGA racists. In that case, you should cancel them.)

6) Thou shalt not kill (Unless you're killing a fascist by beating them over the head with a "tolerance" sign)

7) Thou shalt not commit adultery (unless it's consensual)

8) Thou shalt not steal (unless you're looting a Nike shoe store for justice)

9) Thou shalt not bear false witness (unless you're living your truth!)

10) Thou shalt not covet (unless you are coveting the possessions of a rich white oppressor. Then, it's totally ok)

11) Thou shalt not plagiarize, OK Doug? (unless you're a Democrat running for President, then you're expected to do it)

6/19/2024 4:52 PM
I recommend this as a new rule for debates.
If there is an indisputable lie especially a malicious one or the candidate insults the other in a personal way or defames someone he receives an electric shock. The audience is alerted and hears it.
6/19/2024 6:39 PM
Posted by DougOut on 6/19/2024 3:10:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/19/2024 9:00:00 AM (view original):
Posted by DougOut on 6/18/2024 6:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 6/18/2024 6:34:00 PM (view original):
And while I am at it I truly do consider the vast majority of the MAGA politicians and the vast majority of the MAGA base to be inferior in terms of intellect and normalcy and of the Judeo - Christian values they are constantly shoving in people’s faces and understand so so little. They are the worst of the worst in every calibration of being a good American since the days of Joseph and Charley McCarthy.

Behold the Monster You Created

Say what you will about us on the Right, but we are willing to call out or own when they start embarrassing themselves or misrepresenting the rest of us. We keep blowhards like Majorie Taylor-Greene at arm's length. We've long since tired of hearing Hannity turn every other conversation into a banal trumpeting of his martial arts skills. The door hit George Santos on the way out.

But aside from a few noble voices, the Left refuses to do any such thing within its own camp.

My gut feeling is that your traditional liberal (the sophomoric yard signs and the Tesla, yes, but also the secure corporate job in the quiet, bourgeois neighborhood) feels uneasy with the crazed mobs spilling into the streets every time they don't get their way. That sort of thing used to happen five neighborhoods away. Then four neighborhoods away. Then three neighborhoods away.

And that sort of unhinged rioting used to happen once in a generation. Then once every few years. Then once every few weeks.

Yet the suburban traditional liberal continues to vote Democrat because of abortion. Or some nonsense about the rich paying their "fair share." Or climate change. Or any number of manufactured grievances designed not so much to solve a tangible problem than to make a certain class of educated voters feel righteous about themselves.

They cast their votes on the Machiavellian calculation that the mob was useful as a lever from which to derive unconditional surrenders from congressional Republicans (never a difficult feat to begin with). They calculated that such antics would never be allowed to fester uncontrolled so long as the victims were conservatives who deserved it. They calculated that, once the mob had served its usefulness, it would disperse, much as the German elitists and corporate leaders once thought they could do with their own street thugs.

Well, my friends. You miscalculated.

You supported the LBGTQ agenda without question when it was being shoved in the noses of uppity Christians. But you have since discovered that what "love is love" really means is that mediocre males are allowed to dominate women's sports (and invade their locker rooms) and that you are expected to applaud along.

You supported Obamacare because it felt virtuous, and all the democrat socialists of Scandinavia were doing it, and you didn't want to side with Paul Ryan pushing a wheelchaired grandmother off a cliff (in reality, it's more likely a wheelchaired grandmother pushing Paul Ryan off a cliff). But you have since discovered the laws of economics don't care a fig about your feelings and that a sharp increase in medical costs coupled with a sharp decrease in available doctors isn't the utopia they sold you.

You supported open borders and sanctuary cities to entrench a permanent Democrat voting base. But you have since discovered that perhaps millions upon millions of illegals weren't necessary to secure swing states in which a few thousand votes would suffice. The hordes now overrunning the cities and suburbs are less interested in voting than in joining robbery gangs, dealing drugs, demanding entitlements, and depressing wage rates. Your kids' schools have been appropriated for shelters, and the illegal aliens elsewhere in public encampments are demanding free legal representation and "culturally appropriate" food.

You supported drug legalization on the farce that you cared about boosting tax revenues when in reality you just wanted to enjoy your daily edible because apparently your life in the first world, middle-upper class, most privileged society in recorded history is just too unbearable without cannabis to ease your omnipotent suffering. But you have since discovered that they never intended legalization to end with cannabis, and your once-beautiful city is now a feces-covered open-air fentanyl market.

You supported "green energy," not because you really believed the end-is-nigh sidewalk prophets outside the Davos fleshpots but because it was trendy and hip and got you accolades at your neighborhood's fair trade coffee shop. But you have since discovered that 8th-century technology cannot power your 21st-century needs and also that the nations who pollute worse than we do aren't making the same sacrifices (nor, you may have noticed, do those Davos elites).

You supported the draconian COVID mask mandates and travel restrictions because Science Is Real©, and the only opposition came from flyover state knuckle draggers who think the earth is flat. Though the jackboot government dictates had an eerie test-run-for-next-time feeling, you were more worried that your friends would ostracize you as a "denier" if you didn't follow in the hallowed footsteps of Saint Fauci. But you have since discovered that your collective Chicken Little freakout set back our schools, our economy, and pretty much all societal progress for at least two years and that the face diaper police lied to us about almost everything.

You supported the movement to defund the police, not because of any evidence whatsoever of systemic racism in policing, but because your life is a spiritual sewer and, to fill the void, you need a cause to cling to. So long as the chaos occurred only on the inner city streets of the minorities you claim to support, you were content to posture along. But you have since discovered that there are few takers in the world of would-be police applicants to play your willing scapegoat. The sharp decline in police retention nationwide has resulted in the George Floyds of the world getting ever more comfortable branching out into once-safe neighborhoods to engage in their "underprivileged" behavior.

Let us also not forget that you supported the Occupy takeovers of yester-decade. You supported the state rotunda takeovers by unionized thugs. You supported the BLM riots. You supported the CHAZ in Seattle and similar secessionist movements in other cities. You supported the attacks on churches and pregnancy centers after the Dobbs ruling. You supported the Stalinist show trial against Brett Kavanaugh, as well as the mob that tried to storm the Supreme Court to prevent his swearing-in.

You supported the attack by James Hodgkinson against Republican congressmen playing baseball. You supported the attack on Rand Paul by his neighbor. You supported the campus attacks against conservative speakers and activists. You supported every random street attack against anyone wearing a MAGA hat.

You supported every act of violence, censorship, social coercion, government repression, and outright insurrection so long as it was seen as beneficial to advancing your agenda and, more importantly, as long as it never affected you personally. These shock troops are disciples of the secular religion that you — yes, you, traditional liberals — have propagated for decades. With your winks and nods, you have taught them that trampling other people's rights in pursuit of your cause du jour is both permissible and preferable.

And the entire time, you told us that "this is what democracy looks like."

You are who Lenin accurately referred to as "useful idiots." But I'm not so sure that you still support what democracy "looks like," now that it "looks like" it has reached your front yard. When they scream that they want to burn the entire country to the ground, they mean exactly that. The monster that you constructed, animated, fed, riled up, and let roam free to dispatch your political enemies is now peering through your bay window, staring at you with a ravenous look in its eyes that evinces neither "solidary" nor "inclusion" with you.

Frankenstein's monster always comes home to his castle.

This is cute. But I ain't buying it as Dougout's work!!
REEKS of plagiarism!
Which right wing propagandist wrote this Dougy??
Don't you think you should credit the Author of this "spin"?

Or are (like most/all of MAGA land) you just another "Jesus" USING Liar?
Remember the parable about Jesus and the "moneychangers" (MATHEW 21).
Jesus would do the same thing to the Republicans today as He did to the moneychangers back then (at the time of the parable.)
Folks like Dougie are blind AND stupid (AND they walk with evil!!)
Hi laramiebob.

The above is an opinion piece from PJ Media. Try this: Click on the blue highlight below the picture (Behold the Monster You Created) and the article will magically appear. I'm surprised such a smart and sophisticated gentleman as yourself didn't know this. Everybody else does. It's called cut and paste. If you click on my posts you will find hundreds of them. for plagiarism. That's what got JOE BIDEN kicked out of the 1988 Democratic Presidential race. You should look it up.

So there's the difference. I CUT AND PASTE news articles, opinion and satire along with some original memes. JOE BIDEN got kicked out of a Presidential race for plagiarism.

Glad I could help you. Again.
Honest question: You think Biden wrote that speech? Do you think Melania wrote the speech that clearly plagarized from Michelle Obama? They read **** from what their speech writers wrote. Nothing more, nothing less.
6/19/2024 7:53 PM
and the assertion that Democrats just let in hordes of illegals to fortify their voter base is a dumb ******* trope. Be smarter. Be better. No party has ever done jack **** to address the "border problem'. Trump certainly do anything outside of what Covid forced. St. Raygun enacted amnesty. The fact is we need those bodies here, paying taxes without getting benefits, making sure our strawberries aren't 25 bucks a basket.

An attack on our capitol was worse than any BLM, Supreme court protest....I walked through CHAZ personally....LOL. You guys are scared of ******* shadows. Nobody supported James Hodgkinson, we laughed at Rand Paul because he's a ***** in a tough guys skin.

Attacks on churches and pregancy centers? You fuckfaces have been attacking abortion clinics for decades. GTFO of here with your fake outrage. Maybe churches should be attacked for the sheer amount of pedophiles that seem to be employed there?

You guys are bullshit. All you have is bullshit. You cried wolf when Hillary called you deplorables and in the same breath talked about owning the libtards in every sentence you post online.

Who the **** put Fauci in charge and listened to his hypothesises on what should be done to help combat a once in a century pandemic? Donald did. What the **** happened to the buck stops here?

Dirty little secret...the US economy entered a recession in February 2020, before Covid......Under the Donald. Look it up. The dumbfuck overcooked our economy, the one Obama handed him. You don't cut taxes in a period of prosperity. He kept interest rates artifcially low and his trade war with China was a disaster that the American people took the brunt of. Left office with the highest trade defecit in the history of modern America and tarriffs that we the people payed "unofficial taxes' on.

I talk DAILY to people in England, Germany, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Netherlands, Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden. Donald was an international joke. They ridicule us for putting that buffoon anywhere near making important decisions. The ****** actually petitoned for a seawall at his Scottish golf course with Climate Change being the main reason and then ridicules the idea.

I haven't even touched on his propensity for sexual assault and his obviously low sense of morals. How you morons got sucked into this guy is beyong me.
6/19/2024 8:41 PM
Taint sez: Honest question: You think Biden wrote that speech? Do you think Melania wrote the speech that clearly plagarized from Michelle Obama? They read **** from what their speech writers wrote. Nothing more, nothing less.

Doug sez: So....the writers put in the speech he graduated at the top of his class when he actually graduated 76th out of 85? Sorry Charlie, that was all Biden. Here's a quote from JOE himself: In his 2008 memoir Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics, he wrote that the plagiarism scandal was his own fault. “When I stopped trying to explain to everybody and thought it through, the blame fell totally on me,” he wrote.

Thank you and have a pleasant evening.

6/19/2024 8:53 PM
You still are supporting a DESPICABLE Human Being for POTUS!!
What's wrong with you people??
Half the Country has lost all sanity.
They want to install the embodiment of evil and sinful ideology back into office when he nearly succeeded in orchestrating a Coup!

He's anti America, anti Law and Order, anti Honor and fidelity and PRO Putin, Pro Russia and anti Ukraine!

You folks who support him are clearly low intelligent morons!!
I speak blunt truth.
And I already KNOW you thin-skinned snowflake MAGA people can't handle it!!
Tough Sh*T!

Truth is truth.
You're ignorant Doug............and your Party are Facists and cult followers.
6/19/2024 10:36 PM
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