Seble is wrong Topic

I saw an interesting study from body cam footage that showed how much more respectful and polite officers were to white citizens than black citizens.i.e using the word 'sir' instead of 'bud'.
6/24/2020 4:20 PM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 3:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/24/2020 3:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by coreander on 6/24/2020 3:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/24/2020 3:09:00 PM (view original):
"WhatIfSports would like to make it clear that we oppose racism and hate in any form. It's easy to spot overt forms of racism, but there are many more cases where it is more subtle. We must all honestly reflect on our own prejudices, behavior, and beliefs in order to make a better world. WhatIfSports is about competition of course, but it's also about community. Let's enjoy our common love of sports and games, but also celebrate our differences as people.

We would also like to remind everyone about our policy against personal attacks and offensive language in the site forums and in league chat. We won't tolerate people attacking each other for any reason, so please be respectful in your conversations. Please report any violations of this policy to us by submitting a support ticket and avoid escalating the situation by responding."

WTH did I miss?
Can someone please explain to me what was wrong (in some user's opinion?) with Seble's post. (requoted above)

I'd appreciate it.

Now, I think I read something about the U.S and racism.

Maybe a nutty statement.
So, let me be clear.

From ANY Historical viewpoint of THIS Country that I love dearly (The good ol U.S. of A.---our Representative Democracy that we inherited!)
These United States of America have held populaces of very racist citizens.
To deny that is re-writing Historical TRUTH and is a blatant attempt at supporting that ill which has hovered over our people since inception.

We must face facts. Many of us ARE racist, HAVE racist tendencies..........perhaps on both sides, black and white!
Until we truly overcome this "failure" of intellect and spiritual sickness that many of us (also) inherited I fear we can never be a united people.
And are thus doomed to repeat our great National evil over and over again, until we are no more. And the great experiment of freedom is extinguished by the hate and evil of the people who betrayed the trust that they were given!
Shame on us all.
This is more enlightened centrism. This is not a problem from both sides. This is a problem of white supremacy.
And yours is an incoherent response of trite buzzwords. Today's fad. Kinda like "Peace and Love" was back in the 60's.
Youthful buzzwords from the less experienced is NOT gonna Change anything.
Its not about what the post said btw, its where its coming from that i dont like, but isnt the reason for this thread, this thread is titled this way because seble wanted to open up a discussion something he started, and closed it once someone said if i cant say what i want ill take my money and leave so he deleted the post and closed the thread, and i think he is wrong for that , he just doesnt want to be held accountable for something, so either dont bring it up and this would not be going on since it is his workplace and politics need to be left out of the workplace. For us we do not work for wis we are just customers and just like the nfl money talks and bs walks, money stops flowing so does the kneeling...Most decisions are based on money not anything else.
"seble wanted to open up a discussion"

No he didn't. Never once said that. I thought you valued facts and data?
6/24/2020 4:21 PM
Posted by dBKC on 6/24/2020 9:07:00 AM (view original):
All Seble said was “racism is bad” and you guys turned in to toddlers. If that’s a controversial statement to you, then you need to do some soul searching.

I assume you built some straw men arguments in your head and imagined that he was saying more than he was maybe? He didn’t say FTP or ACAB or even BLM (which shouldn’t be a controversial statement either btw). All he said was “racism is bad” and that he didn’t want hate speech on his website.

What’s your argument if that statement made you so upset? You trying to say racism is good?
BLM is a Marxist operation. Are you so deceived by them dBKC?

Have a read about "Black Lives Matter" & Movement for Black Lives. Listen to their own words. Knowledge is a good thing.
6/24/2020 4:41 PM
What's wrong with being Marxist?
6/24/2020 4:44 PM
Asking that question is akin to asking what is wrong with being a Fascist. The answer should be self-evident. There are many, many people still alive in Eastern Europe (not to mention numerous other locales) that would be able to answer your question very easily (and tragically).
6/24/2020 4:47 PM
6/24/2020 4:49 PM
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 6/24/2020 4:48:00 PM (view original):
Asking that question is akin to asking what is wrong with being a Fascist. The answer should be self-evident. There are many, many people still alive in Eastern Europe (not to mention numerous other locales) that would be able to answer your question very easily (and tragically).
You think every single Marxist is a communist?

As miami has pointed out, social democracy originated from Marxism. Pretty much every single egalitarian ideology did. I'm probably a Marxist.

And no, it's not even CLOSE to being a fascist.
6/24/2020 4:51 PM
Social democracy also isn't extreme. There are successful countries today whose dominant ideologies stem from Marx. So no, Marxism isn't some evil word.
6/24/2020 4:53 PM
6/24/2020 5:16 PM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 5:16:00 PM (view original):
Here is some education content to further your knowledge..

and check out more of there videos too , on other similar topics.'

let me know if you need more....
I'm citing academic studies, and you are citing...

The Epoch Times (lol)
"Conservative Twins" (whoever they are)
Adam Calhoun (a white hick singer)
"The Officer Tatum" (an ex-cop turned YouTuber)

Real credible sources there. I'm not watching any of it until you answer my previous post. I'm real curious how you defend your position in the face of a MOUNTAIN of evidence to the contrary.
6/24/2020 5:31 PM
It's crazy that right wingers can just dismiss academic consensus and fact, just to turn around and say, "But I have some YouTube videos."

Blatant anti-intellectualism. You have to hate or suppress factual information to support Trump.
6/24/2020 5:40 PM (edited)
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 4:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 3:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 3:38:00 PM (view original):
Woah. Did you actually read the article? It cites DOZENS of credible studies suggesting a racial bias! Please actually read the article, this isn't just one author's opinion.

I can even quote some of it if you are too lazy to read through it all.
Of course i read it nowherw does it state being black and driving a nice car results in a 10% for example chance of being pulled over vs a for example only a 5% chance for someone else being pulled over...i dont see any real evidence only someones opinion

Here's one example (of MANY):

A 2019 study of police stops in Cincinnati found that black motorists were 30 percent more likely to be pulled over than white motorists. Black motorists also comprised 76 percent of arrests following a traffic stop despite making up 43 percent of the city’s population. It’s worth noting, again, that multiple studies have shown that searches of white motorists are slightly more likely to turn up contraband than searches of black motorists.

A 2020 report on 1.8 million police stops by the eight largest law enforcement agencies in California found that blacks were stopped at a rate 2.5 times higher than the per capita rate of whites. The report also found that black people were far more likely to be stopped for “reasonable suspicion” (as opposed to actually breaking a law) and were three times more likely than any other group to be searched, even though searches of white people were more likely to turn up contraband.

This is not OPINION. This is a FACT. It is a study. Can you please explain why this disparity exists?

Note: More studies have shown that the later in the day (and thus harder it becomes to see), the less this disparity exists. Want to guess why? (Hint: It's because the cops can't see that the driver is WHITE OR BLACK as easily)
Still waiting.. tick tock.
6/24/2020 5:40 PM
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 5:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 5:16:00 PM (view original):
Here is some education content to further your knowledge..

and check out more of there videos too , on other similar topics.'

let me know if you need more....
I'm citing academic studies, and you are citing...

The Epoch Times (lol)
"Conservative Twins" (whoever they are)
Adam Calhoun (a white hick singer)
"The Officer Tatum" (an ex-cop turned YouTuber)

Real credible sources there. I'm not watching any of it until you answer my previous post. I'm real curious how you defend your position in the face of a MOUNTAIN of evidence to the contrary.
Well there facts which you have yet to provide any real information you obviously do not agree with facts, yes there video on youtube a non biased place where you can post whatever you want and not run by CNN or something else ...
6/24/2020 5:41 PM
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 5:40:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 4:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 3:52:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/24/2020 3:38:00 PM (view original):
Woah. Did you actually read the article? It cites DOZENS of credible studies suggesting a racial bias! Please actually read the article, this isn't just one author's opinion.

I can even quote some of it if you are too lazy to read through it all.
Of course i read it nowherw does it state being black and driving a nice car results in a 10% for example chance of being pulled over vs a for example only a 5% chance for someone else being pulled over...i dont see any real evidence only someones opinion

Here's one example (of MANY):

A 2019 study of police stops in Cincinnati found that black motorists were 30 percent more likely to be pulled over than white motorists. Black motorists also comprised 76 percent of arrests following a traffic stop despite making up 43 percent of the city’s population. It’s worth noting, again, that multiple studies have shown that searches of white motorists are slightly more likely to turn up contraband than searches of black motorists.

A 2020 report on 1.8 million police stops by the eight largest law enforcement agencies in California found that blacks were stopped at a rate 2.5 times higher than the per capita rate of whites. The report also found that black people were far more likely to be stopped for “reasonable suspicion” (as opposed to actually breaking a law) and were three times more likely than any other group to be searched, even though searches of white people were more likely to turn up contraband.

This is not OPINION. This is a FACT. It is a study. Can you please explain why this disparity exists?

Note: More studies have shown that the later in the day (and thus harder it becomes to see), the less this disparity exists. Want to guess why? (Hint: It's because the cops can't see that the driver is WHITE OR BLACK as easily)
Still waiting.. tick tock.
With out looking at it more, my guess is that blacks are pulled over more because they commit more of the crimes and fit the description of said suspect , but thats my opinion and not a fact, i leave the facts to people who know them, thats why i forward you to people with more information than i have . I dont know everything thats why im open to hear all sides .
6/24/2020 5:44 PM
Posted by Benis on 6/24/2020 4:21:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/24/2020 3:57:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/24/2020 3:43:00 PM (view original):
Posted by coreander on 6/24/2020 3:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 6/24/2020 3:09:00 PM (view original):
"WhatIfSports would like to make it clear that we oppose racism and hate in any form. It's easy to spot overt forms of racism, but there are many more cases where it is more subtle. We must all honestly reflect on our own prejudices, behavior, and beliefs in order to make a better world. WhatIfSports is about competition of course, but it's also about community. Let's enjoy our common love of sports and games, but also celebrate our differences as people.

We would also like to remind everyone about our policy against personal attacks and offensive language in the site forums and in league chat. We won't tolerate people attacking each other for any reason, so please be respectful in your conversations. Please report any violations of this policy to us by submitting a support ticket and avoid escalating the situation by responding."

WTH did I miss?
Can someone please explain to me what was wrong (in some user's opinion?) with Seble's post. (requoted above)

I'd appreciate it.

Now, I think I read something about the U.S and racism.

Maybe a nutty statement.
So, let me be clear.

From ANY Historical viewpoint of THIS Country that I love dearly (The good ol U.S. of A.---our Representative Democracy that we inherited!)
These United States of America have held populaces of very racist citizens.
To deny that is re-writing Historical TRUTH and is a blatant attempt at supporting that ill which has hovered over our people since inception.

We must face facts. Many of us ARE racist, HAVE racist tendencies..........perhaps on both sides, black and white!
Until we truly overcome this "failure" of intellect and spiritual sickness that many of us (also) inherited I fear we can never be a united people.
And are thus doomed to repeat our great National evil over and over again, until we are no more. And the great experiment of freedom is extinguished by the hate and evil of the people who betrayed the trust that they were given!
Shame on us all.
This is more enlightened centrism. This is not a problem from both sides. This is a problem of white supremacy.
And yours is an incoherent response of trite buzzwords. Today's fad. Kinda like "Peace and Love" was back in the 60's.
Youthful buzzwords from the less experienced is NOT gonna Change anything.
Its not about what the post said btw, its where its coming from that i dont like, but isnt the reason for this thread, this thread is titled this way because seble wanted to open up a discussion something he started, and closed it once someone said if i cant say what i want ill take my money and leave so he deleted the post and closed the thread, and i think he is wrong for that , he just doesnt want to be held accountable for something, so either dont bring it up and this would not be going on since it is his workplace and politics need to be left out of the workplace. For us we do not work for wis we are just customers and just like the nfl money talks and bs walks, money stops flowing so does the kneeling...Most decisions are based on money not anything else.
"seble wanted to open up a discussion"

No he didn't. Never once said that. I thought you valued facts and data?
It still stats click here for further discussion or do you not see it, and it leads you to the post where you see me posting was having a discussion until seble seen something he didnt like!
6/24/2020 5:47 PM
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Seble is wrong Topic

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