Quote: Originally Posted By seble on 5/28/2008
Guys, honestly all I can say is some of the attitude here is pretty ridiculous. We've done a lot of work to add new layers to the game and all we get on here is complaints. Is it perfect? Of course not, it never will be. But it's a lot more useful to provide constructive ideas instead of rehashing the same examples over and over.
There are some here (qistat for example) who don't say "these ratings are stupid, you guys suck", but instead look at the whole picture and make useful suggestions about how to improve the system. Creating a sophisticated sim isn't rocket science, but it's also not trivial, especially when there are so many components interacting.
I think we do a tremendous job as a company of listening to user feedback and implementing as many of the suggestions as make sense for the games. But things can't always happen overnight as development is not always a quick process.
Just had to get my 2 cents in there, so you may resume complaining now.
1)review the equation that outputs offensive ranges - it is plainly out of whack
2)review the way you assign defensive ratings - as above
3)fix the arbitrary def/off distro or whatever it is that is making the DefRBD% of 50s/60s players so high - I thought the idea was to standardize rebounding across eras you have achieved the opposite
4)be more responsive quicker and criticisms such as above will not devolve into repetitive complaints - you went 6 days without responding to some of the notes above and then when you did respond you and tinmanpb acted defensive and arrogant about it
5)the criticisms above have nothing to do with sampling sizes dont try to throw your customer base off with hoo-ha
6)instead of complaining about your customers try be glad you have an income - when should a customer service representative complain about his customers to their faces? how about never
7)if you are going to bring up qistat it might have been nice to see you respond to his suggestion(s) at any time prior to your little whine-fest (see link below)