Posted by dino27 on 8/29/2017 1:13:00 PM (view original):
we have a certain etiquette in this thread as well...satire is always welcome.....sometimes it hits the mark..sometimes not... most understand satire when they read it........we will not allow any racism......gender bashing.... antisemitism.......insults........punk behavior..........that is reserved for those that like that in non sports....this is a pot-pourie.....lots of sports and some politics and pop culture.......punks please stay home.......
I could probably figure it out on my own but I'll ask the question anyway.
When did this thread devolve from the noble statement above to the partisan bickering it is now?
I don't often peruse the forums (less than 800 posts since 2004) so don't expend too much energy answering. Chances are excellent I will not regularly contribute if it's simply a political shouting match. I can get more than enough of that watching TV or listening to the radio.
Thanks, dino.