Trump's Coronavirus Response Topic

Posted by all3 on 4/20/2020 10:36:00 AM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 4/20/2020 1:39:00 AM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 4/19/2020 7:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 4/19/2020 2:32:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 4/19/2020 12:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 4/19/2020 9:18:00 AM (view original):
Definitely looks like bronx has now joined rsp in drinking way too much of the Liberal Kool-Aid. He, like rsp, can't seem to form a productive rational thought. No point in looking at his posts any longer, since they are totally worthless. I'd feel sorry for those two, if there weren't so many others like them; filled with hate along with disappointment and failure in their own lives, which they want others to feel too.
Since I'm no longer wasting my time viewing bronx's BS, IF he ever posts anything remotely informative, would someone please make me aware. I know that's like asking you to let me know when it snows in the desert, but after all, these are strange times.
okay..can you let me know if DougOut ever posts anything remotely informative? bronx posting something informative and doug posting something informative probably occur just about at the same frequency
Silly wylie. All3 almost never criticizes those on the right! Because he hates both major political parties. But he hates one juuuuust a bit more than the other.
sorry, I forgot. He is also not a Trump supporter. He just defends anything Trump does.
I defend unjust attacks on the President of the United States, and I am proud of doing so. You "He's not my President" people and those who do nothing but try to spread your hatred for the man, are an embarrassment to this Country. Say you hate him. Say he lies. Say anything that's true and relevant, but your lies, distortion and hatred have got to go.
I have never said he is not my president. He is. He may not be who I want as president, but he is my president. I have also never said I hate him. I may hate that he is an embarrassment to the country in my opinion, but I don't hate him. I don't know him, so how could I hate him. I say he lies. He does. All the time. I have never said he is guilty of anything he hasn't been proven guilty of. I have told you that many times, but you choose to ignore it, as it doesn't fit with your narrative. Tell or show me one lie I have told about Trump here. I won't be waiting for your proof because it has never happened.
4/20/2020 12:34 PM
Posted by all3 on 4/20/2020 12:28:00 PM (view original):
What? Reason and common sense? Why not hatred, name-calling and lies as a response, when somebody disagrees with you? Oh, that's right, it's only Trump-haters who seem to love to use those.
well, Doug has called me many names, so I guess he doesn't mind hatred and name calling if you disagree with him. Personally, all3, I'm pretty sure I have never called you a name other than all3. I'm also pretty sure I haven't told any lies about you. I certainly don't hate you. Or Doug, for that matter. There is nobody who posts here that I hate. I don't really know any of you so how could I hate you? Hate is a strong word. Not sure there is anyone in the world I hate. Many I dislike, but dislike and hate are not the same thing.
4/20/2020 12:39 PM
Posted by all3 on 4/20/2020 12:28:00 PM (view original):
What? Reason and common sense? Why not hatred, name-calling and lies as a response, when somebody disagrees with you? Oh, that's right, it's only Trump-haters who seem to love to use those.
Hey bro. I have a question. If the Dems have such a love for the populace...why won't Nancy Pelosi release the money to keep small business in business for a couple more months? If they want you to stay indoors...then why not give up another 250 billion? She won't even call congress back into session. People call out Biden for being crazy/senile mentally feeble. What about Nancy? I think that ***** is crazy. She had no problem with Obamacare or a TRILLION DOLLAR stimulus. What's another 250 Billion to the big spender? IS SHE PLAYING POLITICS? And what about the FDA? Who's controlling that? Can Trump fire those people to allow private sector business to produce the test kits the libs are crying about? YOU'LL NEVER GET TEST KITS IN THE AMOUNT OR TIME NEEDED TO SAVE US AS LONG AS THE FDA AND THIER LAWYERS HIDE BEHIND PRECEDENT. And they will because they are a part of the bureaucracy that is killing us and infecting the world. We have people begging us to make kits. But we can't. Not as long as the FDA stands in the way. And if Trump overrides them he is acting the King and if he defers, he is weak and indecisive and late to the ballgame to be called by the back seat quarterbacks in the fake news media and the party of the blind. you could digest that or not...2 simple questions.

1. Should FDA get out of the way and let private produce in a time of emergency?
2. What will the death total be if we protect the weak while going back to work?
4/20/2020 12:57 PM
Anybody know why wylie thinks my posts are directed to him personally.? He MAY not have done any of those things, but many here have, and that's the general populous I am addressing.
4/20/2020 2:22 PM
He thinks everybody's posts are directed at him.
4/20/2020 2:30 PM
What irritates me is that all3 ***** on the left on these forums but never says a word about Doug, Tucker T, etc. who do the exact same thing, but on his side of the aisle.

His criticism of Trump is fine for now, I guess, but I wish he would give that input when Doug says something directly contrary to his opinion. You know that if rsp or someone else did something similar, all3 would be the first one all over it. What gives wylie, miami, even bob to an extend credibility as "centrists" in my eyes is that they will disagree with anyone who says something against their beliefs. All3 rarely, if ever, does that.
4/20/2020 3:26 PM
What irritates me is that tang ***** all over the right and Christians but never says a word about rsp or bronx or bags or Dino or bracco or Larry or Ufoa or Wylie or evil twin or taint or 20 other fake aliases created but he backs them and their abortion agenda up.

The fact he has come out of the shadow a very little bit is fine for now, I guess, but who is etc? Me and Tucker T and etc? REALLY. Ole tang is finding it hard to name anybody who disagrees with him. That's like ABC and CBS and NBC and CNN and MSNBC ******** about FOX. CRYBABIES!

And you know what a centrists is. Thats warm spit. Christ said hot or cold or he will spit you out. Don't waste my time with centrists. That's for the U.N.
4/20/2020 4:00 PM
Trump, April 2020

“The big Oil Deal with OPEC Plus is done. This will save hundreds of thousands of energy jobs in the United States. I would like to thank and congratulate President Putin of Russia and King Salman of Saudi Arabia. I just spoke to them from the Oval Office. Great deal for all!” Another “winning” brokered by a man who has bankrupt every company he has owned. America is only to blame for electing a TV personality with no political experience or business expertise.

stock market - crashed
economy - crashed
job market - crashed
oil market -crashed
farming - crashed
healthcare - nonexistent

ok whats left that trump hasnt screwed up yet?
4/20/2020 4:10 PM
You're still here.
4/20/2020 4:12 PM
Posted by bronxcheer on 4/20/2020 4:10:00 PM (view original):
Trump, April 2020

“The big Oil Deal with OPEC Plus is done. This will save hundreds of thousands of energy jobs in the United States. I would like to thank and congratulate President Putin of Russia and King Salman of Saudi Arabia. I just spoke to them from the Oval Office. Great deal for all!” Another “winning” brokered by a man who has bankrupt every company he has owned. America is only to blame for electing a TV personality with no political experience or business expertise.

stock market - crashed
economy - crashed
job market - crashed
oil market -crashed
farming - crashed
healthcare - nonexistent

ok whats left that trump hasnt screwed up yet?
Melania I'd bet. Prolly for many moons!
4/20/2020 4:49 PM
Posted by all3 on 4/20/2020 2:22:00 PM (view original):
Anybody know why wylie thinks my posts are directed to him personally.? He MAY not have done any of those things, but many here have, and that's the general populous I am addressing.
you often respond to my posts with comments about Trump hatred and name calling. If you agree I don't do that, don't respond to my posts saying it. I also noticed you didn't address any of my comments, just wondered why I supposedly thought you were addressing me. I didn't. That post was obviously addressed to Doug, but you never call out Doug when he does any of that name calling or hatred. You only call out people who disagree with you. I have often claimed bronxcheer is a known anti-semite. I have him and rsp blocked because their comments rarely, if ever, add anything to the conversation. Neither do Doug's posts. Do you have anyone other than "libs" blocked? I doubt it.
4/20/2020 4:51 PM
Hi coyote!!!!!!
4/20/2020 5:14 PM
Posted by bronxcheer on 4/20/2020 5:14:00 PM (view original):
Hi coyote!!!!!!
Stop directing posts at wylie. That's offensive.
4/20/2020 5:34 PM
Posted by tangplay on 4/20/2020 3:26:00 PM (view original):
What irritates me is that all3 ***** on the left on these forums but never says a word about Doug, Tucker T, etc. who do the exact same thing, but on his side of the aisle.

His criticism of Trump is fine for now, I guess, but I wish he would give that input when Doug says something directly contrary to his opinion. You know that if rsp or someone else did something similar, all3 would be the first one all over it. What gives wylie, miami, even bob to an extend credibility as "centrists" in my eyes is that they will disagree with anyone who says something against their beliefs. All3 rarely, if ever, does that.
That's the first time I have ever been called a centrist but thank you for the cred.

Maybe I am these days, given how polarized the left and right have become. Classic liberalism at its heart is a mix of liberalism (on personal freedom) and conservatism (on economics.) I guess that leaves me in the middle. It makes me laugh to think that I once ran for state office in Kansas as a Libertarian (decades ago when the party was still pure) and am now viewed as a centrist.

4/20/2020 10:04 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 4/20/2020 4:51:00 PM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 4/20/2020 2:22:00 PM (view original):
Anybody know why wylie thinks my posts are directed to him personally.? He MAY not have done any of those things, but many here have, and that's the general populous I am addressing.
you often respond to my posts with comments about Trump hatred and name calling. If you agree I don't do that, don't respond to my posts saying it. I also noticed you didn't address any of my comments, just wondered why I supposedly thought you were addressing me. I didn't. That post was obviously addressed to Doug, but you never call out Doug when he does any of that name calling or hatred. You only call out people who disagree with you. I have often claimed bronxcheer is a known anti-semite. I have him and rsp blocked because their comments rarely, if ever, add anything to the conversation. Neither do Doug's posts. Do you have anyone other than "libs" blocked? I doubt it.
I've explained many times before that since there are so many Liberals and/or Trump-haters on here, who are so quick to point-out (or twist) every little thing Trump does, that I have no need. Same goes for when Doug says something I don't agree with. Since so many extremists are on one "side", I'll gladly stay away from them on the other.
4/20/2020 11:12 PM
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Trump's Coronavirus Response Topic

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