Posted by wjsalm on 5/24/2011 9:39:00 AM (view original):
i don't understand why you would use him. his defense is fairly low and there are guys with similar stats who have a much higher defensive rating.
don't you think his low low defense outweighs his rebounding prowess?
Malone already explained that you can't find guys with similar stats.. but even if you could... no.
The food chain in this sim world is reb% >/= efg% > usg% (the right balance) > threes > tov% > fta/poss > fp48 > ast% (cumulative total) > stl% > def
So, no, his low rating in the 10th most important thing doesn't outweigh his outstanding ability in the first, his good quality in the 2nd & 3rd, his outstanding (for position, usage & rebounding) quality of the 4th, his rather good for the 5th, his rather good for the 6th (really surprising) & 7th.
But yeah, if I need a low usage rebounder at Power Forward, I'm going Rodman every time. But there's no reason you can't do both and put Love at the 5.
The only 'killer' thing about him is that he only plays 2600 minutes... which seems to be a pain in the *** to finding a good complimentary guy to bring off the bench. 1900, 2400, or 2900+ would all be excellent as there are great guys to pair each of those... but man, that 2600 really is annoying. Can be done, though.