Posted by The Taint on 6/4/2015 10:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by moy23 on 6/4/2015 10:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 6/4/2015 9:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tecwrg on 6/4/2015 9:40:00 PM (view original):
Why is it stupid?
Because it ignores the fact that there was nothing that Obama could have reasonably offered that would have gotten a yes. The GOP goal was obstruction, not concessions.
True. There was nothing OBAMA could have reasonably offered because he was pompous and disingenuous.... However a strong leader would have gotten it done with republicans. Maybe say... a leader more focused on job growth during the 'worst recession since the great depression' than his own costly healthcare agenda would have done the trick.
Of course he's pompous. He's a black man with his own agenda.
His job growth record is so bad. Tell us how bad it is.
I wouldn't say its soooo bad but do you know what caregivers, servers, and temps have in common? They are all minimum wage jobs. I wouldn't be bragging about that.
More economic facts I wouldn't be bragging about....
**The economy continues to gain jobs, but the number of long-term unemployed is nearly double what it was when Obama became president.
**Wages remain stagnant, increasing a scant 0.3 percent after inflation during Obama’s time. Meanwhile corporate profits are running 178 percent higher than just before he took office, and stock prices have doubled.
**The number of low-income persons on food stamps remains just below the record level reached in 2012, with 15 percent of the population still getting benefits.