Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

Fascist brothers from another mother

So Elon Muskrat has gone full tilt anti democracy.
Bribing only registered voters ( get that ? ) $47.00 to sign a petition about the right to be armed like a jihad terrorist and the right to yell fire in a crowded movie theater. And the right to slander and libel and intimidate and to put at risk one’s adversary of being violently attacked through lies and through encouragement.

And the right to use AI to mislead and to create fake defamatory representations of people that are not obviously satirical but are intended to fool people in dangerous ways like a good Nazi should.

Isn’t it patently obvious that whether Trump wins or loses that Busk is setting himself up to run for president in 2028 for the MAGA party.

And why doesn’t he make the bribe $66.66 instead.

I pity the fools.
10/7/2024 2:02 PM (edited)
I finally feel comfortable that Trump is getting defeated. Kamala is like a team of destiny.

As opposed to calling Trump a Barnum and Bailey circus he has been disintegrating into an alien mutation. I compare his disaster to The Island of Dr Moreau. He is the mad doctor and Maga are the creatures. Maga dwells in their own personal hell aka the house of pain.

I would like to see some targeted commercials down south featuring his many pronouncements that climate change is a hoax and some of his policy poison that has hurt the fight against climate change.

There is also some reason to believe that Christian supporters are peeling off. In the past his electorate was underestimated. It looks now like it might be overestimated. I have faith.

10/7/2024 11:56 PM (edited)
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 10/7/2024 2:02:00 PM (view original):
Fascist brothers from another mother

So Elon Muskrat has gone full tilt anti democracy.
Bribing only registered voters ( get that ? ) $47.00 to sign a petition about the right to be armed like a jihad terrorist and the right to yell fire in a crowded movie theater. And the right to slander and libel and intimidate and to put at risk one’s adversary of being violently attacked through lies and through encouragement.

And the right to use AI to mislead and to create fake defamatory representations of people that are not obviously satirical but are intended to fool people in dangerous ways like a good Nazi should.

Isn’t it patently obvious that whether Trump wins or loses that Busk is setting himself up to run for president in 2028 for the MAGA party.

And why doesn’t he make the bribe $66.66 instead.

I pity the fools.
Both of them are infintely smarter than Harris. let a business person do the job for a term. They at least understand finance and Economics.. but if you like that 38 Trillion dollar debt, and illegals wrecking your country.. then vote left. Politicians are totally incompetent and history proves this.

BTW your share of the US national debt is $100,000
10/8/2024 12:04 PM
Obviously the most evil things that the lord of the flies has done was to conspire to overthrow the USA by the fake elector scheme and the shakedown of election officials in at least 2 states ( keep in mind that he threatened that they might be prosecuted if they refused).

And then he summoned 1500 savages with a sick bee hive brain to take over the Capitol. They did not have all of their weapons but he tried assiduously to get the secret service to give them back their assorted weapons INCLUDING ASSAULT WEAPONS.
Imagine the American carnage if they had their weapons. The rabid dogs thought that they were Captain Americas.

Now the piece of S is spreading lies ( lies are intentional falsehoods ) about FEMA. And since he once had the office he fully knows how false and destructive his lies are.
The evil evil evil evil son of Sam is trying to demoralize the poor financially and emotionally devastated victims of the first super hurricane FOR POLITICAL GAIN by saying that the Biden Harris FEMA is cheating them. That is a nuke of a lie.

Such evil has not been seen in this country since Joe McCarthy. I bet many maggots think that McCarthy was a fine American. They would.

I hope that when Trump loses that his head explodes.
10/8/2024 2:07 PM (edited)
Posted by lostnfound74 on 10/8/2024 12:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 10/7/2024 2:02:00 PM (view original):
Fascist brothers from another mother

So Elon Muskrat has gone full tilt anti democracy.
Bribing only registered voters ( get that ? ) $47.00 to sign a petition about the right to be armed like a jihad terrorist and the right to yell fire in a crowded movie theater. And the right to slander and libel and intimidate and to put at risk one’s adversary of being violently attacked through lies and through encouragement.

And the right to use AI to mislead and to create fake defamatory representations of people that are not obviously satirical but are intended to fool people in dangerous ways like a good Nazi should.

Isn’t it patently obvious that whether Trump wins or loses that Busk is setting himself up to run for president in 2028 for the MAGA party.

And why doesn’t he make the bribe $66.66 instead.

I pity the fools.
Both of them are infintely smarter than Harris. let a business person do the job for a term. They at least understand finance and Economics.. but if you like that 38 Trillion dollar debt, and illegals wrecking your country.. then vote left. Politicians are totally incompetent and history proves this.

BTW your share of the US national debt is $100,000
IF you was a citizen I'd point you to the FACT of just (exactly) how MUCH your boy Frump exploded the National Debt.................but you ain so I'll not care how ignorant you is!
10/8/2024 3:00 PM
It is very very sad to the nth degree squared.
Unless forecasters have made the most wrong prediction since Tom Dewey the second super hurricane will be much worse the Helene.

I would not be comfortable even living in Miami going forward. I think it was 7 or 8 years ago that Miami had to evacuate because of a very strong hurricane.

I think that I would be in solid ground if I was to say that by tomorrow night there will be a lot more believers in climate change living in North Carolina and Miami then there were before Helene.

It is time for Maga leaders and the maggots to poke each other in the eye with their perpetual middle finger.
10/8/2024 5:56 PM
It is very very sad to the nth degree squared.
Unless forecasters have made the most wrong prediction since Tom Dewey the second super hurricane will be much worse the Helene.

I would not be comfortable even living in Miami going forward. I think it was 7 or 8 years ago that Miami had to evacuate because of a very strong hurricane.

I think that I would be in solid ground if I was to say that by tomorrow night there will be a lot more believers in climate change living in North Carolina and Miami then there were before Helene.

It is time for Maga leaders and the maggots to poke each other in the eye with their perpetual middle finger.
10/8/2024 5:56 PM
It is very very sad to the nth degree squared.
Unless forecasters have made the most wrong prediction since Tom Dewey the second super hurricane will be much worse the Helene.

I would not be comfortable even living in Miami going forward. I think it was 7 or 8 years ago that Miami had to evacuate because of a very strong hurricane.

I think that I would be in solid ground if I was to say that by tomorrow night there will be a lot more believers in climate change living in North Carolina and Miami then there were before Helene.

It is time for Maga leaders and the maggots to poke each other in the eye with their perpetual middle fingers.

For anyone that reads this but rejects real news, the mayor of Tampa Bay has said that anyone that does not leave will die. She did not say might. She said will.
This hurricane is going to be like the bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
10/8/2024 6:04 PM (edited)
Will the hurricanes impact the election?
No question that tens of thousands ( more then 100,00 in Florida ?)from each of the states won’t be back home if they have a home by Election Day.

One would think that those registered in time will have new polling places ( votes going to their district ) or will do a mail in ballot if they choose to vote.

I also envision that some republicans will be irate over the bill of sale they been sold by malicious delusional people who have no business being in leadership roles or being broadcasters. It is human nature that the victims will want a scapegoat and the only logical ones are Trump and the Republicans. For obvious reasons.

So I see some more republicans voting against Trump and Fox maybe some even across those states. The greater percentage of mail in ballots being dem will also factor in considering all of the people too devastated to vote wherever or however they are allowed.
10/8/2024 6:39 PM (edited)
Posted by lostnfound74 on 10/8/2024 12:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 10/7/2024 2:02:00 PM (view original):
Fascist brothers from another mother

So Elon Muskrat has gone full tilt anti democracy.
Bribing only registered voters ( get that ? ) $47.00 to sign a petition about the right to be armed like a jihad terrorist and the right to yell fire in a crowded movie theater. And the right to slander and libel and intimidate and to put at risk one’s adversary of being violently attacked through lies and through encouragement.

And the right to use AI to mislead and to create fake defamatory representations of people that are not obviously satirical but are intended to fool people in dangerous ways like a good Nazi should.

Isn’t it patently obvious that whether Trump wins or loses that Busk is setting himself up to run for president in 2028 for the MAGA party.

And why doesn’t he make the bribe $66.66 instead.

I pity the fools.
Both of them are infintely smarter than Harris. let a business person do the job for a term. They at least understand finance and Economics.. but if you like that 38 Trillion dollar debt, and illegals wrecking your country.. then vote left. Politicians are totally incompetent and history proves this.

BTW your share of the US national debt is $100,000
Trump is one of the stupidest humans I have ever seen. Airports during the Revolutionary War? Wind Turbines give you cancer? Sharks and electricty and boats. The man is a ******* moron. Don't know enough about Musk, but I do know he supports Trump and Tesla car suck.
10/8/2024 7:35 PM
Somebody that has posts that I have not read
for a very long time has found a way to get me to read something of his - my own heading written back by him as his own for me to read.
So he is aping me and that’s very nice. It’s the old monkey see monkey do thing and it is flattering.
10/8/2024 9:40 PM
They say that Milton is a once in a lifetime hurricane.
We are witnessing the birth of a new cliche.

As a voter who has a responsibility to vote for what is morally right and which will serve the greater good for the country and sometimes the world,
I have no blood on my hands and I have no part of any collective guilt for :

The catastrophic loss of life and devastation of homes and towns and cities people's memories caused by climate change. i have never been intellectually dishonest and called it a hoax. And i have voted for the normal people the honest people the moral people who take it seriously.

Or the deaths and at too many times the mass murder of people and children just going about their business by the monsters with assault weapons.
i think that anyone who feels the need to own one of them needs to be looked at closely because except in rare instances those people have some degree of monster in them. I have no blood on my hands because I have never supported or acquiesced in the allowance of and legalization of those military weapons..I have been intellectually honest and moral and respectful of life and I have done everything in my power and at the very least my votes against the monsters legalizing guns for monsters as both parties have a callous disregard for life and the rights of others to live safe and secure and normal lives.

And I have no blood on my hands for the deaths and injuries of valiant police officers on January 6 because I have been intellectually honest and Ihave not been so selfish as to put myself ahead of the life of democracy in our country and I have not looked away from the rising tide of evil brought about by Trump and MAGA and at the very least as a voter I have protected our country from the evil and incompetence the danger they pose to our country and the world.

And I have no individual part of Iran getting a nuclear bomb because I was intellectually honest about the nuclear treaty understanding the elements of the agreement and knowing what it did not do But I was smart enough and responsible enough to know that evil regimes getting nuclear bombs is a bad thing and I knew what the priorities were and I knew who to trust and who possessed the judgement I could trust.

And I have no blood on my hands for the rise of hatred towards other groups and I have not supported politics of hate and the endangerment of others by white nationalists and racists and Nazis and KKK. i was smart enough to know that i never want to be an a room with them having mutual goals..God forbid.

And I have no lies to myself about not talking the talk because actually do as all of us should and try to walk the walk when it comes to help your neighbor and respect the rights of your neighbor. I have no hypocritical religious beliefs.

And I have no blood on my hands because I have no inner weakness of wanting to be in a cult of personality and not needing to belong to a group that loves and respects autocracy and and all of the death and tearing down and degradation it causes.

And I have no blood on my hands because I was too lazy to vote for the right things and the right values especially at a time of emergency.

And I have no guilt about wanting to take health care away from the people who would suffer and die without it. What kind of a person would Ibe if I did. And I am not intellectually dishonest by saying that The ACA is not perfect so it should be scrapped and called unconstitutional just because the other party did it thereby disregarding the death and suffering that would be caused by going back to what we had before with having nothing but maybe maybe at best a concept of something else. Taking away healthcare is some kind of hateful and morally bankrupt thing to do and yes murderous.

And I can be proud that I actually do try to live by the best of the judeo christian values that so many don't but yet insist of putting faith into government and bibles into schools.

And I have the intellectual honesty and the maturity and compassion to know that not everyone pops out as a straight heterosexual and people that are not Are equal people with equal rights to love as they do and be who they are And there are others that do not fit into societal expectations must also be treated the same even if you cannot understand who they are.

And I have no blood on my hands because I am not a part of all of the death and suffering caused by trying to inject my religious beliefs into secular issues and successfully doing so
And I have the decency not to force my religious beliefs on others or to make others uncomfortable who do not have my beliefs. .

AND This is not a time for political policy
divisions. Either you want to be on the side of keeping democracy and wanting humanity and basic common decency and respect to others
OR you really don't give a ****.

10/9/2024 8:53 PM (edited)
As you know Dino...........I've been trying to read many of your posts lately.........just trying to stay up with the haps.........if'n you get my drift.

Anyways, I'd have to take my laptop to the John Q.Crapper (where's I do my REAL BIG thinking) in order to peruse you latest.

Reckon I'll just have to stay less informed.
10/9/2024 12:33 PM
Hey Milton
Could you at least stop over at Mar-A-Lago.
10/9/2024 3:59 PM
If you liked the first joker movie I would see the new one. Forget the reviews. If they didn’t like the first one they would like this one. Fickle finger of fake.

This one is more of the soul of Arthur Fleck.
Lady Gaga is very charismatic even charming in a criminally crazy way.

A throwaway line of dialogue has someone yelling Arthur Milligan.

The ending could lead into a Batman movie in a new universe.
Roman Polanski could have made this movie.
Dark can’t always be happy go lucky. Won’t put on a happy face.

10/10/2024 11:29 AM
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