I get the point that mchales is trying to make, but it's a slippery slope.
Personally, I think it should be a free market situation, let the market sort itself out.
If Joe's Bakery prefers not to sell cakes for gay weddings, there are plenty of other bakeries that will. Gays will stop buying their baked goods at Joe's, and there will be some percentage of the straight population that will also stop buying from Joe's as a matter of principle. If the market causes Joe's to lose enough business, he will have to either change his business model to start attracting back gay customers, or go out of business.
Trying to force people to do something against their will through legislation is not a good way to go. People will comply with the laws only because they are forced to comply, not by their own choice. That harbors resentment, and resentment is not the best way to foster real and sincere change.
5/15/2015 9:30 AM (edited)