Project 2025 Bans Freedom of Thought Topic

Maybe you THINK so,,,,,,,,,,,,but your truth is pure delusion. Based on what you hear from miscreants and liars. Garbage in, garbage out. Simple.

I've tried to tell you this before..............Turn OFF your TV. Better yet, blow it up, take a shotgun to it. Cut the cord. Stop the blue glow.
It's rendering your mental capabilities and cognitive ability into that of a sub-species of human.
Someone who views a PIG as the ideal man.
You are, in a word, .................. vacuous.
9/18/2024 12:02 PM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 9/18/2024 9:52:00 AM (view original):
An Eye For An Eye

The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon lost one eye and had the other seriously injured in the glorious genius pager attack.

Another First from the World’s Finest Mossad.

If you don’t follow events check it out and be amazed.
And today Hezbollah walkie talkies are exploding. So far there are 9 reported deaths and 300 wounded.

The scientific and medical and agricultural genius of Israel is astounding. And such a small country in terms of land and population. It is astonishing.
9/18/2024 12:09 PM
What other tech could be vulnerable?
Televisions? Computers? Tablets?
Light bulbs? Table radios?

They may have to watch television in movie theaters
or have 80 inch tvs and sit 20 feet away.
9/18/2024 12:20 PM
In Lebanon when you buy an electronic device you get more bang for the buck.
9/18/2024 5:12 PM
I don’t know the answer to this but I wonder if the very early followers and voters for Hitler ( 1932 - 1936 ) were very very delusional like core MAGA is or did they fully understand with eyes wide open exercising their normal objective reasoning.

Do breakdowns of collective thinking into dangerous mob worship of evil authoritarianism start with individuals sharing traits of clinical delusion morphing into mass hysteria or mass insanity??

How do people of a group get to be so delusional?
What happens to them to get to the irrational worship stage? where they no longer are capable of independent thought and will gladly believe anything that their leader tells them? No matter how dangerous or hateful or absurd.

One day, God willing, this will be studied and dissected and there will be grieving over the death of reasoning and morality in a cult of personality mass hysteria movement masquerading as a political movement.
9/19/2024 11:01 AM (edited)
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 8/13/2024 8:05:00 AM (view original):
I recommend the recent Rolling Stone article on Mark Jackson running for governor in North Carolina.
He makes Trump look like a truth telling Mother Theresa.
I realize that he is running against a Jewish guy in a southern state but the fact that he is only 10 points behind is more proof that this country is in deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep trouble.

just a taste - he thinks that women should not be allowed to vote ( as a serious point of view ) a holocaust denier…,,,.calls anyone of the LBGTQ community “filth” said that if assault weapons are banned people will be left defenseless…..on abortion he tells women that you should keep your skirt down and your pants up and they kill children so that they can get their groove on……….
and on and on. Again he is only 10 points behind in the race for governor and Trump praises him and slobbers all over him with love.

A bold idea whose time has come - elementary school children should be allowed to carry hand guns concealed at school to protect themselves against mass murderers.
This guy is in the news today. Big sex and racism and Christian morality scandal.

I’ll give you just one of the revelations - he likes loves watching transgender sex and calls himself a perv.

There are several articles - broken by CNN.
9/19/2024 10:39 PM
It used to be about socioeconomic classes.
I now think of the Hate class and the Diversity class.

New lesson on hatred and stoking violence and callous endangerment of innocent people from Professor Hatred in Chief Emeritus Donald Trump -

Trump and Vance are going to Springfield Ohio to double down and bring hateful chaos to that town.
The mayor and the governor have begged them not to come but they refuse to listen.

Every day twice a day the schools are checked for bombs and there have been more then 30 bomb threats.
The Mayor says his city does not have the resources to handle more controversy or to protect Trump and Vance.

Hate for sale. Advertising Trump hate for sale.
9/20/2024 9:03 AM (edited)
Trump is Endangering Innocent People

Im going to keep track of groups he is putting in the cross hairs of his most violent followers.

1. Haitians - We all know how he has made Legal immigrant Haitian people targets on purpose because of racism and pure evil. The kind of evil that makes him very attractive to Nazis and literally a wet dream sexy god to LBGTQ hating skin heads. Compensate much ??

2. Jews - Last month and last night he tells Jews that they are morally obligated to vote for him and last night he adds that Jews can be blamed if they don’t vote for him and he loses.
Contrary to what that evil dangerous piece of garbage thinks that will not motivate. More likely he will lose some of his 25% Jewish support. He has now given license to Nazis and generic white nationalists to take out their anguish on Jews if he loses.
9/20/2024 3:01 PM (edited)
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 9/16/2024 1:58:00 PM (view original):
Another assassination attempt yesterday from 400 yards at one of Trump’s golf courses. This time the guy is a mercenary who was in Ukraine but had a gripe with Ukraine not allowing as many foreign fighters as he suggested to them.

One would think that he is also angry at Trump and Republicans for blocking military aid
to Ukraine and rooting for Russia. Had an AK style rifle with a scope. So what else is new.

It seems like a lot of people have anger and grudges against Trump and hold him responsible for things that are upsetting these people enough to try and shoot him.

No matter how low of a person Trump is and he is lower then what is possible for low, these sets of circumstances are totally unacceptable and they becomes contagious. It seems like the secret service is no longer effective and I think that assault weapons make more protection necessary and more difficult. More agents are required. Many more actually for any high level protectee.

This thwarted unhinged maniac was captured. Trump does not like people who get captured.
at the very least the first assassination attempt was staged. Why else do you think absolutely no one is talking about it?
9/21/2024 12:49 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 9/18/2024 12:02:00 PM (view original):
Maybe you THINK so,,,,,,,,,,,,but your truth is pure delusion. Based on what you hear from miscreants and liars. Garbage in, garbage out. Simple.

I've tried to tell you this before..............Turn OFF your TV. Better yet, blow it up, take a shotgun to it. Cut the cord. Stop the blue glow.
It's rendering your mental capabilities and cognitive ability into that of a sub-species of human.
Someone who views a PIG as the ideal man.
You are, in a word, .................. vacuous.
You are so right, Bob!
9/21/2024 12:50 AM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 9/18/2024 12:11:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 9/18/2024 9:52:00 AM (view original):
An Eye For An Eye

The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon lost one eye and had the other seriously injured in the glorious genius pager attack.

Another First from the World’s Finest Mossad.

If you don’t follow events check it out and be amazed.
And today Hezbollah walkie talkies are exploding. So far there are 9 reported deaths and 300 wounded.

The scientific and medical and agricultural genius of Israel is astounding. And such a small country in terms of land and population. It is astonishing.
sorry. Lenny but I can't really applaud an attack where innocent civilians are hurt or killed, no matter who does it.
9/21/2024 12:52 AM
I think some number over 500,000 brand new young voters have registered over the past 10 days. About 350,000 were in direct response to Taylor Swift.
I think it is very safe to say that the vast majority will vote for Kamala.
These new votes do not show up in polls.
Plenty more will register over the next few weeks.

This is under the radar and very very good news for K.
In the battleground states these new not yet polled voters can be the difference.

The deluded are a 200% lost cause. Keep these new registers coming.

9/21/2024 1:48 PM
Trump Economy - Part 1 of what will happen

Trump nuked the farming industry with his tariffs.
He had to give Tens of billions of dollars to bail out the farmers who could not afford the China prices because of the Trump tariffs. There was widespread bankruptcy of farmers because of his policies.

Now he wants to explode the tariff strategy and he will finally cause catastrophic damage to the whole economy.
Even if he is actually not trying to do it he will ruin the economy and help Russia in ways they can only dream of.

He will do to the economy what he has already done to democracy and the explosion of hatred and division.

It is all so obvious except to the poor camels.
9/22/2024 4:45 AM (edited)
World War T - part 2 of what will happen

Since the end of the Cold War the networks of trade even among adversaries has achieved what the architects said it would. Reliance upon entangled trade would inoculate adversaries from ultimate war.

The Trump massive tariffs would rip
all of that apart. It would be like a bullet in the back of the head of the American economy. And a national security failure with ripple effects that would endanger the world order as fragile as it already is.

It is a giant step towards American isolationism and anyone that values the lessons of history knows the brain damaged stupidity of that policy and how it leads to world war.

People like Trump and his fellow hate obsessed madmen are unable to accept that history shows that the worst impulses of human behavior keep getting repeated as patterns unless lessons are learned and antidotes are devised to rectify mistakes and prevent repetition.

Trumpite policy makers need strap on brains and psychoanalysis.
9/22/2024 4:47 AM (edited)
So You Want The Truth About Inflation
You Say You Think You Are Entitled
Well You Can’t Handle The Truth

Here is the true story about the Inflation over the past recent years. The truth just does not fit the deceptive outright lies and omissions he of the MAGA/Trump narrative. Contrary to what trumpeters would like all of us to believe Inflation did not magically originate after Biden became president. This is what happened.

In Chronological order.

1. The Trump Tax Cuts
The first cause after Obama was the Trump tax cuts passed in December 2017. The Obama economy was basically still in place until the tax cuts took effect in the 2018 tax year which was the filing in 2019. Inflation as a result of gigantic decrease in revenue and a increased spending and widening of the deficit was not felt immediately but the train had left the station.

The increased spending after Covid caused a greater amount of inflation then if the trump individual and corporate tax cuts had not happened.

I have not brought up the Trump tariffs on China because some were good policy even though it caused inflation at some point. The biggest problem was execution - too indiscriminate.

2. Covid and Covid Response During The Trump Administration That Caused Inflation Felt During Biden
After Covid happened in Trump 2020 supply chains began to break down. The full brunt of that breakdown caused inflation around the world and especially in 2021 and 2022. Nobody could totally fix it and it led to some of the inflation around the world.

3. The Cares Act
Congress put it together and Trump signed it. It was a 2.2 trillion stimulus package. This set up inflation that was exacerbated by the revenue removed from the treasury by the tax cut. It caused inflation that Biden inherited. It was a cause that f inflation but it was necessary and Trump was right to sign it into law. It must be acknowledged that this is the same type of spending that MAGA says that Biden did that created the inflation.

4. Worsening Supply Chain Issues is in Biden Administration - NOT the fault of Biden but it was a leading cause of inflation.

5. The American Rescue Plan
This was a 1.5 trillion stimulus package after Biden got in. It was crucial and necessary and it was said so at the time that it would cause inflation.
There was very little choice anyway. Once again inflation was being tied to world wide broken supply chains and now the first cause Trump individual and corporate tax cuts.

6. Trump’s Corporate tax cuts did not create jobs. Trickle down economy is not even a trickle and what’s so good about a trickle anyway?
Companies with home grown products took advantage of the covid economy and engaged in corporate greed. Their tax cut was not enough. You started to get 80% of the cereal in the box for the same price. Others simply jacked up prices because of their control of the weakened market. Price gouging corporate greed.
This was a type of inflation caused by malicious corporations not caused by Biden policies. The Biden administration has been fighting it for the past few years.

7. The Biden Infrastructure Bill
When Trump was in office an infrastructure bill was a big issue. He was asked almost every week and he promised one that never even came close to being realized. The need was great.
I am interpreting but I think that a Biden was not going to allow the horrible for the country Trump tax cuts deprive the country of such vital and critical legislation. It passed and cost 1.2 trillion and yes it added to inflation. It was the least expensive of 2 stimulus bills and the tax cuts.

It is fair and accurate to say that total inflation would have been less if the tax structure was not changed.
Republicans insist that the Infrastructure bill without ever naming it was reckless spending.
If they say what spending they are talking about independent voters being misled will not take their argument.

The Infrastructure spending was necessary.

Most inflation was baked in by Covid issues like supply chains. Biden handled inflation better then the leaders of all of the other industrialized nations.
The Infrastructure bill caused some inflation and so did the tax cuts. We got important things from the Infrastructure bill and nothing but empty debt from the tax cuts.
In 2 years Biden has 2.5% inflation - unbelievable and so stable and low that the Fed cut interest rates.
And where there are products that have price increases wages have also increased and are even a little higher.

Biden did not cause inflation and his policies worked.
Also public perception can be influenced and skewed by constant lies and misinformation misrepresentation and exaggeration. That happened. In all actuality the finances of most people did not change that much.
Most of the objects of inflation were cars and eggs and a few other things.
The culprit was more perception then is accepted.

Inflation was outside of control in the immediate aftermath of Covid and spending did create an obstacle to faster change but after the completion of 2022 inflation came down steadily and it is very very low now contrary to the hopeful wishes of failure of the deluded and dishonest.

9/23/2024 7:37 PM (edited)
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