IMO Obama is the worst president the US has ever had. That said, I think a GOOD health care subsidy program is essential. Either that or have a heart attack and end up owing $125,000 for the surgery. Have another one when you can't pay the bill. Going on side with Palestine is the biggest mistake he has made, imo. There is a huge price to pay for that (going anti Israel) Don't mess with their land.
Back the good ol' USA. I have to laugh at how the Democraps constastantly trash the Repub's. It's their hobby. Liberalism destroys the family unit, and will destroy the US, in time. My biggest shock was when the US RE ELECTED Obama. Of course the Repub's run someone who will never be elected. Someone pulling their strings, and don't ask me how that works
You have the government you deserve, America. I have watched the slide since Nov 22-1963 and it is a very sad movie. I don't see it getting better.
Except ye repent, ye will likewise perish. Not a fear mongering statement, but a Law of God himself. and ...
IF the USA does come to destruction, where then, do the oppressed go for refuge?