No Tomatoes

2021 - so looking forward to policies being discussed and an end to any cult of personality in the leadership of the elected officials of either party and especially the White House.

the only Republican left in the senate who has any right to run in 24 is Mitt Romney.....although I’m sure Tim Scott has thoughts. But neither could win in the primaries. I don’t know of any R in the house with integrity and heft.
Nikki Haley is probably top possibility to win 24 nomination. She has just enough barking dog sounds and enough trump stink to appeal to a trump base.
if he stays out of jail jr could run and there might be pence.
11/22/2020 12:54 AM
I could see a ticket of Haley and Tim Scott.
watch their public personas starting Jan 21 2021.
I bet they are constantly on Fox.
but they will have to remain humbly obedient to rump throughout the process.

the Shepard guy who used to be on Fox and quit has been on CNBC but is getting very low ratings.

Geraldo Rivera is my pick for most uncool guy of the 21st century.
to think that he was once a good friend of John and Yoko and even referenced in a song on the Lennon Ono great great 1972 album Somewhere in New York.
11/22/2020 1:05 AM
Biden will name some cabinet picks on Teusday.

Trump is trying to find a small country where he can become dictator and president for life. It will be a one party system. Trump wishes to be called bwana if possible.
regressive tax system but 100% employment guaranteed.
11/22/2020 11:38 AM
On Polls

i might be mangling the name but one major polling company was on the money. IDTP or something like that. They are out of L.A. and said a 4% national difference.
they use a unique approach. They follow about 10,000 people for 6 months and track changes among this group.

it worked in 16 too because they were ranked second most accurate.

Georgia on our minds
absolute dead heats in both races. 49-49-2 in both races.
it is going to come down to who gets out the vote and steals the bacon.
11/22/2020 4:42 PM
The Philosophy Behind the Trump and Great Ghouliani Legal Circus Tour

circumspectly summarized for the lowest common denominators of erstwhile politically educated patrons of patronizing platitudes.

I have a dream that there are corrupt and evil and or just flat out stupid and moronic judges that will let us disenfranchise voters and help us steal the election because we are entitled to win even if we didn’t get enough votes.
11/22/2020 6:53 PM (edited)
57 more days

is trump planning to bomb Iran.
he is upset that his policy has led to Iran being on the doorstep of creating a nuclear bomb and stockpile.
his policy has failed and he cannot say that the Obama policy had worked before he wrecked it.

Blinkens worked on the Obama Iran negotiations and is steeped in the process and substance.
will trump wreck the possibility of salvaging the agreement and stemming the tide and reversing the progress.

stay tuned and wap bam pow!!
11/23/2020 9:34 AM
More Noose on TV

There will be a brand new multicultural news channel launching in mid 2021.......devoted to diverse minority groups and populations in America.

the Biden administration would be wise to embrace it.
11/23/2020 9:53 AM
I hope there can be fireside chats from Biden and a news platform where administration officials and some cabinet members can brief the public on activities and legislation on a regular monthly way on major television venues.
11/23/2020 9:57 AM
The Man Who Went Silent During The Great Voting Train Wreck Robbery

William Barr went into the witness protection program
and has not uttered a peep. Not one bo peep.

I wonder if trump will fire him after ascertainment and the electoral college formally delivers presidency to Joe Biden.

barr is no hero but trump can’t be too happy with him.
11/23/2020 10:05 AM
Biden naming cabinet and other posts today.
A. Blinken will be great experienced sec of state.
I love John Kerry as special climate envoy. It is a national security council position and first time a climate person will have seat at the council.
new DHS- a very experienced person with vast immigration experience of cuban American descent.
11/23/2020 1:40 PM (edited)
The blacklist - I think that red is the real katarina and Elizabeth’ s mother.
Maybe she saves red’s life later as a family member as red has a mysterious illness.
11/23/2020 1:44 PM
Gore v Bush v Trump v United States of America

there are lots of interesting stories in America history not many people know about like when the brother of John Wilkes Booth saved the life of one of Lincoln’s sons from a potential fatal railroad accident.

here is an important and fascinating text from the Florida 2000 election.
there was an area of Florida home to many senior citizens mostly Jewish who were mostly Gore voters.
there was a problem with the machines leading to catastrophically misleading ballot display and inadvertently at least 50,000 Jewish seniors voted for the man seen by Jews universally as antisemetic, Pat Buchanan a true right winger.

afterwards there was tremendous dismay over what happened. A community was distraught but the election was still close and winnable for Gore.
it was universally accepted that nothing could be done about the voting error...not all were mislead or misunderstood the ballot although it was recognized that it was indeed a situation of massive voter error.
nothing could be done.

the votes came down to 500 some ballots with punching issues.
no attempts to disenfranchise anyone.

but to me the greatest story is that Gore never sued over the machine problem taking away a plurality of votes that would have given him the easy win.
and he was never a sore loser.

this is a true story and it is amazing.
11/23/2020 2:46 PM (edited)
Because of Bunion trump became a fan of Andrew Jackson his idol.
Jackson beat Quincy in 1828 primarily because of the new system of popular votes instead of just the shady shifty rigging elector system they had then.
such irony.
11/23/2020 3:03 PM
For those that check in here first for breaking news
trump has allowed gsa to allow Biden transition immediately and fully.
11/23/2020 6:36 PM

when trump told people at at least 2 different North Carolina rallies to vote twice.
11/24/2020 11:52 AM
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