For those who may be seeing this for the first time...these are the most important sentences in the original series of posts:
In summary, Sparky will manage according to your instructions EXACTLY as you have provided them to him. He is not going to override them, no matter how much you may want him to, or how much you think “common sense” should dictate otherwise, unless he has no other options.
This is the most important point in this entire thread: Sparky’s use of the bullpen is extremely logical. By “logical” I don’t necessarily mean that every decision Sparky makes is exactly the way I would make it, or you would make it, or a real manager would make it. By “logical” I mean that WIS has programmed him with very specific rules about which pitchers to use, in which order of priority, based on inning and score differential AND YOUR SETTINGS. There are – as far as I know – absolutely no documented glitches in this part of the algorithm. There is no line of code that says “bring the mop up in the late innings of a tie game, even if other better (and fully rested) pitchers are available.” So, if you find that in fact Sparky did bring in a mop up in that situation, it’s always because he had no other options available based on the instructions you gave him.
I see this happen in almost every league I am in...someone at some point will complain "SIM brings in mop up in crucial situation instead of guy I think he should have used instead." I even see, surprisingly, very experienced owners ***** about this from time to time. When this happens, it is 100% due to your settings, not due to any glitch in the system, and certainly not due to WIS's algorithm randomly deciding to screw your team over.