There are so many easy, simple things that would help the NBA Sim out a lot that would make things much more enjoyable and better-running.
1. Don't let people look at the freakin rosters of the top 25 teams - anyone who's never played before can copy an open league exactly. Why do those rosters need to be displayed for all to see?
2. MLB recently (maybe a year or so ago?) implemented all-time stats, records, etc for progressive leagues. How hard would it be to transfer that to the bball SIM?
3. What the hell happened to def ratings when they were adjusted a year or two ago? Specifically, why do some players have a def rating of exactly 50 for several seasons in a row? Did you not like the numbers for those guys, so they were manually changed?
That's just off the top of my head.
Oh, yeah, and I love this statement:
"The SimLeague games are pretty mature products and while there is always room for improvement, the games are pretty solid"
the baseball SIM is the oldest, most mature game that WIS has, and it gets updates like candy. Why bother saying anything more than "we update the games that bring in the most cash?" Saying the rest just makes you sound silly.
Man, I sure liked this place a lot more before it went corporate.