Obama: Worst President Ever? Topic

World's top climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years

  • Leaked United Nations report reveals the world's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years
  • Politicians have raised concerns about the final draft
  • Fears that the findings will encourage deniers of man-made climate change

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2425775/Climate-scientists-told-cover-fact-Earths-temperature-risen-15-years.html#ixzz3JBRDA9SC 
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11/15/2014 6:42 PM

Scientists working on the most authoritative study on climate change were urged to cover up the fact that the world’s temperature hasn’t risen for the last 15 years, it is claimed.



A leaked copy of a United Nations report, compiled by hundreds of scientists, shows politicians in Belgium, Germany, Hungary and the United States raised concerns about the final draft.

Published next week, it is expected to address the fact that 1998 was the hottest year on record and world temperatures have not yet exceeded it, which scientists have so far struggled to explain.

The report is the result of six years’ work by UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is seen as the world authority on the extent of climate change and what is causing it – on which governments including Britain’s base their green policies.


Concerns: Scientists have been urged to cover up the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years amid fears it would provide ammunition for deniers of man-made climate change


But leaked documents seen by the Associated Press, yesterday revealed deep concerns among politicians about a lack of global warming over the past few years.

Germany called for the references to the slowdown in warming to be deleted, saying looking at a time span of just 10 or 15 years was ‘misleading’ and they should focus on decades or centuries.

The UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has changed its tune after issuing stern warnings about climate change for years


Hungary worried the report would provide ammunition for deniers of man-made climate change.

Belgium objected to using 1998 as a starting year for statistics, as it was exceptionally warm and makes the graph look flat - and suggested using 1999 or 2000 instead to give a more upward-pointing curve.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2425775/Climate-scientists-told-cover-fact-Earths-temperature-risen-15-years.html#ixzz3JBSAFv5W 
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11/15/2014 6:42 PM
  The United Nations?  Really?  Governments wouldn't lie to their citizens in order to raise money or control them.  Especially not in Europe!  Perish the thought!

  Has anyone eVar lied to us about climate change in recent history?  Let's see…………………..

  There were those guys in East Angelica.

  Ummmmmm…….Penn State.

  Ahhhhhh……………NASA.  Twice.

  Errrrrrr…………The tree rings guy and the hockey stick moke.  You know what?  This looks pretty one sided.

  Has there ever been a big scandal broken by the media that shows the other side lying to the public and changing the numbers?  I think not.

  I wonder if they are lying to us because we're too stupid to know better.  Jonathan Gruber would know.
11/15/2014 6:55 PM
OH boy.
11/15/2014 7:06 PM
Posted by The Taint on 11/15/2014 6:24:00 PM (view original):
Climate change is a much better name, but you are wrong about a cold cycle.

The world is on course for this to be the hottest year ever, with global land and sea temperatures for September the highest ever recorded for the month, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said on Monday.

The findings, which confirm September as the warmest such month on record, continue a string of record-beating months for global temperature.

The year to date for 2014 is already tied with 1998 as the warmest such period since record keeping began in 1880, Noaa scientists said.

Combined land and sea average surface temperatures registered 0.68°C above the 20th century average of 14.1C, Noaa said. That ties with 1998 and 2010 as the warmest period on record.

And those records too are close to falling. “If 2014 maintains this temperature departure from average for the remainder of the year, it will be the warmest year on record,” Noaa said in a statement.

All of the world’s top 10 warmest years have occurred since 2000. Climate studies have shown the world is poised for more warmth as the amounts of carbon dioxide rise. Last month, figures revealed carbon dioxide levels rose by the highest amount in 30 years in 2013.

Noaa has recorded above-average global temperatures for each September in the last 38 years. The last September with below 20th century average temperatures occurred in 1976, Noaa said.

The government agency said the temperatures were driven by warming oceans.

Australia also had hotter day time temperatures, with western Australia breaking its previous records. Britain also had its fourth warmest September since records began a century ago, with temperatures 1.2°C above the long-term average.

The planet is 4.5 billion years old.

Of course, using temperature data from a 17 year period out of 4.5 billion years must be UNDENIABLE, INDISPUTABLE PROOF that WE ARE DESTROYING THE PLANET!!!

Also, FYI, the most extreme weather in North America occurred during the winter of 1935/1936 (one of the coldest winters on record), followed by the summer of 1936 (one of the hottest summers on record).

And by "on record". we're talking maybe the past 100-150 years of somewhat accurate temperature data.  Out of the 4.5 billion years that the planet has been in existance.

Yes indeed.  The sky must be falling.

11/15/2014 9:43 PM (edited)
Like the fly on the wheel who says
'What a lot of dust we're raising'
Are you under the illusion
That you're part of this scheme?
11/15/2014 10:08 PM
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Posted by silentpadna on 11/15/2014 4:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 11/14/2014 3:59:00 PM (view original):
This is rather pointless because, regardless of what you say, I know you're not choosing to put your family next to a nuclear plant.   Anyone with the means to avoid living next to a NP would avoid doing it.   They can be 99.99% "safe" but there's no sense in risking that .01%. 
But that's the same as not living next to other industrial things if you had a choice. That's not specific to nuclear plants nor would it be related to the perceived safety of the plant.

I would not worry at all about the proximity of a nuclear plant relative to any other type of plant.

Of course I say this with the advantage of having worked in nuclear plants; so I do have an idea of their safety and how the power is generated.

I'm quite sure everyone who lives near/works at a nuclear plant thinks it's perfectly safe.   Then a tsunami/hurricane/earthquake/tornado hits and all hell breaks loose.   

It's definitely not the same as living next to ballbearing plant at that point.   

11/16/2014 7:46 AM (edited)
Posted by moy23 on 11/16/2014 3:48:00 AM (view original):
It would be nice to see republicans start asking Obama this question regarding executive orders on immigration:

"We have college graduates that are struggling to find decent paying jobs and now you are issuing 5,000,000 more work visas to illegal immigrants. Which american jobs do you foresee these 5,000,000 illegal immigrants taking?"

...and keep it on repeat. Turns the spotlight back on obama to answer for his actions and the message may resonate with students and others at the voting booth that will have less jobs available to them.

Do you think college graduates would take the jobs the 5m illegal immigrants will take?

Be serious.  Recent college grads think they should be running hotels not cleaning them.  

11/16/2014 7:27 AM
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People like their electric toys.
11/16/2014 10:47 AM
When it comes to pollution, I would rather live next to a nuclear power plant than an oil refinery. Although I do think oil refineries are spewing out less pollution now than they were years ago.
11/16/2014 12:16 PM
  I think they are.  I KNOW they are.  We have scrubbers.  That's why we should use more coal.  But we can't under this administration. 

  President Gruber…….errrrr……I mean Obama, promised to kill coal. He promised not to make it illegal but he did promise to regulate it out of existence.  

  Meanwhile President community organizer voting "present" and never holding a job in his life now pretends to make treaties.

  So the smartest teleprompter reader in the world goes over to China and forces them to do nothing for 16 years while we hold the bag and take the hit.  Shrewd.

  Here is MY point.  Why didn't he require them to buy our scrubbers and apply the same technology evenly.  It could have been grandfathered.

  Jonathan Gruber is only partially correct.  The stupidity of Americans can be attributed to a partial segment of the population but we also know it now reaches directly into the bowels of the White House. This administration is the stupid American voter.
11/16/2014 2:54 PM (edited)
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