Again the self portrait.
1/14/2021 6:25 PM
Biden announced tonight big Covid plan with big money for fast comprehensive vaccination program.
expansion of recent stimulus checks of additional $1400.00 checks to individuals.
a shot in the arm.
1/14/2021 8:30 PM
Dems need to surreptitiously start an underground conspiracy theory that trump is the secret leader of the child trafficking ring and a lizard person and he tried to install a lizard nation but was thwarted.
maybe that can stem the tide of further trumpism.
1/14/2021 9:24 PM
I honestly don't understand why people who are theoretically educated get excited about "stimulus checks." I mean, I can see why people would be personally excited to get a check for nothing, but in the long run somebody has to pay for it.

You almost can't invent a worse way to spend a few hundred billion dollars if you actually want to, you know, stimulate the economy. Modest amounts of money in the hands of the poor and middle class are largely funneled into banks. This creates a very low effective money multiplier on this spending. It does very little in terms of job creation. It does very little to boost stock prices. It does very little to promote the expansion of corporate infrastructure. It just sits there, or - gasp - gets used to reduce debt. Reducing debt can be great for individuals, but it's bad for the economy.
1/15/2021 1:50 AM
121 hours left

The trump rioters are as stupid as they are dangerous.
such dumb people I have never seen.
And mentally ill.
mentally ill but legally sane and politically insane.
Such is the story of trumpism.
1/15/2021 11:14 AM
The impeachment may have effectively by law according to legal scholars prevented Trump from pardoning anyone related to the insurrection for charges stemming from it including himself if he could even possibly pardon himself.

pardon watch continues. Trump will be on plane to Florida on Wednesday morning. The whole trump klan is moving there. Melania and trump face lawsuits to get out as soon as they get there. Trump agreed in 1993 to make mar-a-lago a club and never a residence or domicile and the community is going to seek enforcement of that 1993 agreement.
1/15/2021 2:12 PM
Seeking help on this question.
does the fbi have the same authority to investigate hate groups as groups labeled as terror organizations.
are they treated the same or differently under the law.
1/15/2021 2:17 PM
Please delete the above or I will redline it.
1/15/2021 4:46 PM
Here is a frightening perspective on what has happened to the USA.
infowars has an approximately 10 million audience.
it is factual that the extreme majority is white.
it represents between 5 and 6 % of the adult white population.
1/15/2021 5:30 PM
If I was to say that as much as 10 % at least of the adult white population fall somewhere on the Alex Jones thought belief spectrum I think I would be on very safe ground.

1/15/2021 5:34 PM
Just 96 hours left

there is concern the trump could issue secret pardons.
if he does issue a blanket amnesty pardon for the murdering rioters he would seal his fate in the senate where he would almost certainly be convicted.
1/16/2021 12:13 PM

87 hours before the political disease goes to Florida in exile.
1/16/2021 6:03 PM
71 Hours

words that are now scary - bombshell reporting

the trump incompetence and lying about the vaccine rollout is a criminal scandal....they lied about everything about the rollout and capacity and did not order enough from Pfizer probably for political reasons.
I like Tim Allen but he really sounds foolish when he says that the trump lousy vaccine rollout exemplifies why government can’t do anything.
more like a government that would not do something.
and when you have a vacuum of top notch people or leaders with a philosophy you are not going to get anything done.
all the worst people came back to haunt us big time.

secret pardons could be happening.

there could be a plan to charge a lot of the WLM
insurrection workers with criminal conspiracy and sedition.
The move to oust the q’anon congress people is going
to be an earnest and righteous endeavor.
cruz and others also face a day of reckoning in congress and could face ouster especially if there is developing information we are not yet privy to.

I am looking forward to seeing how Biden uses the defense production act and if it can be used to manufacture more doses quickly.

anyone who refuses to wear a mask over mouth and nose is an honorary trumper no matter who they supported.

1/17/2021 12:45 PM
The Director of the Office of Technology and Science is the chief science adviser to the President and Biden has elevated it to a cabinet position.
how great is it that one of the great scientific minds in the United States has a seat at the cabinet table.
it will start getting real next week.
just in the Nick of time.

Trump is looking to buy a used book store in Florida to serve as the Trump Presidential Library.
1/17/2021 4:34 PM
51 Hours

trump’s insurrection crowd was bigger then Obama’s.
trump’s is second to Jefferson Davis.

Washington post reports that trump is working on 100 Clemencies which will be announced today or tomorrow. No information on who or if family getting pardons.
interesting wrinkle on self pardon - it could be used as a guilty plea in civil cases against trump for the insurrection riot.
franklin graham and others thought the riot was about the resurrection of lord and savior Donald j trump.....saints be saved.

I wonder if pillow talk guy company is taking a hit now.

dacca recipients have got some really good days ahead.
the dem bill will be up or down for them with no security or wall issue tied in.
republicans will really be put the spot.....Dacca kids finally will be ok.

science is finally back in the United States at the front where it belongs.
we are a frontier nation and the the expansion of scientific discovery is our future and our destiny and our salvation.
1/18/2021 9:31 AM (edited)
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