Posted by dino27 on 10/22/2014 9:07:00 PM (view original):
if i may put my 2 cents in..i completely agree with bad luck that he was strong and successful in turning around the economy from heading into a depression..he saved the auto industry and wall street has done very well all these years..the unemployment rate which is always 6-9 per cent no matter who is in power is at the lower of the numbers .....culturally he has been progressive and helpful to gay people which in the long run will help all people...he did kill osama bin laden and under obama we have thrived with the drone a big supporter of the patriot act i hope snowden rots and obama has done the right thing about security..
i do believe that years from now he will be hailed for obamacare and it will be an essential program.
the only issue and it is a big one that i reserve judgement becaudse it hasnt played out is iran....thats a big big big deal..we have to wait and see.
I think you mean "bailed out the auto industry". Maybe saving those jobs was a good thing. Maybe some industries destroy themselves from the inside and the strong survive thus making it a better industry in the long run.
I'm not sure how helping gay people will help all people. Perhaps you can elaborate.
Killing bin Laden was symbolic. We're all glad he's dead but I'm not sure how much good has come from it. Seems that ISIS has taken the reins. And they seem pretty damn dangerous too.
You will not recognize the universal healthcare that is called "Obamacare" as the same thing in 20 years. It's here to stay but it will change drastically.