TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 11:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 10:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/31/2018 10:44:00 PM (view original):
Any predictions on the Cavs/Warriors series? I'm going with Warriors in 6.
I love LeBron and I am rooting for Cavs, but *sigh* Warriors in 5

Tang the soothsayer has spoken.
I can't stand Lebron. He walked off the court in the middle of play. No respect for him and I'm a huge KD fan.
LeBron is the greatest of all time. And I say that as a huge childhood Jordan fan.
5/31/2018 11:02 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/31/2018 11:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 11:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 10:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/31/2018 10:44:00 PM (view original):
Any predictions on the Cavs/Warriors series? I'm going with Warriors in 6.
I love LeBron and I am rooting for Cavs, but *sigh* Warriors in 5

Tang the soothsayer has spoken.
I can't stand Lebron. He walked off the court in the middle of play. No respect for him and I'm a huge KD fan.
LeBron is the greatest of all time. And I say that as a huge childhood Jordan fan.
I don't know about all time but he is a great HOF player, for sure.
5/31/2018 11:04 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/31/2018 3:55:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/31/2018 2:01:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/31/2018 11:12:00 AM (view original):
Posted by all3 on 5/31/2018 10:41:00 AM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 5/30/2018 7:29:00 PM (view original):
Ahhhhh, you better look a little closer. Wrong again right winger lol. THAT comment was from your right wing sympatico Boris........... who's pretty free with spewing namecalling and insults. lol
What World do you live in where someone typing: "btw..i don't just disrespect trump......i hate him" isn't being hateful?

I only spew insults at tangplay. Who says he wants to eliminate the electoral college and at bad luck sometimes, who called Ben Shapiro a white supremacist and wants to tax millionaires at 99%. He btw also called tangplay an idiot.

I don't insult anyone else.

you've called me an idiot and stupid, and I'm pretty sure you've called Taint that as well. I could probably find other instances too, if I cared enough, but I don't.
Find that post. All I know is that you called me a terrible person.
Posted by wylie715 on 5/25/2018 4:19:00 PM (view original):
what does loving America have to do with the electoral college?
Quote post by cccp1014 on 5/25/2018 6:42:00 PM:
Idiot. The electoral college is partially what makes America great.

There you go, One example of you calling me an idiot. I know there are others, but I'm not looking for them. Now you find the post where I called you a horrible person. I did say I thought Trump was a horrible person and it worried me that you said you admired him. That is nowhere near the same as saying you are a horrible person. I think the worst thing I have ever called you is a Red Sox fan, which I admit, is pretty bad.
5/31/2018 11:04 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 10:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/31/2018 10:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 9:42:00 PM (view original):
I wish you were right. It's all about the bottom line. Black kids sign for less. It's quite unfortunate, but it's definitely no secret.
That’s racism.
Nope, it's business and it benefits black kids. More are drafted that otherwise may not have been.
Scouts make a hiring decision based on someone’s skin color, on the hope they can pay that person less because of their skin color.

Literal racism.
5/31/2018 11:04 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/31/2018 11:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 10:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/31/2018 10:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 9:42:00 PM (view original):
I wish you were right. It's all about the bottom line. Black kids sign for less. It's quite unfortunate, but it's definitely no secret.
That’s racism.
Nope, it's business and it benefits black kids. More are drafted that otherwise may not have been.
Scouts make a hiring decision based on someone’s skin color, on the hope they can pay that person less because of their skin color.

Literal racism.
Yeah, I can't argue that and really don't want to try, but I still think it benefits a lot of black kids who otherwise wouldn't have been drafted.
5/31/2018 11:07 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 10:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 10:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 9:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 9:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/31/2018 9:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 2:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/31/2018 2:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 1:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/31/2018 11:26:00 AM (view original):
LMAO --- I knew you could not give a one word answer.

Then the stats show the NBA and NFL are racist. Those stats are misleading. My dad and I used to own properties. There is a plethora of data that has to be reviewed before renting. Most significantly:
  • Employment
  • Compensation
  • References
It has to do with comp. first and foremost followed by references. We can discuss each case individually if you like but stats show that whites are wealthier. That is not shocking. And I have explained to you that this delta is shrinking. Don't tell me what stats show, you are smart guy (compared to tangplay) you understand that stats can be misleading.

Jews by far are the wealthiest segment in the US. Does that mean I have Jewish privilege? Stats are misleading and you know this and that is why you hang your hat on them.

And you also can't read. I asked for a one word answer.

The NBA and NFL stats:
Are a tiny fraction of the populous.
However the NBA and NFL do discriminate.

I think you're wrong there, dino. if a white person or an Asian person or a jew had the same talenst as LeBron James, or Aaron Tom Brady, they'd be playing in the NBA or NFL if they wanted to. heck, there are abusers and criminals playing both because they have talent.
sorry, I meant tangplay
Oh, OK, yeah I agree with that sentiment, but again like we said with the racism bit, it is with all other things equal.

I believe that without the anthem stuff Colin Kaepernick would be on an NFL team right now.
You're right about Kaepernick, but it's not because of racism. It's because he is a distraction that teams don't want to deal with.
I agree with you that that is the reason.

Although I think it is a bad reason IMO.
Did you play competitive sports at a high level? If you didn't, I'll tell you teams don't want distractions unless you are incredibly talented. Pro sports have another layer because of the business aspect. You better either be able to bring in wins or revenue. The teams obviously feel that he doesn't do either well enough to justify the distractions that accompany him.
I agree with strikeout. If Kaepernick was as good as Tom Brady he could kneel whenever the hell he wanted and he would still have a job in the NFL. I think most teams think he is just not good enough to make putting up with the distractions worth it. I think they are right. On the other had, the Eric Reid situation is not as clear cut. In my view he is better than the majority of starting NCL safeties, yet he does not have a job.
5/31/2018 11:08 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/31/2018 11:04:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 10:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by bad_luck on 5/31/2018 10:49:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 9:42:00 PM (view original):
I wish you were right. It's all about the bottom line. Black kids sign for less. It's quite unfortunate, but it's definitely no secret.
That’s racism.
Nope, it's business and it benefits black kids. More are drafted that otherwise may not have been.
Scouts make a hiring decision based on someone’s skin color, on the hope they can pay that person less because of their skin color.

Literal racism.
Racism can be defined as "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

It doesn't exactly fit. I do get your point.
5/31/2018 11:09 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/31/2018 11:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 11:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 10:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/31/2018 10:44:00 PM (view original):
Any predictions on the Cavs/Warriors series? I'm going with Warriors in 6.
I love LeBron and I am rooting for Cavs, but *sigh* Warriors in 5

Tang the soothsayer has spoken.
I can't stand Lebron. He walked off the court in the middle of play. No respect for him and I'm a huge KD fan.
LeBron is the greatest of all time. And I say that as a huge childhood Jordan fan.
Not sure about GOAT, but he is certainly u in the top 2 or 3. Its hard to compare him to guys like MJ, or Wilt or Magic or Bird or Oscar Robertson.. They are all such different types of players, who played in different eras. When Jordan, Bird and Magic played, defenses were allowed to be a lot more physical. With his physique, I doubt that would bother LeBron much, but who really knows? He whines a lot now. Imagine how much he would whine if he played back then.
5/31/2018 11:13 PM
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/31/2018 10:58:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 10:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 10:28:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 10:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 10:05:00 PM (view original):
Wow! Dino has gone absolutely crazy. I used to try to the defend the guy, but man, he's nuts.
Yeah, he has lost it.
It's unfortunate. I misread the guy. I thought he was a good guy. People like him are a major reason why the dems have forfeited so much power in the last few elections. It's kind of like when HRC called Trump supporters a "basket of deplorables." That one comment pretty much sealed her fate.
Yeah, that kinda undermined the whole 'when they go high, you go low' thing. SAD.

Although it's the bed of needles problem. DJT can say or do whatever and he is just 'trolling the libs'.
HRC says one thing and suddenly she loses.
Agreed with both of you. I would add that her candidacy was not on completely solid ground to begin with if one sound bite sunk her candidacy.
Man, we all are agreeing today!

yeah, Hillary certainly could have positioned herself better. She spent way too much time trying to get NeverTrumpers on her side, when they already were to begin with.
5/31/2018 11:19 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 11:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 10:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/31/2018 10:44:00 PM (view original):
Any predictions on the Cavs/Warriors series? I'm going with Warriors in 6.
I love LeBron and I am rooting for Cavs, but *sigh* Warriors in 5

Tang the soothsayer has spoken.
I can't stand Lebron. He walked off the court in the middle of play. No respect for him and I'm a huge KD fan.
Kevin Durant is a snake.

LeBron is pretty good. I like LeBron.
5/31/2018 11:20 PM
Posted by bad_luck on 5/31/2018 11:02:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 11:00:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 10:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by gomiami1972 on 5/31/2018 10:44:00 PM (view original):
Any predictions on the Cavs/Warriors series? I'm going with Warriors in 6.
I love LeBron and I am rooting for Cavs, but *sigh* Warriors in 5

Tang the soothsayer has spoken.
I can't stand Lebron. He walked off the court in the middle of play. No respect for him and I'm a huge KD fan.
LeBron is the greatest of all time. And I say that as a huge childhood Jordan fan.
I wouldn't say that yet. If he wins, say, 2 more rings with the Cavs then maybe.
5/31/2018 11:21 PM
Posted by wylie715 on 5/31/2018 11:08:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 10:22:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 10:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/31/2018 9:59:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 9:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/31/2018 9:36:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 2:46:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 5/31/2018 2:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/31/2018 1:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/31/2018 11:26:00 AM (view original):
LMAO --- I knew you could not give a one word answer.

Then the stats show the NBA and NFL are racist. Those stats are misleading. My dad and I used to own properties. There is a plethora of data that has to be reviewed before renting. Most significantly:
  • Employment
  • Compensation
  • References
It has to do with comp. first and foremost followed by references. We can discuss each case individually if you like but stats show that whites are wealthier. That is not shocking. And I have explained to you that this delta is shrinking. Don't tell me what stats show, you are smart guy (compared to tangplay) you understand that stats can be misleading.

Jews by far are the wealthiest segment in the US. Does that mean I have Jewish privilege? Stats are misleading and you know this and that is why you hang your hat on them.

And you also can't read. I asked for a one word answer.

The NBA and NFL stats:
Are a tiny fraction of the populous.
However the NBA and NFL do discriminate.

I think you're wrong there, dino. if a white person or an Asian person or a jew had the same talenst as LeBron James, or Aaron Tom Brady, they'd be playing in the NBA or NFL if they wanted to. heck, there are abusers and criminals playing both because they have talent.
sorry, I meant tangplay
Oh, OK, yeah I agree with that sentiment, but again like we said with the racism bit, it is with all other things equal.

I believe that without the anthem stuff Colin Kaepernick would be on an NFL team right now.
You're right about Kaepernick, but it's not because of racism. It's because he is a distraction that teams don't want to deal with.
I agree with you that that is the reason.

Although I think it is a bad reason IMO.
Did you play competitive sports at a high level? If you didn't, I'll tell you teams don't want distractions unless you are incredibly talented. Pro sports have another layer because of the business aspect. You better either be able to bring in wins or revenue. The teams obviously feel that he doesn't do either well enough to justify the distractions that accompany him.
I agree with strikeout. If Kaepernick was as good as Tom Brady he could kneel whenever the hell he wanted and he would still have a job in the NFL. I think most teams think he is just not good enough to make putting up with the distractions worth it. I think they are right. On the other had, the Eric Reid situation is not as clear cut. In my view he is better than the majority of starting NCL safeties, yet he does not have a job.
2016 Kaepernick vs Joe Flacco I would take Kap.
5/31/2018 11:22 PM
It depends on your style of offense. They're 2 different guys. Kaep was good under Harbaugh because Harbaugh is a genius. He built a system that was very simple for Kaepernick. Let's remember, he's not the brightest crayon in the box.
6/1/2018 12:48 AM
OK so this has been going back and forth. Let me speak on this.

Both of my kids are in middle school. They have friends from all sorts of races, genders and beliefs. One of my daughter's friends has two mothers. In their eyes everyone is the same and they truly don't see it any differently. They have two kids in their school who are transitioning, gender neutral bathrooms and busing from poorer areas.

They have no biases. Their kids will have no biases. Why? Because my wife and I don't have biases. They are taught to treat each person on their own merits. This is my opinion how it should be.

Tangplay and bad luck immediately label and I don't want my kids around these types of people so I attack them pretty harshly because to me they are the problem not the solution. Rightly or wrongly, that is my stance.
6/1/2018 9:45 AM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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