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you were 77 when I wrote that.
And you obviously do care if a man wants to wear a dress or man loves man. How does it hurt you to call a man in a dress Miss? I don't care what the Bible says. It was written thousands of years ago by men, not God. Being humans the men who wrote the Bible made mistakes, wrote things down the way they interpreted them and the way they wanted it to be.
4/27/2024 3:53 PM
4/27/2024 5:03 PM
Wowee!! Judge much.

Tell you plainly. I am NOT interested in any God someone with as much hate as you evidence herein, professes to worship.

I was taught God is Love.

You and LNF hate people.
That's enough for me.
You don't follow my God NOR his credo.
4/27/2024 11:05 PM
Perhaps you should keep your preaching and judgmental rants to places OTHER than public forums on Sports sim sites.???

They do seem so completely OUT OF PLACE here!!
4/27/2024 11:14 PM
So, I didn't see ANYONE throw stones at anyone. Wylie didn't.............at least not that I read.

Most of the entire evangelic world has lost their ability to discern reality. They've become HUGE symbols of ignorance, blindness, and hypocrisy.
THAT pains me greatly.
They used to be my "peeps". Now I cannot tolerate their stupidity.
I do not think that applies to you and hope and pray the Christian world once again figures out WHO the world's "masters" are today.

Certainly a man without conscience, without respect for the Creator, and without humility is a man of this world, NOT a servant to God.
But rather an evil man intent on bringing all mankind under his thumb and subject to his shameless ego and despicable aims.

We can all rant, but rants don't educate much.
4/28/2024 10:01 AM
I'll let Wylie speak for himself as I should. He's a big boy. I also believe He is Jewish, so because of my OWN ignorance I can't speak to how HIS beliefs affect his opinion of the Bible.

However, He certainly has a right (and maybe some legitimate reasoning) to not care about the Bible's specific verbiage......... as He did.
Many Theologians also share his concerns about specific passages within the King James version of the Bible.

Again, I saw NO Stones.
I don't do DougNut.........but I'll go look at his post this time......on your recommendation.
4/28/2024 11:40 AM
Posted by Mwett on 4/27/2024 10:08:00 PM (view original):
There he goes again. 20 boring no life years of blahblahblah-I'm-a-nice-guy-oh-until-I-disagree-with-you-about-something-blahblahblah-if-I-say-it-then-it's-true-blah-Blah-BLAH-did-I-tell-you-I'm-a-nice-guy-blah-and-nevermind-about-research-or-common-sense-and-witnesses-and-variety-of-mens-from-different-times-and-different-places-and-different-languages-most-of-whom-never-knew-each-other-but-all-write-about-and-point-to-the-same-One-Thing-and-that-it's-easier-to-prove-the-Bible's-reliability-than-it-is-to-discredit-it-so-yeah-blahblah-if-it-doesn't-fit-my-agenda-and-is-contrary-to-the-way-I-and-others-choose-to-live-than-it-must-not-be-true-blah

I didn't believe for a long time. Many here and across the globe don't. In and of itself I won't Bible thump over that, but when you open your mouth to blatantly spit on my Jesus, there I'll be. So too will He and the invitation is open to anyone whether it'll be with His open arms or judgement is up to you

You and others like you around here may have each other's back and believe there's power in agreeable numbers but guess what there's as many Christian gatherings where your soul is wept over. Yeah, yeah, I know; you didn't ask for or need my help. Good luck in your eternity with that

I may not be a fan of lnfs crane wrecking ball to a thumbnail bang ya over the head with it approach but he's not incorrect about much in matters of faith. I sin everyday and am more torn up about the 10% I hang onto than the 90% garbage I've thrown out. The gate is wide but the path is narrow. You go ahead and keep asking yourself why whatever someone else does that's outside His will in luv for you bothers us so much and get back to me on how that works out. You know my testimony that the greatest man to walk this earth was my dad but he fought Jesus with this last breath. I'm never gonna see him again. Yeah, why should I give a rip about you ?

For whatever it's worth, we're told "these things shall happen" : persecution, escalated loud pushback. Even though very very bad ppl were at the bottom of it, you think thru the ages antisemitism is an accident ? Who was Jesus first sent to ? Who is the evil one going to continue to pound to try to convince the world they don't matter and inherently The One who went to them ? What is wrong with today's very very loud misguided youth at indoctrination centers errrmm I mean college campuses led by Professor Of Suck ? This too shall pass
I really don't know what your problem is with me. I have often told you that you and LnF may be correct in your beliefs. Why can't you admit I may be correct? I understand you and Lnf want to bring people into JC's flock. Fine, I wish you success. But I think I have made it very clear to everyone that I am not interested. Does it **** you off that someone who does not believe as you do may actually be a nice person? Do you just think anyone who does not accept Jesus as their savior must be evil? Whatever your problem is with me, I don't really care. You know next to nothing about me. You never will know much about me. If I end up in hell (which us Jews do not believe in) fine. I'd rather be there than with you and LnF in heaven. That would be hell for me. Go f*ck yourself.
4/28/2024 5:29 PM
Posted by Mwett on 4/28/2024 10:53:00 AM (view original):

I don't care what the Bible says. It was written blahblahblahblah the way they wanted it to be blahblah

This is what I refer to when I say 'spit at Jesus/throw stones'; not much different than the religious leaders 2,000 years ago who ended up killing Him. This is extremely insulting to those who think and know otherwise. Maybe I went overboard which is possibly only a matter of individual opinion/perspective (trust me, I have my supporters), and you know I don't come at every unbeliever this way, but when the same couple who think they know better than to at least keep their mouth shut even if they actually believe this, well sometimes I can't help myself. I've already apologized for that and from here out he can say whatever he wants without my interference. Many who feel and are ignorant enough to say what he says I don't come after cuz I know for many of them there's eventual restoration, but when it's 24/7 ad nauseam . . . I now lay him at the Lord's feet; it's out of my hands. Doug's cartoon said it best
why should I have to keep my mouth shut about my beliefs but it is perfectly okay for you and others to talk about your beliefs? I like where you say this is insulting to those who think an know otherwise. Nobody alive today knows otherwise. Unless you are telling me you were alive back then. I have also often said if your faith helps you and improves your life, that is good! I'm glad you have something you can believe in and take comfort in. Why can't you let others do the same?
4/28/2024 5:34 PM
Because some peeps think THEY KNOW BETTER. Their God HAS to be the right one to worship. Cause that's what they were programmed to believe.

Propaganda comes in many forms. Religious superiority (I'm walking with and YOU are NOT, you're gonna rot in hell) has the majority of believers walking on the wrong path. They pat each other on the back for their apparent brotherhood, without even a basic understanding of the TRUTH.

God is Love.
Folks stoking hate are definitively NOT walking in TRUTH!

My people suffer from ignorance. I think Paul wrote that!
4/29/2024 9:32 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 4/29/2024 9:32:00 AM (view original):
Because some peeps think THEY KNOW BETTER. Their God HAS to be the right one to worship. Cause that's what they were programmed to believe.

Propaganda comes in many forms. Religious superiority (I'm walking with and YOU are NOT, you're gonna rot in hell) has the majority of believers walking on the wrong path. They pat each other on the back for their apparent brotherhood, without even a basic understanding of the TRUTH.

God is Love.
Folks stoking hate are definitively NOT walking in TRUTH!

My people suffer from ignorance. I think Paul wrote that!
Hi laramiebob.

Referring to your last line in your post above, concerning Pauls use of the word ignorance. The Strongs exhaustive concordance has it being used only once by Paul in the New Testament. It is used in Acts twice, an epistle of Luke and it is used by the Apostle Peter twice in his first epistle but Paul only uses it once.

Being the New Testament we are using GREEK and translating it into English.

Peter used two different Greek words for ignorance. The second usage In I Pet. 2:15 is the Greek word agnosia (used as a negative particle) as opposed to the root word gnosis (the state of) both words referring to knowledge as either the act of knowing or the implication of knowledge, science. So being used as a negative or opposite we take agnosia to mean (the state of) ignorance or having not the knowledge.

All the other usages of the word ignorance in the New Testament use the Greek word agnoeo. Again used as a negative particle to mean the opposite of knowledge, not to know (through lack of information or intelligence) by implication to ignore (through disinclination):- (be) ignorant, ignorantly, not known.

Agnoeo is used only once by Paul in Ephesians 4:18 "life of God through the ignorance that is in them," and is obviously referring to non-believers.

I don't know who made the statement you are referring to but it certainly wasn't Paul. "My people" sounds like something God might have said in the Old Testament. That would be Hebrew. There is NO passage in the Bible using the word suffer in conjunction with my people and ignorance.

I hope this helps.
4/29/2024 12:03 PM (edited)
Hosea 4:6. “6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
4/29/2024 12:56 PM
Posted by bruceleefan on 4/29/2024 12:56:00 PM (view original):
Hosea 4:6. “6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
This is great! Hosea was the first of 12 minor prophets. Writing from the mid to latter 8th century B. C. He doesn't mention the fall of the Northern Kingdom in 722 but does warn the nation of Israel, beginning in the above 4th chapter. He compares his life of marriage to a Harlot with Israel's Idolatry and future restoration in the first 3 chapters. The first 5 verses of Chapter 4 refer to some of the sins of Israel and then is augmented by the willful ignorance of the Lords people beginning in verse 6.

The Hebrew word for knowledge used here is daat from the root word yada. Yada is a primative root to know (to properly ascertain by seeing) and is used in a great variety of senses including figurative, literal, euphemistic and inferential (including observation-care-recognition-AND is used causatively from instruction to punishment. I could make a list of 50 words here so please look it up yourself. Remember, it is the primitive root. The word used by Hosea is daat meaning (from or out of knowledge) cunning, ignorantly, know, knowledge, unawares, and wittingly.

Suffice to say his prophecy came true for the northern kingdom in 722 and Judah less than 130 years later. The Jews were dispersed a few decades after Jesus death and resurrection. The prophecy of rebuke and future mercy and restoration as the Nation of Israel, found in chapters 5, 6 and 14, was fulfilled in 1948, less than 100 years ago but over 26 centuries after the death of the Prophet.

Good stuff!
4/30/2024 3:04 PM (edited)
Dadgummit! I should have known better than to look!

"Yada is a primative root to know"

Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada,

Enjoy your self flagulation

4/29/2024 2:09 PM
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