Posted by jrd_x on 5/11/2012 2:38:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/11/2012 2:35:00 PM (view original):
Posted by jrd_x on 5/11/2012 2:31:00 PM (view original):
Posted by MikeT23 on 5/11/2012 2:28:00 PM (view original):
Would you care to point out where anyone has claimed it's constitutional?
I'm asking you if you agree or disagree. I'm not saying you've claimed anything.
As I've said time and time again, laws are being passed banning SSM. I assume those lawmakers feel they have legal ground to stand on. Much like you don't know why felons are denied the right to vote in some states(and didn't care enough to find out the legal reasons why), I don't care enough to research the subject to find out why these laws are being passed. I just know that they are and that you keep screaming "THEY CAN'T!!!"
Well that's a cop out.
It's ok if you don't think the laws are constitutional, no one will hate you for agreeing with me.
If you have no opinion, that's ok too.
If you think they are constitutional, I'll gladly listen to your reasoning.
My opinions have actually been fact.
First opinion: Those who believe in the Bible believe there are compelling reason to ban SSM.
Second opinion: SSM is being banned in some states.
Third opinion: The constitition and laws are open to interpretation.
Fourth opinion: Some lawmakers do believe in the Bible and use it for guidance.
Fifth opinion: You live in some fantasy world where men can't interpret things, like the Bible and the constitution, differently.