“ 1/6 - A Day Of Love “ let’s pray for the USA Topic

Gotta give you credit Dino. You called it.
I'm just a tad concerned...............I'm experiencing Deja Vu..............BIGLY.

Did the Democrats just clinch defeat from the jaws of victory?
Does anyone remember 2016?? The ONLY reason Trump was elected in the 1st place?

When the Dems decided to run a very unpopular female for POTUS...........and a bunch of us were saying no, please no........... and holding our noses and voting for Hillary anyways..............remember how that turned out??

Is Kamala gonna be more acceptable and less disliked than Hillary???
As I said, I'm a tad concerned.

I can hold my nose.............I already did that once.............but can enough others???
it's a prickling my bonnet.
7/22/2024 12:05 PM
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/22/2024 8:22:00 AM (view original):
This Garbage You Can’t Make Up

The speaker says that the Democratic Party will be anti democracy because they will disenfranchise 14 million primary voters if Harris is nominated.

So they will go to court to force Biden to run or have no democratic candidate.

First of all beyond such garbage Biden is not the nominee. Delegates have not voted . Harris is not the nominee same reason.

This is the kind of crap that compels me to say that MAGA politicians are far far below dem politicians by every calibration that matters.

They are actually arguing that if Biden could not run for medical reasons the Dems would have no candidate. Not just idiotic but a clear attempt to subvert another election the autocratic way.
Right now very few people are aware of the coming legal challenges to replacing Biden with Harris.
This has the potential to become gut wrenching.

Many or several states have laws that will make it possibly difficult to put Kamala on the ballot maybe - It is going to possibly cause the thicket of issues like those insurrection statute cases like Colorado which had to go to their Supreme Court.

Under the radar for most but not for yours truly. I’m already getting agita.
7/22/2024 12:22 PM (edited)
One thing that I’m thinking is that in the dem primaries wasn’t Harris elected as well on the dem ticket ?That could be an extra reason to scuttle that puddle of muddy water.

I do have confidence that the challenges will be turned down but there are lots of wacko judges either appointed by Trump or other MAGA judges and it obviously goes all the way up to the United States Supreme Court. And watch out for Judge Cannon clones.
Please do not send in the clones.
7/22/2024 12:37 PM (edited)
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Trump is panicking and for good reason. He can't beat Harris on his record (which is abysmal), he can't beat her on the issues (Project 2025 is sinking the GOP faster than anyone could have imagined), he certainly can't beat her on personal character. He and the GOP just wasted a huge chunk of their war chest on Biden research and ads (for which Trump now laughably thinks they should be reimbursed...this guy really is an idiot of the first order).

So what will he and the GOP do? At least 4 things we should be watching for:
-- They will play the race and gender card, sometimes overtly, sometimes surreptitiously
-- They will just make up **** to attack her with (like your 2nd post above this one)

And more importantly:
-- They will use every tactic available to them, including overtly illegal ones, to suppress the vote. Especially in areas populated by people of color.
-- They will use the courts that Trump has rigged, all the way up to the SC, to turn things in their favor.

We should be watching for all four. Trump has already proven he will go to any length to rig an election, or to contest a fair one that did not go his way.

Their 5th tactic will be violence.
7/25/2024 4:22 AM
Posted by contrarian23 on 7/25/2024 4:23:00 AM (view original):
Trump is panicking and for good reason. He can't beat Harris on his record (which is abysmal), he can't beat her on the issues (Project 2025 is sinking the GOP faster than anyone could have imagined), he certainly can't beat her on personal character. He and the GOP just wasted a huge chunk of their war chest on Biden research and ads (for which Trump now laughably thinks they should be reimbursed...this guy really is an idiot of the first order).

So what will he and the GOP do? At least 4 things we should be watching for:
-- They will play the race and gender card, sometimes overtly, sometimes surreptitiously
-- They will just make up **** to attack her with (like your 2nd post above this one)

And more importantly:
-- They will use every tactic available to them, including overtly illegal ones, to suppress the vote. Especially in areas populated by people of color.
-- They will use the courts that Trump has rigged, all the way up to the SC, to turn things in their favor.

We should be watching for all four. Trump has already proven he will go to any length to rig an election, or to contest a fair one that did not go his way.

Their 5th tactic will be violence.
tour de force
7/25/2024 11:09 AM
The Biden that ran in 2020 would have beaten Trump handily.

The utter disrespect that Trump and the republicans have shown people of age especially the President is absolutely disgusting.
Every person that has a social security age parent or grandparent

or uncle or friend should vote against Trump and the Republican with righteous anger disgust and hatred if such passion is felt. Same for any person that reaches what I call the status of being a person of age. It is a matter of self respect and self preservation.

Just as Trump and MAGA are an existential threat to women and girls, they are also to elders Everybody knows as Trump would say that they intend to raise eligibility for social security 2-3 years and will reduce some benefits.
7/25/2024 11:44 AM (edited)
Posted by Lennybruce26 on 7/24/2024 4:29:00 PM (view original):
Today Netanyahu was in DC to give a speech to Congess. Many did not show up and there were different reasons.
Kamala did not go and if she did she would have presided over the appearance.
She and Joe will have private talks with Netanyahu tomorrow I think.

There is of course a major political component to this and that is life in the big city.
If she presided over the speech it would look like she was endorsing everything he said. That would not be good.

The Biden administration supported Israel and Netanyahu for a long time in the war but Netanyahu has not been very cooperative. He has publicly snubbed Biden and has yet to cooperate on a day after plan.

Biden and Harris have never said that the war must end. They have sought a day after plan and more care not to kill civilians with cooperation on that end.

I think that Biden has been a very good friend of Israel throughout the war but Netanyahu has completely disregarded United States domestic policy issues and it has seemed to me that he has intentionally made the Biden administration look like they were not helping Israel enough as if he wanted Trump to win. It looked that way to me.

I am a big hawk but even I recognize that the war must wind down and a day after plan is urgently required.
We will see if his meeting ends up helpful or he makes Harris and Joe look bad to those supporting Israel.

There is no doubt in my mind that Netanyahu has put his thumb on USA politics to the benefit of Trump and maybe for Trump. Harris wants to be clearly on the side of Israel but also one that wants the war to soon end regarding strikes into civilian areas.

What happens over the next few days will be interesting.
And today Drudge Report has a headline - Is Netanyahu meddling in the American election ?
He sure is and it is a dumb thing to do.
7/25/2024 2:45 PM
Re Drudge Report - other then WIS it is the place that I visit on a daily basis.
I consider it to be an indispensable source of news political science human interest etc for anyone who is center or left to center or right to center.

The Drudge Report started off a right wing arm of the Republican Party but Drudge does not take kindly to Trump and Maga. He actually started his evolution during the racist attacks on Obama and minorities under attack. He started to distance himself from crazy town.

It isn’t right it isn’t left and it is very valuable but yes he is not doing any favors for MAGA in his choice of stories and the headlines that he attaches to them.
7/25/2024 2:53 PM (edited)
JD Vance has legally changed his first and last name twice. Now that is strange. He is a wacko. He will be the first VP to cause lost votes since Dan Quayle.

I am still extremely worried about the race. We have to see changes in the battleground states. By August 15 IMO. Harris is surging but it is all about the electoral college and she does not get the votes of the people who never went to college.
7/26/2024 10:31 AM
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“ 1/6 - A Day Of Love “ let’s pray for the USA Topic

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