Thoughts on leaving a progressive... Topic

Ok bags, you started it (naming names), BUT we must also beware of sh*tty owners who have multiple identities.

I recently bailed out of a single season pro draft(1969 inception year) because I recognized an owner who had dual identities. I was replaced, but the ENTIRE draft folded because this owner made 2 trades w/ himself during the draft, then tried to deny it. ( I followed the draft in the forums ). This seriously f*cks up @ 20 MEN who give their time to enjoy this site.

I also "outed" the same owner (about 2 months earlier) who had a 3rd alias who tried to start a progressive under one of his aliases. When I questioned who was bumping the thread, it came out, then deleted posts followed..

This is the ugly side of WIS, it has to be less than 3% of owners, but it does exist.

You've always been an honest/forthright poster bagchucker, thank you. It may have gotten your a** in trouble a few times, but I hope you stay true.
10/6/2009 10:30 PM
I joined my first progressive - a single-season league that started in 1969, taking over a team somewhere around the 1978 season. After 2 (or 3 - I can't remember) seasons, I too found that my heart just wasn't in it and I didn't really care one bit for the team I had. Knowing a season in advance that I was probably going to retire afterwards, I tried my best to build the team up with decent draft picks for the person who took over for me.

I really did feel bad about leaving the progressive, since the commish of the league is one of my best buds on the site - CARDINALDAVE. I hoped he understood my wanting to back out. I will say though that that being my only experience with a progressive to this point, you couldn't ask for a better-run league and a better progressive league commissioner than Dave. The guy is on top of everything and the league (the afore-mentioned CENTENARY League) has nothing but top-notch owners in it.

10/7/2009 1:13 AM
I've yet to leave a progressive personally, but certainly can see why some people would. I know the most important factor to me when someone leaves is notice. As has been said, it's your money, so you can leave the league because you don't like the owners, you don't want to waste money, you don't care anymore.... or whatever.

When biglenr joined my progressive as a fill in, he told me straight up that I had three years from him guaranteed, but he would let me know how much beyond that, if any, lwell in advance. I got a heads up about halfway through his second season that he wasn't really feeling it and was leaving after his third season.... giving me several months to find a replacement for him. It was very much appreciated and really couldn't ask for more.

Now you look at a couple other franchises in my league, and I see owners who just disappear. Not even a sitemail. One owner offered to take over a team, I gave him forum access and then he never showed up for the draft... and I had to make his first couple picks for him just so the team isn't screwed... now I'm back to advertising the team again.

Just sucks because we have 16 original owners in the 12th season, but the waiting time between seasons gets worse every year thanks to the lack of courtesy when leaving. Aside from biglenr, I think the only owner who has in the last few seasons and even said anything at all, was jeff4noles. Seriously, I think I've had to replace an owner 10 times in the past six seasons and only len told me well in advance, and the other sitemailed me as the season was ending. The other 8 or so just never answered sitemails or posted in the league forum again.
10/7/2009 2:03 AM
One thing that'll cause otherwise good owners to drop a league is long lag times between keeper submissions, drafts, and league starts.

A thing commissioners should consider doing, if they aren't already, is setting hard deadlines for each of these phases. That is, post the keeper thread at the transaction deadline (game 120) and give owners until midnight of the last day of the league season to get their keepers in. If they don't, and you haven't heard from them or arranged something in the meantime, replace them.

If it looks like an owner has disappeared between keeper submission and the draft don't wait to make proxy picks for him, or to replace him - use your judgment here. Some owners in cap leagues have 3 picks to make and only $1.1m to play with - there are some owners who'll make their first couple of picks on time and wait until the end of the draft to pick up roster filling, low priced scrubs.

Set a reasonable deadline for entering your teams after the draft is complete. Replace owners who miss the deadline.

10/7/2009 8:29 AM
Quote: Originally Posted By billyho1515 on 10/07/2009
When biglenr joined my progressive as a fill in, he told me straight up that I had three years from him guaranteed, but he would let me know how much beyond that, if any, lwell in advance. I got a heads up about halfway through his second season that he wasn't really feeling it and was leaving after his third season.... giving me several months to find a replacement for him. It was very much appreciated and really couldn't ask for more.

Yeah, that was the league I just couldn't get into, No fault of the league, the commish, or the other owners at all. At least the team I to the next owner was a hell of a lot better than the team I inherited. I think billyho found a replacement owner only a few hours after he posted the roster.

I usually do something similar when I join a progressive in progress. I'll commit to three years, and evaluate whether I am enjoying myself or not during the second year. So far, every time but 1, I have been enjoying myself enough to keep playing. 3 seasons should be long enough to decide whether you are enjoying the league or not.
10/7/2009 12:19 PM
Quote: Originally Posted By thejuice6 on 10/07/2009
I joined my first progressive - a single-season league that started in 1969, taking over a team somewhere around the 1978 season. After 2 (or 3 - I can't remember) seasons, I too found that my heart just wasn't in it and I didn't really care one bit for the team I had. Knowing a season in advance that I was probably going to retire afterwards, I tried my best to build the team up with decent draft picks for the person who took over for me.

I really did feel bad about leaving the progressive, since the commish of the league is one of my best buds on the site - CARDINALDAVE. I hoped he understood my wanting to back out. I will say though that that being my only experience with a progressive to this point, you couldn't ask for a better-run league and a better progressive league commissioner than Dave. The guy is on top of everything and the league (the afore-mentioned CENTENARY League) has nothing but top-notch owners in it.

hey that wouldn't be a chicago team would it?

THAT TEAM IS FREAKING LOADED. but you lost to cardinaldave in the division series in 5. your team won 102. cardinaldave's won 82. i, i mean you, forgot to shorten up your rotation after winning game 1 because you were drinking beer all day you lush.
10/8/2009 1:34 AM
I have been in a 2-year progressive from its inception for 17 years now. I thought about leaving a couple times (mostly for financial reasons), but changed my mind. I'm glad I did, since I get a lot of pleasure from it. And I love that random players like Pat Duncan and Jack Scott become valuable members of world-series contenders, and very good, but not great players like Rudy May, Larry Gardner, and Sad Sam Jones get a second look.

I just joined a single season progressive this year. The innings pitched issue is a bit of a problem, but I have ~1150 active innings and 2 below average AAA pitchers and I am having no fatigue issues. And you wouldn't believe how happy I was when I found out my final pick in the draft was going to be an above average pinch hitter in two seasons. Talk about squeezing every penny, huh?

The only progressive league I voluntarily was a single-season one I joined as a replacement owner. The team was in shambles, but I made a number of trades to get it on the road to respectability, and would have been a top-flight team in a few years, but I didn't feel emotionally invested in the team and after that season. Though I still sometimes wonder how that team is doing.
10/8/2009 7:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by flyingman on 10/08/2009I just joined a single season progressive this year. The innings pitched issue is a bit of a problem, but I have ~1150 active innings and 2 below average AAA pitchers and I am having no fatigue issues. And you wouldn't believe how happy I was when I found out my final pick in the draft was going to be an above average pinch hitter in two seasons. Talk about squeezing every penny, huh?

That's one of my favorite parts - finding the hidden gems!
10/8/2009 7:55 PM
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