Posted by dahsdebater on 8/30/2022 7:33:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 8/26/2022 6:21:00 PM (view original):
It was so obvious that that's DeSantis and not Newsome that I guessed it before I even found the original article.

What is DeSantis doing for working people? Does he support unions? Does he support BBB? What pro-worker policies has DeSantis passed?
Gotta love the implicit assumption that Build Back Better is good for working people. Way to start out on neutral ground there, bud.
We can debate about whether it would be, but the point is that DeSantis doesn't even pretend to be actually in favor of policies that he thinks would economically benefit working people or reduce inequality; it's just culture war bullshit.

The best thing he can claim is that he kept the state open during COVID, which was arguably good, but that wasn't really to help workers, it was to own the libs.

The idea that the Republican party has all of these ideas and plans to help workers specifically is really silly imo.

But yes, BBB would be good for workers and most Americans. I'll defend that.
8/31/2022 1:24 AM
Posted by DoctorKz on 8/30/2022 3:37:00 PM (view original):
Armed Antifa guarded men performing a lewd dance for children. Wholesome family entertainment, no've got to be ******* kidding me. Go off yourselves.

Excuse me if I don't wait for your retort. It doesn't interest me anyway.
Really loving the open-mindedness of conservatives around here to engage with the common stories of the day.

A "drag brunch" isn't "lude dances" unless you think men dressing as caricatures of women is inherently sexual. You're confusing adult drag shows with drag story time and drag brunches. They're not all the same.

And yes, I support the 2nd amendment. Apparently conservatives only do when they're the ones with the guns.
8/31/2022 1:26 AM
Lewd is the description given by the right wing commentator for his publication.
They don’t post a video of whatever was causing the angry protestors to do their own little dance.

8/31/2022 6:49 AM
One of the first if not the very first Television stars that the entire family sat down together and watched was Milton Berle.
Uncle Miltie did drag comedy all the time and he was beloved.
And no one complained.
8/31/2022 9:12 AM (edited)
If you have not seen it already I commend
you to look for the photo that the DOJ attached to their most recent court filing.

It shows what the FBI found in Trump’s office.
There were about 20 - 30 highly classified and top secret documents just STREWN on the floor like dirty clothes.

It is one of the most mind blowing photographs you will ever see.
And you can see giant red markings on each one saying classified or SCI or top secret.

Im not trying to be funny or sarcastic but the man is much more than a clinical narcissist.
He is a sociopath and he is also clinically delusional. He is deeply deeply mentally ill.

And his blindly obedient followers are also some type of delusional and obvious some type of mentally ill. I’m talking about the people who worship him with the same adulation and hero worship that Hitler got.
And believe that the election was rigged and all the wild lies.

The state of the union is not strong.
8/31/2022 9:29 AM
In his office they also found more classified
documents in a desk drawer, and in one box were documents highly secret mixed with personal correspondence and playboy magazines..( well some type of magazines ).

8/31/2022 9:49 AM
Boys Life maybe?
8/31/2022 10:04 AM
Posted by tangplay on 8/31/2022 1:26:00 AM (view original):
Posted by DoctorKz on 8/30/2022 3:37:00 PM (view original):
Armed Antifa guarded men performing a lewd dance for children. Wholesome family entertainment, no've got to be ******* kidding me. Go off yourselves.

Excuse me if I don't wait for your retort. It doesn't interest me anyway.
Really loving the open-mindedness of conservatives around here to engage with the common stories of the day.

A "drag brunch" isn't "lude dances" unless you think men dressing as caricatures of women is inherently sexual. You're confusing adult drag shows with drag story time and drag brunches. They're not all the same.

And yes, I support the 2nd amendment. Apparently conservatives only do when they're the ones with the guns.
I never had "drag story time" when I was being edumacated..........didn't seem to hurt me none. I reckon I don't feel deprived any.............

But Tangy, I LOVE your last's dripping with irony and is pretty much spot on. Bingo and all that!

These days the right wing is pretty much entirely made up of TP-ers, doofusses, and snowflakes looking for somebody to blame for their failures and fears!
8/31/2022 10:09 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 8/31/2022 10:04:00 AM (view original):
Boys Life maybe?
It definitely wasn’t Good Housekeeping.
8/31/2022 10:47 AM
The Texas Governor enthusiastically promotes the right of any adult Texan to carry
an AR-15 in public.
It is their God given right and Jesus loves them so no problem and no problama.

I would even expect that a good AR- 15 is the weapon of choice in Heaven.
I think I saw a commercial from Heaven where Jesus blessed assault weapons and those who are making sure that they are kept legal. Moses was also in the commercial.
He was told by God that everyone should have one and to send a generous donation to the NRA.

It is so ludicrous that Antifa ( I’m no fan or supporter ) with the insurrectionists and nazis and kkk and violent election deniers in congress or the populace.

Ill look it up but I am sure that there just are not that many and many states don’t have
While their goals are not mine or any democrat in congress they do not have haters toward any race religion creed sexual orientation and gender orientation.

Ill get back on the numbers.
They are not considered domestic terrorists by the FBI or any similar agency.
8/31/2022 11:54 AM
I stand corrected. The photo I referenced appear to not be from Trump’s office.
It is a photo of some of the materials retrieved
and is an evidence photo.
Trump in one of his tweets admits it was in Mar-a-lago.
8/31/2022 12:36 PM
This post has a rating of , which is below the default threshold.
This post has a rating of , which is below the default threshold.
Some people call this The Dino Report
but you can also call it The Dino Retort.
8/31/2022 4:54 PM
Almost all of Trump’s get into big trouble
and lawyers for themselves.
1 Gouliani
2 Sydney Powell
3 John Eastman
4. Bobb
5 Evan Cartman

There are probably others
All of the above will probably lose their license.
9/1/2022 12:23 PM
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