TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

Posted by tangplay on 5/13/2018 11:53:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/13/2018 10:11:00 AM (view original):
Yes, but most young people then start making real money by the age of 35 and slowly turn to logic. Idiot Tang does not understand basic math even if the tax rate is 37%. Someone who made $100mil is paying $37 mil in taxes. How much more does Tang want that person to pay? Honestly. Someone who makes $100k and is in the 25% bracket pays $25k.

Hmmmm....$37mil vs. $25k? Lets tax the rich more!!!!!!!!!

Tang needs to learn percents and what an "ally" is. He is a total moron. Actually I just insulted morons by calling Tang a moron.

Right. So let's say we adopt the CCCP proposal. Tax based on actual money payed, not percent. We have two options.

1. Make the poor pay 37 million dollars of their income every year and.... Wait... Poor people don't own 37 million dollars..Ok..

2. Lower the taxes the rich pays to 25k! Yeah! Equality! Also the Feds won't raise any money and the world economy collapses!

Look at it on the flip side. The rich take home 73 million per year. The 100k person takes home 73k per year. If we wanted to raise money, who would be the best option to raise taxes on? I wonder...
You idiot it is "paid" not "payed".

The poor pay nothing. They receive an earned income credit. The rich pay enough and employ persons such a landscaper or a housekeeper. We need to spend less not tax more. We need to clean up corruption and we certainly need people like you to get a clue.

Yes, the $73mil that person EARNED to do with as he pleases. That is called capitalism. If you don't like it then move.
5/13/2018 3:27 PM
HMMMmmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Let's see.

If I were poor...I would rather live....IN....?

1.) Syria or Lebanon
2.) Russia or China
3.) Africa or a South American revolution
4.) Between Jews and Arabs
5.) Really close to America or where it's cold a lot of the time

This is really hard. I'll need a few minutes.
5/13/2018 3:45 PM
Posted by strikeout26 on 5/13/2018 1:47:00 PM (view original):
The top federal income tax bracket is over 39.6%. After that, you have to tack on state and local taxes which drives it up to 50% or more in most places.
I read that the tax cut lowered it to 37%. Either way, that's the top, right? I saw lots of figures, mostly in the low 30's. So IDK if it is actually 50% or more for most people in the top 1%.
5/13/2018 4:45 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/13/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/13/2018 11:53:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/13/2018 10:11:00 AM (view original):
Yes, but most young people then start making real money by the age of 35 and slowly turn to logic. Idiot Tang does not understand basic math even if the tax rate is 37%. Someone who made $100mil is paying $37 mil in taxes. How much more does Tang want that person to pay? Honestly. Someone who makes $100k and is in the 25% bracket pays $25k.

Hmmmm....$37mil vs. $25k? Lets tax the rich more!!!!!!!!!

Tang needs to learn percents and what an "ally" is. He is a total moron. Actually I just insulted morons by calling Tang a moron.

Right. So let's say we adopt the CCCP proposal. Tax based on actual money payed, not percent. We have two options.

1. Make the poor pay 37 million dollars of their income every year and.... Wait... Poor people don't own 37 million dollars..Ok..

2. Lower the taxes the rich pays to 25k! Yeah! Equality! Also the Feds won't raise any money and the world economy collapses!

Look at it on the flip side. The rich take home 73 million per year. The 100k person takes home 73k per year. If we wanted to raise money, who would be the best option to raise taxes on? I wonder...
You idiot it is "paid" not "payed".

The poor pay nothing. They receive an earned income credit. The rich pay enough and employ persons such a landscaper or a housekeeper. We need to spend less not tax more. We need to clean up corruption and we certainly need people like you to get a clue.

Yes, the $73mil that person EARNED to do with as he pleases. That is called capitalism. If you don't like it then move.
OK, so if the poor paying 'nothing' is a problem then how do we fix it? What would a perfect world look like to you?

I agree that we need to make cuts. Again, I suggested cutting the military budget significantly. What would you cut, CCCP?

Yep. Take home that 73 mil and do whatever the hell you want.
5/13/2018 4:48 PM
BTW Strikeout, it's buried now but I answered to your posts on the tang vs CCCP thread.
5/13/2018 4:49 PM
Posted by tangplay on 5/13/2018 4:49:00 PM (view original):
BTW Strikeout, it's buried now but I answered to your posts on the tang vs CCCP thread.
Well...let's take a look at the current budget together and see where we can cut it.

I heard Trump already found BILLIONS of savings in unspent money.

I'm sure the liberals won't have a problem with those savings.
5/13/2018 5:07 PM
I didn't hear that, Doug.
5/13/2018 7:04 PM
WASHINGTON (BLOOMBERG) - US President Donald Trump's administration is asking Congress to cancel US$15 billion (S$20.04 billion) in unspent government funds.
5/13/2018 7:42 PM
Which AREAS are they in, Doug? Why aren't they spent?
5/13/2018 7:52 PM
Which AREAS are they in, Doug? Why aren't they spent?
5/13/2018 7:52 PM
We could build some wall with that money. And the savings from that would allow us to build more wall until we couldn't spend it anymore.

We could call that savings. Savings from spending on education and healthcare for illegals. We could spend it on our own children.

5/13/2018 7:54 PM
Posted by tangplay on 5/13/2018 7:52:00 PM (view original):
Which AREAS are they in, Doug? Why aren't they spent?
That's a good question. You should ask it twice. I would answer it once.

OF COURSE I know you'll hit us up on education and children etc.

BUT that is the whole point. SOMEBODY still couldn't spend all the money. AND don't be a prima donna. That money goes to adults to pay for their playtime.

EVERYBODY here in Realville knows about money. NOT in Washington. NOT in the bubble.

MONEY isn't real in the bubble and kids are just a concept. And no matter what happens, the government will take care of them.

And I'm the government. And we're broke. Here in Realville.
5/13/2018 8:06 PM
Posted by tangplay on 5/13/2018 4:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/13/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/13/2018 11:53:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/13/2018 10:11:00 AM (view original):
Yes, but most young people then start making real money by the age of 35 and slowly turn to logic. Idiot Tang does not understand basic math even if the tax rate is 37%. Someone who made $100mil is paying $37 mil in taxes. How much more does Tang want that person to pay? Honestly. Someone who makes $100k and is in the 25% bracket pays $25k.

Hmmmm....$37mil vs. $25k? Lets tax the rich more!!!!!!!!!

Tang needs to learn percents and what an "ally" is. He is a total moron. Actually I just insulted morons by calling Tang a moron.

Right. So let's say we adopt the CCCP proposal. Tax based on actual money payed, not percent. We have two options.

1. Make the poor pay 37 million dollars of their income every year and.... Wait... Poor people don't own 37 million dollars..Ok..

2. Lower the taxes the rich pays to 25k! Yeah! Equality! Also the Feds won't raise any money and the world economy collapses!

Look at it on the flip side. The rich take home 73 million per year. The 100k person takes home 73k per year. If we wanted to raise money, who would be the best option to raise taxes on? I wonder...
You idiot it is "paid" not "payed".

The poor pay nothing. They receive an earned income credit. The rich pay enough and employ persons such a landscaper or a housekeeper. We need to spend less not tax more. We need to clean up corruption and we certainly need people like you to get a clue.

Yes, the $73mil that person EARNED to do with as he pleases. That is called capitalism. If you don't like it then move.
OK, so if the poor paying 'nothing' is a problem then how do we fix it? What would a perfect world look like to you?

I agree that we need to make cuts. Again, I suggested cutting the military budget significantly. What would you cut, CCCP?

Yep. Take home that 73 mil and do whatever the hell you want.
#1) Raise the retirement age to 72
#2) Reduce and or eliminate numerous Gov't pensions
#3) Ban Lobbying
#4) Reduce entitlements. Give elderly vouchers for meds so they don't just go because they are bored. Same for disabled, etc.
#5) Amend pharma laws for more generic drugs
#6) Work with insurance companies to cover more at lower costs. Under ACA the insurance companies benefited from historic profits. I am sure that was not the intent.Then again with BHO anything is possible.
#7) The military provides millions of jobs and inventions that is not the problem. Dumbass. I have told you this 1000000x.

I'd start there
5/13/2018 8:45 PM
Posted by DougOut on 5/13/2018 8:06:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/13/2018 7:52:00 PM (view original):
Which AREAS are they in, Doug? Why aren't they spent?
That's a good question. You should ask it twice. I would answer it once.

OF COURSE I know you'll hit us up on education and children etc.

BUT that is the whole point. SOMEBODY still couldn't spend all the money. AND don't be a prima donna. That money goes to adults to pay for their playtime.

EVERYBODY here in Realville knows about money. NOT in Washington. NOT in the bubble.

MONEY isn't real in the bubble and kids are just a concept. And no matter what happens, the government will take care of them.

And I'm the government. And we're broke. Here in Realville.
I'm the O'Reilly to your Stewart. The words outta your mouth don't comprehend with my brain. Please, answer my questions, and answer 'em straight.
5/13/2018 9:01 PM
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/13/2018 8:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/13/2018 4:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/13/2018 3:27:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 5/13/2018 11:53:00 AM (view original):
Posted by cccp1014 on 5/13/2018 10:11:00 AM (view original):
Yes, but most young people then start making real money by the age of 35 and slowly turn to logic. Idiot Tang does not understand basic math even if the tax rate is 37%. Someone who made $100mil is paying $37 mil in taxes. How much more does Tang want that person to pay? Honestly. Someone who makes $100k and is in the 25% bracket pays $25k.

Hmmmm....$37mil vs. $25k? Lets tax the rich more!!!!!!!!!

Tang needs to learn percents and what an "ally" is. He is a total moron. Actually I just insulted morons by calling Tang a moron.

Right. So let's say we adopt the CCCP proposal. Tax based on actual money payed, not percent. We have two options.

1. Make the poor pay 37 million dollars of their income every year and.... Wait... Poor people don't own 37 million dollars..Ok..

2. Lower the taxes the rich pays to 25k! Yeah! Equality! Also the Feds won't raise any money and the world economy collapses!

Look at it on the flip side. The rich take home 73 million per year. The 100k person takes home 73k per year. If we wanted to raise money, who would be the best option to raise taxes on? I wonder...
You idiot it is "paid" not "payed".

The poor pay nothing. They receive an earned income credit. The rich pay enough and employ persons such a landscaper or a housekeeper. We need to spend less not tax more. We need to clean up corruption and we certainly need people like you to get a clue.

Yes, the $73mil that person EARNED to do with as he pleases. That is called capitalism. If you don't like it then move.
OK, so if the poor paying 'nothing' is a problem then how do we fix it? What would a perfect world look like to you?

I agree that we need to make cuts. Again, I suggested cutting the military budget significantly. What would you cut, CCCP?

Yep. Take home that 73 mil and do whatever the hell you want.
#1) Raise the retirement age to 72
#2) Reduce and or eliminate numerous Gov't pensions
#3) Ban Lobbying
#4) Reduce entitlements. Give elderly vouchers for meds so they don't just go because they are bored. Same for disabled, etc.
#5) Amend pharma laws for more generic drugs
#6) Work with insurance companies to cover more at lower costs. Under ACA the insurance companies benefited from historic profits. I am sure that was not the intent.Then again with BHO anything is possible.
#7) The military provides millions of jobs and inventions that is not the problem. Dumbass. I have told you this 1000000x.

I'd start there
1) What good will workers age 62-72 do?
2) Agreed
3) Agreed, but this won't save any money.
4) Not sure.
5) Not sure.
6) Not sure.
7) OK, this is totally wrong. First, cutting the military budget by 100 billion dollars doesn't actually lose many, if any jobs. Most of that money is on stupid tech that never works. We don't have a draft. Second, why the middleman? Japan doesn't spend much on military (We do it for them) and they have tons of innovation. We can do programs that help inventors without the middleman of military.

How much money would these 7 things save?
5/13/2018 11:05 PM
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TRUMP: Best President ever Topic

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