Posted by wylie715 on 8/15/2022 1:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/15/2022 3:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 8/14/2022 3:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 8/14/2022 2:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 8/14/2022 9:06:00 AM (view original):
What a sick puppy/old man you are!!!

Get some Help!!
I mean everything he said about George Floyd is factually true. Do you support armed robbery and sticking firearms into the belly of pregnant women? Maybe only if a POC does it? How progressive of you!
This sick distortion of what happened to George Floyd and the circumstances isnt worthy of a response.
The distortion is what made the BLM followers to bat **** crazy. YOU, sir .. do not know right from wrong

The guy was a monster. Do I agree with the method used to take him down? NO. but you are clueless about what really happened and about that this guy really was. He couldn't breathe. BECAUSE he had ingested Fentynal (sp), and had Crystal Meth in his system. Real good picture of a so called guy 'turning his life around'

So Jetson, YOU are ok with some thug breaking into your mom's home and doing this kind of thing to her?

If you were there, you woiuld
[] Blame Trump
[] Do nothing
I am guessing you would call me an idiot, and an old man. if I told you this was happening.

. F t ercord, us old guys have forgotten more truth than guys like you will ever ever know.. and we might sometimes even seek hrlp, but we are SO GLAD we are not YOU

When you get to a place where you need real help, it will not be there, because you are too numb in the skull to even know you need it. You won't even ask
I don't care what he had done in the past or what drugs he may have taken. None of that is an excuse for kneeling on the man's neck for almost 9 minutes.
Also what he did was many years before and he paid his dues.
You gotta love these hypocritical fake - and I truly mean fake -christians who don’t believe in a second chance or redemption.

I guarantee that the 2 of us practice the heart of Christianity infinitely more than a few of H -
mongerers not to mention racist at least in their comments.

And i want to say again for emphasis that 3 imo are clearly Fake Christians.
8/15/2022 1:25 PM
Read the ******* death autopsy report. He didn't die from fentanyl
8/15/2022 1:56 PM
All of this doxxing is very concerning. There should be stops to it. I don’t think that any type of media outlet or people on social media should be allowed to doxx people who work in any government level from city to federal and that includes everyone from janitor to election officials to elected officials.

I think there should be criminal statutes for this.

When Trump exited the White House grabbing all the documents he also grabbed a lot of *****.
8/15/2022 2:11 PM
Rudy now target in Georgia is at least a person of interest. Rudy will invoke a lot of attorney client privilege and probably a lot of 5th Amendment when he testifies before the grand jury. Lindsey just lost his attempt to get out of testifying. Now it goes to circuit court and his chances of getting 2 out of 3 is basically impossible if they follow the law. His last try would be the full circuit court en banc. Extremely doubtful that the Supreme Court would take it.

When Lindsey testifies will he take the 5th too?

You can’t just take the 5th unless there is a legitimate reason for invoking it.
And if you are testifying about someone else you must answer.

As Phil Hartman - he is missed - used to say,
“ Good Times”.
8/15/2022 2:34 PM (edited)
Institutions Trump has hatefully harmed -

1. The presidency
2. The CIA
3. The FBI
4. Attorney General and DOJ
5. Military Generals in all 4 parts of the military.
6. Judges and the judicial system.
7. The Rule of Law
8. The oath to protect the constitution
9. Peaceful transfer of power
10. The corruption and lies about the system for elections.
11. Nepotism and abuse of classified clearance.
12. Preventing read out of critical discussions with world leaders.
13. Breaking Solidarity of NATO members.
14. Never give out classified information out of sheer stupidity or corrupt reasons.
15. Professional decorum.
16. Being President of all people.
17. Trying to Unify the country.
18. Being honest at least most of the time.
19. Not lowering the reputation of the country.
20. Having a NORMAL belief in science and medical and scientific experts.
21. Not listening to strange irresponsible conspiracy theorists
22. NEVER EVER associate with white supremacists and anti semites and the like
and do not court their support and empower them.
23. etc etc
24. Do not promote violence.
25. Do not defame people especially not in retaliation.
26 Do not commit crimes or act corruptly or unethical.
27. Do it witness tamper.
28 Do not employ dangerous clowns and incompetent people in furtherance of corrupt interests.
29. Do not be the subject of abject ridicule.
30. Promote democracy in the USA and elsewhere around the world.
31. Do not use the institutions of govt to harm political adversaries.
32. Do not employ foreign countries to interfere in American elections.

8/15/2022 3:51 PM (edited)
Posted by Jetson21 on 8/14/2022 7:34:00 PM (view original):
I can’t write these poems like above it isn’t so easy but i’ll give a stab anyway.

Public enemy number 1
seeks refuge in
Saudi Arabia
and gets beheaded
the end
Trump says that the FBI took his passports.
Maybe there is real worry that he will try to hide in another country.

If the IRS puts a lien on him that could disable his passport.

In all seriousness, the scrutiny on trump is an 11 out 10.
8/15/2022 3:52 PM (edited)
Posted by Jetson21 on 8/15/2022 1:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/15/2022 1:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/15/2022 3:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 8/14/2022 3:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 8/14/2022 2:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 8/14/2022 9:06:00 AM (view original):
What a sick puppy/old man you are!!!

Get some Help!!
I mean everything he said about George Floyd is factually true. Do you support armed robbery and sticking firearms into the belly of pregnant women? Maybe only if a POC does it? How progressive of you!
This sick distortion of what happened to George Floyd and the circumstances isnt worthy of a response.
The distortion is what made the BLM followers to bat **** crazy. YOU, sir .. do not know right from wrong

The guy was a monster. Do I agree with the method used to take him down? NO. but you are clueless about what really happened and about that this guy really was. He couldn't breathe. BECAUSE he had ingested Fentynal (sp), and had Crystal Meth in his system. Real good picture of a so called guy 'turning his life around'

So Jetson, YOU are ok with some thug breaking into your mom's home and doing this kind of thing to her?

If you were there, you woiuld
[] Blame Trump
[] Do nothing
I am guessing you would call me an idiot, and an old man. if I told you this was happening.

. F t ercord, us old guys have forgotten more truth than guys like you will ever ever know.. and we might sometimes even seek hrlp, but we are SO GLAD we are not YOU

When you get to a place where you need real help, it will not be there, because you are too numb in the skull to even know you need it. You won't even ask
I don't care what he had done in the past or what drugs he may have taken. None of that is an excuse for kneeling on the man's neck for almost 9 minutes.
Also what he did was many years before and he paid his dues.
You gotta love these hypocritical fake - and I truly mean fake -christians who don’t believe in a second chance or redemption.

I guarantee that the 2 of us practice the heart of Christianity infinitely more than a few of H -
mongerers not to mention racist at least in their comments.

And i want to say again for emphasis that 3 imo are clearly Fake Christians.
George had lots of chances. So have you. What excuse will you try , on that day??

and if you knew ho to read, you would have noticed that said that the takedown was a poor one, and I never said that cop was in the right (although he did do the world a favor)

That said, only a fool would disagree that George was a dangerous criminal.. If you know how to read, take look at the record

Ad for 'Fake Christians: You don't know one from the other. I will never sugarcoat the truth, and that truth is this:

You have clearly rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore you are of the Spirit of Anti Christ. And that is going to be YOUR problem. You are evil in the sight of the Lord, and except you repent, you will likewise perish.

John Ch 3 vs 18 says so

You are of your father, the devil, which is why you are forever berating believers, calling them 'fake' You are Fake, from day one.. and I don't care if you choose to stay on that same road

8/15/2022 7:48 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/15/2022 7:48:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 8/15/2022 1:26:00 PM (view original):
Posted by wylie715 on 8/15/2022 1:03:00 PM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 8/15/2022 3:58:00 AM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 8/14/2022 3:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Guitarguy567 on 8/14/2022 2:34:00 PM (view original):
Posted by laramiebob on 8/14/2022 9:06:00 AM (view original):
What a sick puppy/old man you are!!!

Get some Help!!
I mean everything he said about George Floyd is factually true. Do you support armed robbery and sticking firearms into the belly of pregnant women? Maybe only if a POC does it? How progressive of you!
This sick distortion of what happened to George Floyd and the circumstances isnt worthy of a response.
The distortion is what made the BLM followers to bat **** crazy. YOU, sir .. do not know right from wrong

The guy was a monster. Do I agree with the method used to take him down? NO. but you are clueless about what really happened and about that this guy really was. He couldn't breathe. BECAUSE he had ingested Fentynal (sp), and had Crystal Meth in his system. Real good picture of a so called guy 'turning his life around'

So Jetson, YOU are ok with some thug breaking into your mom's home and doing this kind of thing to her?

If you were there, you woiuld
[] Blame Trump
[] Do nothing
I am guessing you would call me an idiot, and an old man. if I told you this was happening.

. F t ercord, us old guys have forgotten more truth than guys like you will ever ever know.. and we might sometimes even seek hrlp, but we are SO GLAD we are not YOU

When you get to a place where you need real help, it will not be there, because you are too numb in the skull to even know you need it. You won't even ask
I don't care what he had done in the past or what drugs he may have taken. None of that is an excuse for kneeling on the man's neck for almost 9 minutes.
Also what he did was many years before and he paid his dues.
You gotta love these hypocritical fake - and I truly mean fake -christians who don’t believe in a second chance or redemption.

I guarantee that the 2 of us practice the heart of Christianity infinitely more than a few of H -
mongerers not to mention racist at least in their comments.

And i want to say again for emphasis that 3 imo are clearly Fake Christians.
George had lots of chances. So have you. What excuse will you try , on that day??

and if you knew ho to read, you would have noticed that said that the takedown was a poor one, and I never said that cop was in the right (although he did do the world a favor)

That said, only a fool would disagree that George was a dangerous criminal.. If you know how to read, take look at the record

Ad for 'Fake Christians: You don't know one from the other. I will never sugarcoat the truth, and that truth is this:

You have clearly rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore you are of the Spirit of Anti Christ. And that is going to be YOUR problem. You are evil in the sight of the Lord, and except you repent, you will likewise perish.

John Ch 3 vs 18 says so

You are of your father, the devil, which is why you are forever berating believers, calling them 'fake' You are Fake, from day one.. and I don't care if you choose to stay on that same road

I do consider you to be a fraudulent christian as well as having - to put it as politely as i can - a flawed mind and a sickening lack of concern for other people.

If you moved next to me I would put my house up for sale and do a quick sale.

Thank God you are just some random nutcase on the internet.

Man’s there are 2 others who are fakes or off the rails. I give Doug a pass. Sure he is a pain in the *** and probably hates me and occasionally seems racists and is a sucker when it comes to rejecting science
but is not one of the malicious people who posts.
in answer to Wylie.
8/15/2022 8:36 PM (edited)
The DOJ correctly said it cannot release the affidavit because it would adversely effect the investigation and the statement also mentioned witnesses not witness. THAT is extremely bad news for Trump and his lawyer needs to get out of the case post haste because she has a conflict of interest .
She signed a letter to DOJ that there were no more classified documents in June which was false. Either she lied or acted without knowledge or Trump lied to her and she signed the letter based on his representations.
She would not be in danger if she did not know and Trump signed it.
Trump probably charmed her into signing it.

Now she has to get out and maybe get a lawyer for herself.
She did a really dumb thing.
8/15/2022 8:49 PM
Ad for 'Fake Christians: You don't know one from the other. I will never sugarcoat the truth, and that truth is this:

You have clearly rejected the Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore you are of the Spirit of Anti Christ. And that is going to be YOUR problem. You are evil in the sight of the Lord, and except you repent, you will likewise perish.

That is the truth AS YOU SEE IT! That does not make it the truth. Doesn't make it a lie either. It is what you believe, as long as you realize that is only what you believe and not what everyone believes, and can accept that. You seem to have problems realizing it is your belief and accepting that others may not believe what you believe.
8/16/2022 12:17 AM
also, who are you to decide when someone has enough chances? Regardless, he did not deserve to die that way.
8/16/2022 12:19 AM
I live by the credo of never arguing about politics or religion. ( with friends ).

The irony for me is that fundamental christianity and fundamental islam ( the sharia dangerous nuts who rule people and keep them in line by the threat of violence or worse) intersect at some point. They intersect.

The fundamentalist Christians glorify a deity that robs non believers of the chance to exist on the astral plane when they die
And the extreme fundamentalist muslims glorify Allah by physically killing non believers.
One kills the soul and the other deity promotes the bodily death of non believers.

They BOTH unfortunately bow their heads to a God that approves of decimation of non believers. AND neither group of adherents are capable of thinking through their beliefs.
8/16/2022 2:21 AM (edited)
Life is much more interesting when you do not worry about an afterlife and the rules.
So much easier to be in the here and now by putting that stuff on the shelf.
If you need a deity then gung ho but more and more people every day are rejecting religion and believing if they do believe in a good and compassionate God not found in the various bibles.
8/16/2022 2:27 AM
Posted by Jetson21 on 8/15/2022 3:51:00 PM (view original):
Institutions Trump has hatefully harmed -

1. The presidency
2. The CIA
3. The FBI
4. Attorney General and DOJ
5. Military Generals in all 4 parts of the military.
6. Judges and the judicial system.
7. The Rule of Law
8. The oath to protect the constitution
9. Peaceful transfer of power
10. The corruption and lies about the system for elections.
11. Nepotism and abuse of classified clearance.
12. Preventing read out of critical discussions with world leaders.
13. Breaking Solidarity of NATO members.
14. Never give out classified information out of sheer stupidity or corrupt reasons.
15. Professional decorum.
16. Being President of all people.
17. Trying to Unify the country.
18. Being honest at least most of the time.
19. Not lowering the reputation of the country.
20. Having a NORMAL belief in science and medical and scientific experts.
21. Not listening to strange irresponsible conspiracy theorists
22. NEVER EVER associate with white supremacists and anti semites and the like
and do not court their support and empower them.
23. etc etc
24. Do not promote violence.
25. Do not defame people especially not in retaliation.
26 Do not commit crimes or act corruptly or unethical.
27. Do it witness tamper.
28 Do not employ dangerous clowns and incompetent people in furtherance of corrupt interests.
29. Do not be the subject of abject ridicule.
30. Promote democracy in the USA and elsewhere around the world.
31. Do not use the institutions of govt to harm political adversaries.
32. Do not employ foreign countries to interfere in American elections.

posts like this are why The Dino Report is required reading for those with curious minds and and an insistence on facts.
8/16/2022 2:30 AM
But - to you all of you just bicker away.
It is moronic but that’s what goes on.
Nobody discusses current events except me and to some extent Doug.

Otherwise it is blah blah blah. Blah Blah Blah.
8/16/2022 2:34 AM
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