©OFFICIAL Turd Place 2011 Red Sox© Topic

well, if ever there was a time I hope I am proved wrong, it will be tonight when Lester takes the ball

9/28/2011 6:18 AM
9/28/2011 7:02 AM


9/29/2011 12:07 AM
Hey blowmar ....How you doin??????????????????????
9/29/2011 12:08 AM

9/29/2011 12:09 AM
Posted by antoncresten on 9/28/2011 7:02:00 AM (view original):
it's a curse.....but true
9/29/2011 12:09 AM
more like a typical fail, really....the Lucy pulls the ball away from Charlie Brown thing is old hat here

it is time to clean house at the top
9/29/2011 12:12 AM
Man I hope the Cubs don't sign that Ego dude.
9/29/2011 12:22 AM (edited)

9/29/2011 12:16 AM
I will drive him out there
9/29/2011 12:16 AM
of course, if he isn't in the car when we get there I have no idea what happened to him.....
9/29/2011 12:16 AM
Red Sox were 76-0 when leading after 8 innings, heading into their most important game of the season.

Now, they are 76-1.
9/29/2011 6:10 AM

And, with that, Red Sux Nation goes into hibernation for the winter.

9/29/2011 6:40 AM
GO CARDINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9/29/2011 6:42 AM

it sucks and it sucks hard right now, but the winter will be fine......I don't see how Ego can walk away from this with his job here


9/29/2011 6:43 AM
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