Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/5/2022 3:24:00 PM (view original):
You are here all day, right?
No in fact I am about to get in my car so texting is done.
7/5/2022 3:34 PM
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/5/2022 2:23:00 PM (view original):
Posted by Jetson21 on 7/5/2022 11:36:00 AM (view original):
Posted by lostnfound74 on 7/5/2022 11:24:00 AM (view original):
So you are implying that only republicans do mass shootings. GIVE IT A REST
You read into something that was not there.
Why don’t you find the wording that says it.
I did not say it but I am certain that at least 90% are by conservatives. They are always done by weird white guys with grievances and I do not know if a single mass shooting done by a politically left person.

That’s a fact Jack.
Ok but they are also done by blacks, Muslims and all kinds of people. and the 90% figure? No sale I go 50% +/- 5%. Simple Math

and DON'T make this a race issue. It isn't
from what I can tell, nothing is a race issue for you.
7/5/2022 5:15 PM
Jan 6 News

Next hearing is next Tuesday at 10 am.
This Friday Pat Cippiloni is testifying.
He will be the John Dean role but he has no criminal exposure.

Trump better think twice of sending him one of his scare tactic letters.
7/6/2022 4:12 PM
When Trump went down the escalator he was spewing the danger of mexicans.
Because of Trump there are at least 40 million radicalized trumpers and they are criminals and murderers and rapists and nazis and white supremacists and members of KKK.

7/6/2022 4:18 PM
It would be nice if Trump could get the death penalty for his traitor crimes and causing the death of several police officers.

But a good alternative would be to drop him in a parachute into an uncharted tropical forrest inhabited
by primitive people.
They might mistake him for a wild pig and roast him over a spit.
7/6/2022 6:11 PM (edited)
Although there is a lot of impatience about the DOJ
thank goodness that Georgia is doing it themselves so no pardon under any circumstances.
Hopefully New York does the same.

7/6/2022 6:24 PM
Every time there is AR15 mass murder
the Republicans go underground and you hear nothing from them for 2-3 weeks and then they resume their action for protection of the sacred AR15.
7/6/2022 7:38 PM
Posted by Jetson21 on 7/6/2022 6:11:00 PM (view original):
It would be nice if Trump could get the death penalty for his traitor crimes and causing the death of several police officers.

But a good alternative would be to drop him in a parachute into an uncharted tropical forrest inhabited
by primitive people.
They might mistake him for a wild pig and roast him over a spit.
that would be nice, but as long as he is prevented from ever holding any kind of political office again, I'd be satisfied.
7/6/2022 8:33 PM
Spreading Some Good News

Georgia DA said yesterday that she expects that the expanded Grand Jury to be finished during the summer and expects any indictments to be in the fall.

Meaning grand jury done by August 31 and indictments probably in September because of the unwritten political etiquette of not filing political involved indictments within 3-4 weeks before an election.

In the words of the inimitable Phil Hartman, Good Times.
7/7/2022 11:10 AM (edited)
Trump has been hinting at announcing that he has the runs sometime in July.
His reason for doing this is patently obvious.
He wants to raise money for his defense fund for the coming serious indictments.
7/7/2022 12:27 PM (edited)

Since an embryo and fetus at any stage is now a person in some states, in those states will that effect census taking and dependents for income tax and different social benefits programs for the family.
And should the person be named. I mean after all,
would it be proper to call a person it and not even know the gender. Relatives might call the fetus cousin it. That’s not right.
And what if the person commits suicide by self abortion. Will that person go to heaven.
And if the person is aborted due to no one’s fault would it not be abuse of corpse not to bury the person in a small wooden box in a proper cemetery with a headstone full name and birth date approx and date of death and for there to be a service with a eulogy about the life of the person.
7/7/2022 11:47 AM (edited)
Bet he already wears diapers!! Gotta be sh*tti*g his pants a lot lately!!
7/7/2022 11:44 AM
Posted by laramiebob on 7/7/2022 11:44:00 AM (view original):
Bet he already wears diapers!! Gotta be sh*tti*g his pants a lot lately!!
Absolutely - A normal person his age might have had a heart attack or a stroke with the pressure that any normal person would be under.

The future Donald J Trump ( j stands for jailed )
Library will be his prison library.
7/7/2022 11:57 AM
I saw the Georgia DA on TV yesterday. It is clear that she is very organized and knows exactly what she is doing and she is steely and determined.
She is resolved to indict any and ALL people who committed crimes.
That does include Lindsey Graham who is in hot water after carrying Trump’s water too far.
He was subpoenaed but won’t comply. The DA said it will go right up the Georgia court quickly and she implied trouble for the Graham Cracker if he continues his defiance.
Lindsey Graham had destroyed his legacy and won’t have a book to publish one day.

It would be horrible and despicable to do this but I would not be surprised if Graham was concerned about getting outed by Trump.
Maybe, maybe not but it seems plausible to me.

I never liked Graham’s politics but I could never imagine him becoming Trump’s *****.
7/7/2022 12:45 PM
Another Day At The Office

Trump has some new criminal investigations - The SEC which patrols the business world for market manipulations. Stuff you can do in Russia but not here - yet.

Trump started a media company and merged with an acquisition company which acquires funding.
You can’t merge them until after The first company goes public. Because of what happened the Media company started in the market at 1.3 billion.

So all of the past and present directors in both companies got subpoenas for records and maybe a talk about.
Naturally all or most of the directors are Trumpland people including Hitler junior.
Also predictably all the directors of the Media company resigned a few weeks before the subpoenas went out.

You can take it to the bank that in 2024 Desantis (he will be the nominee) will be grilled about whether he would either pardon Trump or commute his sentence.
On that account DeSantis would be damned if he says he will and damned if he says he won’t.

Breaking it down at the venerable Dino Report.
7/7/2022 2:11 PM
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