Seble is wrong Topic

Someone could say “I like cheeseburgers” and this dude would pop out of nowhere with “Trump is better for blacks than anyone else ever your retarded if yu don’t like him, he’s good for unemployment and bidden bad”

Get off his nuts. No one mentioned him. Seble didn’t mention him. You’re in a cult. Wake up dude.
6/25/2020 1:22 PM
Who wins: Coreander's 10k likes per tweet, or crazy's "money making" YouTube channel?
6/25/2020 1:40 PM
Posted by tangplay on 6/25/2020 11:37:00 AM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 9:49:00 AM (view original):
Just remember your not black unless you vote for Joe Biden , thats the most racist thing i have heard in a long time towards a black person, like your going to take away there blackness , dude is a clown, creepy joe, so sad...
I know I shouldn't respond to you, but you literally just said that people who vote for Democrats aren't Christian.
Its a quote most use that i agree with, i dont see how someone can support killing babies and call themselves a christian, thats my personal belief
6/25/2020 1:45 PM
Posted by coreander on 6/25/2020 12:13:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dahsdebater on 6/25/2020 12:12:00 PM (view original):
There are also differences in the distribution of genes for facial structure, muscle composition, etc.
This is a very dangerous and wrong statement.
Explain to me how the factually accurate thing I said is wrong.

This should be fun.
6/25/2020 1:48 PM
Posted by tangplay on 6/25/2020 1:40:00 PM (view original):
Who wins: Coreander's 10k likes per tweet, or crazy's "money making" YouTube channel?
who cares who wins?
6/25/2020 1:52 PM
Seble should ban these racist losers. Of course, they are so stupid that there is a 100% chance that they call me intolerant for staying that
6/25/2020 1:53 PM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 1:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/25/2020 11:37:00 AM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 9:49:00 AM (view original):
Just remember your not black unless you vote for Joe Biden , thats the most racist thing i have heard in a long time towards a black person, like your going to take away there blackness , dude is a clown, creepy joe, so sad...
I know I shouldn't respond to you, but you literally just said that people who vote for Democrats aren't Christian.
Its a quote most use that i agree with, i dont see how someone can support killing babies and call themselves a christian, thats my personal belief
durrr durrr durr durr

How can someone call themselves a Christian and support doing absolute nothing for LIVING CHILDREN that are struggling and dying as a result of the way our society "functions?" They can't. You are a hypocrite
6/25/2020 1:54 PM
Posted by sinatra on 6/25/2020 1:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 1:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/25/2020 11:37:00 AM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 9:49:00 AM (view original):
Just remember your not black unless you vote for Joe Biden , thats the most racist thing i have heard in a long time towards a black person, like your going to take away there blackness , dude is a clown, creepy joe, so sad...
I know I shouldn't respond to you, but you literally just said that people who vote for Democrats aren't Christian.
Its a quote most use that i agree with, i dont see how someone can support killing babies and call themselves a christian, thats my personal belief
durrr durrr durr durr

How can someone call themselves a Christian and support doing absolute nothing for LIVING CHILDREN that are struggling and dying as a result of the way our society "functions?" They can't. You are a hypocrite
Republicans would absolutely hate Jesus if he were alive today. Brown-skinned, middle eastern guy preaching that wealth is evil? Shut it down.
6/25/2020 1:56 PM
The guy doesn't see the hypocrisy. At least CCCP retracted his statement about fake Jews.
6/25/2020 1:57 PM
Posted by dBKC on 6/25/2020 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Someone could say “I like cheeseburgers” and this dude would pop out of nowhere with “Trump is better for blacks than anyone else ever your retarded if yu don’t like him, he’s good for unemployment and bidden bad”

Get off his nuts. No one mentioned him. Seble didn’t mention him. You’re in a cult. Wake up dude.
If u dont realize blm is a brain washed democratic party movement then your the one in a cult.. I have never voted republican before, but its honeslty not even close anymore which side is good and which is bad, im pro life, pro god , im not pro gun although with everything happening im more pro gun then ever although ill never buy one everyone has a right to defend themselves from government and other things, we are on the brink of a civil war and it wont be pretty , ill be on the god gun side any day of the week over someone whos publicity stated racist comments , promotes hate, promotes cancel culture, among other things...
Again back to seble for the 100th time, we all know what he was saying whether he used the catch phrase or not u wanna know how i know?
I have not seen 1 company promote anything other than Blm, its disgusting, is horrible to force your political agenda on to someone who sees through the lies, but you as a businessman cant say All lives matter right now, or you will be fired cause of the backlash, that is a fact.

So yes seble was wrong for bringing to this game, i agree 100% that racism is bad and anyone doing it on any level is a piece of ****...i grew up in a i wont say predominantly black community but its more than double here than the national average.
My neighbors are all black, i wave to every single one of them everytime i see them, if they need something they come and ask and i always am there for them, whether its my lawn mover, suger whatever , i didnt even know racism exsisted until i went to a about mixed school, my hero growing up was Micheal Jordan, i never once thought oh hes black, it never mattered to me i wanted to be like mike......Him being black or anyone else , i just dont see any difference, we are humans.
Now have i been a victim of racism of course , soo soo many times, cracker you cant play ball, Hey larry bird,steve kerr, andre kiralenko, (probably didnt spell that right here comes the nazi) white men cant jump, etc etc.
But i could play, i could dunk i was one of the best player in most gyms i ever stepped foot in..
Of course there way way more examples but im sure you get the point.
You treat others based on character not skin color...

i dont think there is much left for me to say here , so i turn this thread to whoever wants to highjack it with there 8k posts who obviosuly have no life and only care about arguiing on forums.

yes i have a youtube channel, yes i make money from it, nothing wrong with that, i only brought it up since so many seem to be against it even though google and youtube are against conservatives there is a lawsuit going against youtube for them removing conservatibe videos, youtube is just a platform for normal people to express themselevsles, help people, promote things whatever its literally endless..
My channel which im not going to post, is for helping people, i play video games , shouldnt be surprising, and i dont believe in spending money in games so i help All people , not spend money and still have the best of everything the game offers..

Good day and god bless us ALL
6/25/2020 2:12 PM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 2:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dBKC on 6/25/2020 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Someone could say “I like cheeseburgers” and this dude would pop out of nowhere with “Trump is better for blacks than anyone else ever your retarded if yu don’t like him, he’s good for unemployment and bidden bad”

Get off his nuts. No one mentioned him. Seble didn’t mention him. You’re in a cult. Wake up dude.
If u dont realize blm is a brain washed democratic party movement then your the one in a cult.. I have never voted republican before, but its honeslty not even close anymore which side is good and which is bad, im pro life, pro god , im not pro gun although with everything happening im more pro gun then ever although ill never buy one everyone has a right to defend themselves from government and other things, we are on the brink of a civil war and it wont be pretty , ill be on the god gun side any day of the week over someone whos publicity stated racist comments , promotes hate, promotes cancel culture, among other things...
Again back to seble for the 100th time, we all know what he was saying whether he used the catch phrase or not u wanna know how i know?
I have not seen 1 company promote anything other than Blm, its disgusting, is horrible to force your political agenda on to someone who sees through the lies, but you as a businessman cant say All lives matter right now, or you will be fired cause of the backlash, that is a fact.

So yes seble was wrong for bringing to this game, i agree 100% that racism is bad and anyone doing it on any level is a piece of ****...i grew up in a i wont say predominantly black community but its more than double here than the national average.
My neighbors are all black, i wave to every single one of them everytime i see them, if they need something they come and ask and i always am there for them, whether its my lawn mover, suger whatever , i didnt even know racism exsisted until i went to a about mixed school, my hero growing up was Micheal Jordan, i never once thought oh hes black, it never mattered to me i wanted to be like mike......Him being black or anyone else , i just dont see any difference, we are humans.
Now have i been a victim of racism of course , soo soo many times, cracker you cant play ball, Hey larry bird,steve kerr, andre kiralenko, (probably didnt spell that right here comes the nazi) white men cant jump, etc etc.
But i could play, i could dunk i was one of the best player in most gyms i ever stepped foot in..
Of course there way way more examples but im sure you get the point.
You treat others based on character not skin color...

i dont think there is much left for me to say here , so i turn this thread to whoever wants to highjack it with there 8k posts who obviosuly have no life and only care about arguiing on forums.

yes i have a youtube channel, yes i make money from it, nothing wrong with that, i only brought it up since so many seem to be against it even though google and youtube are against conservatives there is a lawsuit going against youtube for them removing conservatibe videos, youtube is just a platform for normal people to express themselevsles, help people, promote things whatever its literally endless..
My channel which im not going to post, is for helping people, i play video games , shouldnt be surprising, and i dont believe in spending money in games so i help All people , not spend money and still have the best of everything the game offers..

Good day and god bless us ALL
6/25/2020 2:15 PM
Posted by dBKC on 6/25/2020 1:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by sinatra on 6/25/2020 1:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 1:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/25/2020 11:37:00 AM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 9:49:00 AM (view original):
Just remember your not black unless you vote for Joe Biden , thats the most racist thing i have heard in a long time towards a black person, like your going to take away there blackness , dude is a clown, creepy joe, so sad...
I know I shouldn't respond to you, but you literally just said that people who vote for Democrats aren't Christian.
Its a quote most use that i agree with, i dont see how someone can support killing babies and call themselves a christian, thats my personal belief
durrr durrr durr durr

How can someone call themselves a Christian and support doing absolute nothing for LIVING CHILDREN that are struggling and dying as a result of the way our society "functions?" They can't. You are a hypocrite
Republicans would absolutely hate Jesus if he were alive today. Brown-skinned, middle eastern guy preaching that wealth is evil? Shut it down.
Im a catholic christian and i whole heartly disagree, its obvious in your response that your racist tho, ive known my.whole life jesus isnt white who cares...nobody..except u
Plus what is being white im mixed of proabaly every race, Irish, indian,sweetish,heck i cant even think of them all, who cares you are a human being.
When im asked what race are you on anything you wanna know what i put. Prefer not to say, cause it doesnt matter....
6/25/2020 2:16 PM
Posted by sinatra on 6/25/2020 2:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 2:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dBKC on 6/25/2020 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Someone could say “I like cheeseburgers” and this dude would pop out of nowhere with “Trump is better for blacks than anyone else ever your retarded if yu don’t like him, he’s good for unemployment and bidden bad”

Get off his nuts. No one mentioned him. Seble didn’t mention him. You’re in a cult. Wake up dude.
If u dont realize blm is a brain washed democratic party movement then your the one in a cult.. I have never voted republican before, but its honeslty not even close anymore which side is good and which is bad, im pro life, pro god , im not pro gun although with everything happening im more pro gun then ever although ill never buy one everyone has a right to defend themselves from government and other things, we are on the brink of a civil war and it wont be pretty , ill be on the god gun side any day of the week over someone whos publicity stated racist comments , promotes hate, promotes cancel culture, among other things...
Again back to seble for the 100th time, we all know what he was saying whether he used the catch phrase or not u wanna know how i know?
I have not seen 1 company promote anything other than Blm, its disgusting, is horrible to force your political agenda on to someone who sees through the lies, but you as a businessman cant say All lives matter right now, or you will be fired cause of the backlash, that is a fact.

So yes seble was wrong for bringing to this game, i agree 100% that racism is bad and anyone doing it on any level is a piece of ****...i grew up in a i wont say predominantly black community but its more than double here than the national average.
My neighbors are all black, i wave to every single one of them everytime i see them, if they need something they come and ask and i always am there for them, whether its my lawn mover, suger whatever , i didnt even know racism exsisted until i went to a about mixed school, my hero growing up was Micheal Jordan, i never once thought oh hes black, it never mattered to me i wanted to be like mike......Him being black or anyone else , i just dont see any difference, we are humans.
Now have i been a victim of racism of course , soo soo many times, cracker you cant play ball, Hey larry bird,steve kerr, andre kiralenko, (probably didnt spell that right here comes the nazi) white men cant jump, etc etc.
But i could play, i could dunk i was one of the best player in most gyms i ever stepped foot in..
Of course there way way more examples but im sure you get the point.
You treat others based on character not skin color...

i dont think there is much left for me to say here , so i turn this thread to whoever wants to highjack it with there 8k posts who obviosuly have no life and only care about arguiing on forums.

yes i have a youtube channel, yes i make money from it, nothing wrong with that, i only brought it up since so many seem to be against it even though google and youtube are against conservatives there is a lawsuit going against youtube for them removing conservatibe videos, youtube is just a platform for normal people to express themselevsles, help people, promote things whatever its literally endless..
My channel which im not going to post, is for helping people, i play video games , shouldnt be surprising, and i dont believe in spending money in games so i help All people , not spend money and still have the best of everything the game offers..

Good day and god bless us ALL
If your offended by god i feel sorry for you bud.
6/25/2020 2:18 PM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 2:16:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dBKC on 6/25/2020 1:56:00 PM (view original):
Posted by sinatra on 6/25/2020 1:54:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 1:45:00 PM (view original):
Posted by tangplay on 6/25/2020 11:37:00 AM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 9:49:00 AM (view original):
Just remember your not black unless you vote for Joe Biden , thats the most racist thing i have heard in a long time towards a black person, like your going to take away there blackness , dude is a clown, creepy joe, so sad...
I know I shouldn't respond to you, but you literally just said that people who vote for Democrats aren't Christian.
Its a quote most use that i agree with, i dont see how someone can support killing babies and call themselves a christian, thats my personal belief
durrr durrr durr durr

How can someone call themselves a Christian and support doing absolute nothing for LIVING CHILDREN that are struggling and dying as a result of the way our society "functions?" They can't. You are a hypocrite
Republicans would absolutely hate Jesus if he were alive today. Brown-skinned, middle eastern guy preaching that wealth is evil? Shut it down.
Im a catholic christian and i whole heartly disagree, its obvious in your response that your racist tho, ive known my.whole life jesus isnt white who cares...nobody..except u
Plus what is being white im mixed of proabaly every race, Irish, indian,sweetish,heck i cant even think of them all, who cares you are a human being.
When im asked what race are you on anything you wanna know what i put. Prefer not to say, cause it doesnt matter....
Because if Jesus we’re alive today he’d be a poor man in a 3rd world country, and most likely in the migrant groups that got locked up at the border or in a country that was being bombed by our air force. And I never see republicans speak out against anything like that. If you happen to actually give a **** about kids in cages at our border or bombs we’re dropping all over the Middle East then I apologize because you’d be one of the first Trump fans I’ve seen who thinks that way.
6/25/2020 2:20 PM
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 2:18:00 PM (view original):
Posted by sinatra on 6/25/2020 2:15:00 PM (view original):
Posted by crzyballplay on 6/25/2020 2:12:00 PM (view original):
Posted by dBKC on 6/25/2020 1:22:00 PM (view original):
Someone could say “I like cheeseburgers” and this dude would pop out of nowhere with “Trump is better for blacks than anyone else ever your retarded if yu don’t like him, he’s good for unemployment and bidden bad”

Get off his nuts. No one mentioned him. Seble didn’t mention him. You’re in a cult. Wake up dude.
If u dont realize blm is a brain washed democratic party movement then your the one in a cult.. I have never voted republican before, but its honeslty not even close anymore which side is good and which is bad, im pro life, pro god , im not pro gun although with everything happening im more pro gun then ever although ill never buy one everyone has a right to defend themselves from government and other things, we are on the brink of a civil war and it wont be pretty , ill be on the god gun side any day of the week over someone whos publicity stated racist comments , promotes hate, promotes cancel culture, among other things...
Again back to seble for the 100th time, we all know what he was saying whether he used the catch phrase or not u wanna know how i know?
I have not seen 1 company promote anything other than Blm, its disgusting, is horrible to force your political agenda on to someone who sees through the lies, but you as a businessman cant say All lives matter right now, or you will be fired cause of the backlash, that is a fact.

So yes seble was wrong for bringing to this game, i agree 100% that racism is bad and anyone doing it on any level is a piece of ****...i grew up in a i wont say predominantly black community but its more than double here than the national average.
My neighbors are all black, i wave to every single one of them everytime i see them, if they need something they come and ask and i always am there for them, whether its my lawn mover, suger whatever , i didnt even know racism exsisted until i went to a about mixed school, my hero growing up was Micheal Jordan, i never once thought oh hes black, it never mattered to me i wanted to be like mike......Him being black or anyone else , i just dont see any difference, we are humans.
Now have i been a victim of racism of course , soo soo many times, cracker you cant play ball, Hey larry bird,steve kerr, andre kiralenko, (probably didnt spell that right here comes the nazi) white men cant jump, etc etc.
But i could play, i could dunk i was one of the best player in most gyms i ever stepped foot in..
Of course there way way more examples but im sure you get the point.
You treat others based on character not skin color...

i dont think there is much left for me to say here , so i turn this thread to whoever wants to highjack it with there 8k posts who obviosuly have no life and only care about arguiing on forums.

yes i have a youtube channel, yes i make money from it, nothing wrong with that, i only brought it up since so many seem to be against it even though google and youtube are against conservatives there is a lawsuit going against youtube for them removing conservatibe videos, youtube is just a platform for normal people to express themselevsles, help people, promote things whatever its literally endless..
My channel which im not going to post, is for helping people, i play video games , shouldnt be surprising, and i dont believe in spending money in games so i help All people , not spend money and still have the best of everything the game offers..

Good day and god bless us ALL
If your offended by god i feel sorry for you bud.
Where did anyone say that they were offended? Talking to a Trump supporter is like pulling the string on a talking will just spew some random bullshit instead of anything remotely relevant.
6/25/2020 2:20 PM
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Seble is wrong Topic

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