As regards Servais as a lock - I think we pushed that out a little too hard last season and received (deserved) pushback. He's a good player but not a great one, and really the only thing that recommends him in a major way is his batting average. 300+ homers which is good but not crazy. He stole 200 bases, but he was also caught 160 times, so like, not much value there. He played 2B and CF which should in theory boost him (and we want to try to get more of those players in) BUT he played them HORRIBLY. 136 negative plays at 2nd, 30+ at CF, he was a real liability in both spots. I think our experience in the past few seasons has showed that people don't really want merely decent players with warts shoved at them as locks; We've done a good job of getting a lot of strong players in but I think we can take a step back and keep players like Servais (and Shipley, and Jacome, who are both awesome but not NEED to be there guys) and recommend them strongly and make arguments for them, but not say we're essentially demanding everyone vote for them. That would be my thought on how to proceed.
On McKain, I honestly can't believe we're still doing this. It's kinda silly at this point - there has been virtually zero support for him from the electorate even in the times we DID say "ok some people feel strongly about him," and I really do think it undermines us to be putting a player out there who the vast majority of people look at and say "this guy is a gadget player and absolutely not a hall of famer" - which, if you can't tell, is 100% my stance. But if you feel like we need to, I'll do it again, and he'll get 5 votes, again.
For the record, I do enjoy this discourse and am happy we continue to do something that helps this world stand out; my mckain hate aside, thanks for continuing to push this, commish.