I have several thoughts on this. One, yes we will probably get lots of emails about Daily Fantasy Leagues. Two, the FOX era like anything done by that icon of conservative media was not just a disaster, it was an epic fail. I remember when dev chats were common, the developers communicated regularly with the community, improvements were made based on feedback from the community, all that went to pot over time during the FOX days. Three, several of the games have not undergone updates for a long while. My favorite games on here have always been the two baseball games and while much is to like about both HBD and sim baseball, you never want to get comfortable and complacent. For instance, in the league creation area for Sim Baseball, the season type option has said 2001-2008 since those extra league formats were added in, well 2008. Now it should say 2001-2012 and a new 30 team option with interleague through out should be given for 2013-present until the next change that comes at MLB through expansion some day. I know such a schedule can be created, I sent two prototypes to WIS, one that is based off a true 2013-present style MLB schedule and one that is a schedule where everyone plays everyone in a standard type league but with 30 teams using todays alignment. Four and finally, a small start up will care more about the success of WIS and want to market the games. I've done my part, did the Facebook likes and shares, I even tweeted results of a simulation league I ran for a while this spring. someone who cares more needs to market WIS and help grow the games, especially in HD where worlds have very few new joining members. Also, get back to those sim league baseball roots and get some marketing done with MLB itself, as I learned about the site through something I saw on MLB's site way back in 2003 when I got on board and was hooked, particularly on the baseball.