Supper Challenge with advise Topic

Hey internet coaches I am looking for some advice regarding should I continue or moving forward with a different team. I moved up to 1A and took the Navy job in Bryant. Normally I like the challenge of building teams or playing in difficult conferences. To me the game is more fun. Hence the Navy gig. We are in recruiting phase and my god I can't get anyone to bit or commit. I have never had such a challenge with recruiting ever before. NEVER!! Is this the next level of playing from D1A from 1AA. We recruit from the same pool of talent. The team before Navy I coached was able to draw solid 1A kids no problem.

5/19/2024 8:55 AM
This is your 2nd season recruiting there. What's different? Are you maybe aiming too high? Current prestige of that team is low so if you're going up againt BCS IA sims it can get expensive

Maybe give a specific example what happened.
5/19/2024 9:07 AM
Thank you for the reply and that should have been brought up earlier. For example, I'm down to two (2) QB's Seniors and couldn't land one last cycle even with the whole starting freshman, playing time etc. ordeal. Same this season and nobody not even the 1AA QB's. I get it Navy isn't the most glamour school at the moment. I totally understand the whole O-line and D-line savagery when it comes to recruiting but again that is nuts even at the lower-level recruits. the rest of the position players are not as bad but given the opportunity to start and get immediate playing time only matters in certain programs. Thank you for your time and energy.
5/19/2024 12:56 PM
The SIM AI's are no punk to battle with even getting beat by 1AA for recruits. I've spent 10k on some only to get the blind eye or peace out. The only option I haven't tried is the booster/gift Methode and that isn't my game. I don't want to get penalized later down the road
5/19/2024 12:58 PM
Well, you're right about one thing -- don't do boosters. As for the rest, it sounds like you are shooting too high. Remember what it was like starting out at your D1AA school? You are back at that point again. There is a LOT of overlap between D1A recruits and D1AA recruits. Hopefully you learned to recruit efficiently at D1AA -- if not, you will continue to have trouble at D1A, and may need to step back to learn good D1AA recruiting skills. If you do that, choose a school in a recruit-rich environment with a lot of D1AA schools around you. That is your situation at Navy, unlike when you were at ISU. However, ISU was already good when you took them over, then declined until season 199, when you seemed to have learned enough to put them on an upswing. Navy was not good, really not good, when you took them so you will need to be patient. Good luck.
5/19/2024 3:08 PM
Thank you to both of you for the response. Yes my last team took a dive especially mid way. I stopped playing but was able to right the ship. Again thank you for the pointers and I’m committed to the grind regarding Navy. I hope you guys have great seasons
5/20/2024 7:07 AM
sims can be beaten by navy usually around 15-20 cvs. some guys might be a little less, some guys might be more. the prestige of your school i think just makes them accept your stuff quicker. i.e. if you're lower prestige from not winning recently, you may have him decline everything for 2 or 3 cycles sometimes. your conference's prestige plays a little bigger role. it will take you a couple more cvs than big east or big ten non-elites, but only a couple. thats gonna be a tough area in bryant, not because its navy so much, but there are a lot of good coaches around that area. There are also a lot of recruits over there every year, so if you're crafty you can make it work there.
5/20/2024 3:02 PM
Supper Challenge with advise Topic

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