Ash, this is a follow up to a previous discussion we had on extra playoff minutes. I looked at some data from a recent playoff I was in and now believe that the earned minutes is quite a lot less than I previously thought.
I had a 7 game layoff in first round (and 1 game layoff in 2nd round which I will not even count) Olajuwon got to fatigue level in my 10th game after using 291 minutes. Normally, Olajuwon would be at fatigue in 10 games at 256 minutes (25.1 x10 x 1.02). That means I only got 35 minutes credit for 7 (or 8) games off.
That works out to 35/7= 5 minutes credit per layoff game for a 25.1 minute guy or approximately 20%. I had thought the minute credit would be about 100% less some dampening effect but not down to 20%.
Am I calculating anything incorrectly here?