2 centers starting half ct vs up tempo Topic

if you use a center who is rated 100% at power forward at the PF position can that effect the choice of offense scheme..up tempo vs half court?
9/26/2011 7:47 PM

You need to look at the usage of your starting lineup to determine offensive tempo.  Most top teams run uptempo, but there are several that have been successful running other offenses.  The sim doesn't look at individual player speed (it has no metric to determine this) so the sim can't say two centers could create a slower team.
9/26/2011 10:15 PM
No. A player's historic position played means nothing here.
9/26/2011 10:17 PM
Posted by slymonium on 9/26/2011 10:17:00 PM (view original):
No. A player's historic position played means nothing here.
9/27/2011 1:13 AM
thanks guys..coincidentally to malone the center in question was moses malone 82-83.
9/27/2011 11:16 AM
2 centers starting half ct vs up tempo Topic

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