as soon as wis went to fox, the quality of the site went into the crapper... that was a few years ago... and we weathered the storms... now, wis sends a thank you to their owners who have had just one team from the past year, still forgetting the diehard owners who have always maintained multiple teams through multiple years,. especially through the dark years. again, another slam... however, i do believe admin when they imply that the shackles are off and they can again begin to focus on wis.
however, i think they need to let up a bit about predicting NFL games, MLB predictions, NCAA games... i have looked at their track record and it sucks. if i was a betting man i think i might use wis's predictions to bet against them. why do they do this? yeah, i'm pretty sure it's about advertising, but no one in their right mind would use wis as a means to place their bets with.
fox has been a poison, and as for me, what i believe about wis's newfound dedication to its original focus and style of development, well, the jury is still out. i don't think it can recapture the fun and reliability of days old, not until fox lets go of its stranglehold around wis's neck.