No, it was you asking a question, me answering, and then you saying you already knew the answer and I'm wrong. If you already know the answer, don't ask a question. Thats all.
I've been in one playoff that started then got restarted. I was up 2-0 and remember being okay with it. I actually won 3-0 when it started again, but even if it didn't I'd've been fine. It may because I'm more stat minded. Say I have a 58% chance of beating a team in a series. I don't have a 100% or 0%, but 58%. Winning or losing therefore involves luck. All I can ask is that the 100 sided die is rolled with 1-58 marked in my favor. So if I'm up 2-0, then start over and lose 1-3 or whatever, I don't feel cheated. Being up 2-0 was just lucky, and after starting over I have the same liklihood of being that lucky again. I certainly don't feel like I "earned" being up 2-0.
8/15/2010 11:51 PM (edited)