Statistics "+" Topic

Can somebody please explain to me the 2 or 3 digit number on advanced stats for a player?  For example, if we are looking at Ed Walsh, White Sox pitcher, it might say ERA, then below that it'll say 129    then it might say  OppAve followed by 198 after that.

Just curious what is the table for recognizing what these numbers mean  or how to read them. I became curious about it seeing that an opponent has Ed Walsh 95+ hr/9 innings.  I thought this was a terrible number and meant he gives up alot. However, i see he's given up 0 hr in 64 innings in a 100 mil league.

Thanks in Advance,

6/21/2010 4:38 AM
The + means that the number is normalized - compared to the league average for that league season (so the AL in 1908 for Walsh, for example)

100 is average. A higher number is better than average.

A HR/9+ of 95 means that Walsh was 95% as good as the average AL 1908 pitcher in preventing HRs. A score of 120 would be better than 95.

But not all HR/9+ numbers are the same - the raw HR/9 also factors in. A pitcher with a raw HR/9 of .10 and a HR/9+ of 96 will give up less HRs than a pitcher with a raw HR/9 of 0.70 and a HR/9+ of 96.

[Someone put together a chart of what you can realistically expect a pitcher to give up, but I can't find it]

6/21/2010 8:14 AM
Thanks for that info Franco. I had no idea. I thought the raw number basically meant nothing and it was the normalized hr/9+ that really mattered. Therefore i was looking to avoid even deadball pitchers that had raw .15 hr/9 if they were under 100 hr/9+.   So that is why Pedro martinez can give up 45 hr's in petco with a +150 hr/9+  while a walsh at 95 hr/9+  would give up 3 for example?

6/21/2010 1:09 PM
Walsh will end up giving up some homers, but not a ton.  Certainly not as many per inning as Pedro.  Pedro's HR/9+ is over 100, but the engine doesn't use HR/9.  It actually computes results using HR/hit, and Pedro's HR/h+ for 2000 is actually below 100.  The easiest way to get a rough estimate of how many HRs a pitcher will give up is to use HR/9# now that you can see and search by it.
6/21/2010 1:26 PM
Ahh thanks for the tip. I guess i didn't know completely what to search for and i was often taking players giving up 40+ hr's a year and driving me crazy.  Every bit of info helps improve teams. Thanks fellas.
6/21/2010 4:10 PM
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