HIT & RUN. 0 or 1. I think it's an anti-percentage play, I don't trust how Sparky uses it, and I don't fully understand it.
BASE RUNNING. 2 if I have a high scoring team or a HR team because I don't want to be making outs on the bases. 4 for a low scoring slap-hitting speed team. otherwise 3. 1 is too cautious, 5 is too aggressive except in extreme cases.
IBB. Zero. One of the worst plays in baseball.
PINCH-HIT. 4 or 5, then exempt everyone I don't want to pinch hit for, including picthers who can hit.
PINCH-RUN. 4 if I have pinch runners. Note that if PH and PR are 5 you could use up your roster too quickly in a close game.
BUNT. 0 or 1 for all good hitters. not a good percentage play.
SB - mostly depends on CS%. anybody thrown out half the time should be set to 0. need about 75% success to give him a 3. 90+% for a 5.