Can you help clairify the "Out of Position" penalties below:
Fielding Penalty:
Anytime a player is put in a position he didn't play that season, his fielding percentage is mapped to the new position (maintaininig the same level of play). Then he is assigned a 2% penalty to his fielding percentage. Each shift along the spectrum results in an additional 4% hit.
Fielding Questions:
So moving two spots down the spectrum would be -10% or (-2% + (-4% x 2))?
What would the % be if you moved two spots up the spectrum?
Range Penalty:
Range works the same way with different penalty values. 10% hit for being out of position, and a 15% hit for each shift on the spectrum (in the more difficult direction).
Range Questions:
So moving two spots down the spectrum would be -20% or (-10% x 2) to range?
If you moved two spots up the spectrum the penalty would be -40% or (-10% + (-15% x 2)) to range?
Thanks in advance for the help.