I work in an escalations dept for a customer service company whose client is very large and well known. A fair amount of what I do is damage control, let people know that I'm going to "forward suggestions along" or "pull other calls and bust some heads" but I'll never do it, I don't really have the resources and it's not my job...if the problems aren't affecting the bottom line, then there's really no reason to change...it's kind of changed my approach/behavior in situations, because I almost automatically feel that at this point my point of view/prerogative/suggestion/etc will ALWAYS fall on deaf ears.
With that said, I find this circumstance to be a bit different. I'm almost positive that the programmers are the "customer service" reps as well, so while they may be doing what I do, they actually have the control/power to change the ills of their product, and they're not even as close to being as prosperous as our client is (and I'm not even really proud to work for the company that I do, but it is what it is), thus their responses come off like they're petulant children and that's really discouraging. Users don't give a damn about this game because the programmers/WIS/FOX don't give a damn about this game, and it's unfortunate...this used to be fun. The programmers get what they put in, and when they refuse to legitimately delve into the problems of their game/product, then they're really doing a disservice to EVERYONE.
Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in...carry on.