Overall, I would rate this simulation as being much better than Strat-O-Matic, but there are certain areas of player control where Strat has the edge, this being one of them. Most of the issues we complain about could be addressed by simply having more boxes to check, giving us more control over the players. For example, when leading off an inning...or with a (Check box here) X speed rated runner on first, less than 2 outs...or with an (check box here) X rated catcher...etc. The controls we do have are OK, but there are many situations where our settings become what we wouldn't want. It isn't as if we don't know the possible consequences, say, of having a prolific base stealer set to 5 in the top of the ninth when we are down 2 runs, but we have to set things up for the top of the 1st, or for the more general welfare of the team.